THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 1900, LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In And About Belle- fonte. PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS Few in This Week That Are Worth Noting in a What Has Transpired Community During the Past Movements of Our People. [tems Lines The new uniforms. The Democratic primary election will take place on Saturday, June 2nd. The court has granted a tavern li- cense at Sandy Ridge to Benjamin Cow- perthwaite. Ralph Mallory attended the conven- tion of the State Photographers Associa- last week policemen are sporting tion at Pittsburg Nothing is more out of than a dirty angel, and that taste good is why the fountain should be repain r Go el H Forme Hastings s booked to d athe e of the exe MD something of opy in this office by each cement Monday wishes his adve: week, changed th week, coming later it will not be changed the fo this, as until wing week Remember these rules will be adhered the future month, four y announced. If | f your friends in | trumet hustle in your friends to pay 1 get the bene " as fast ed on mead A Glass Work urday after. noon, between the Altoona High school and the Belle The game was closed in the beginning of the ninth inning to enable the visitors to catch the train for Altoona. The score stood 12 to 10 in favor of Altoona. The academy boys say "“if,"" etc., but they were beaten all the same. It was 2 good game, with fine playing on both sides, ~Among the new advertisements to be found in this issue is the Mercantile Apvoraiser’s list for the vear 1900. This year the appraisement is made under the provisions of a new act that brings ju a great many parties who formerly re exempt from the tax. That makes list considerably larger thau usual, Mr. Pontius, the appraiser, appointed for this year, found the work quite tedious in many cases, as the sew act made it difficult for many to understand and make up correct reports, foute Academy | News « “Horse Ra { another in | du weeks | Ait for grinding chop —Qur organ contest will close Wednes- day, May 3oth, “Ole Oleson’’ house, May 14th. The first curb market for the season will be held on Saturday morning. Witmer, been working at his trade in will be at the opera has the Oliver of this place, Tyrone past month, —Chas. Gillen and Fred Sourbeck left on Tuesday afternoon for a to weeks trip New York. the D. A, evening by ~The Bellefonte Chapter of R. were entertained Tuesday Mrs. Daniel H. Hastings, Harry Miller, a son of Orrin Miller, departed on Tuesday for Missouri where he will work at plastering. Hazel, Wednesday morni LR). left where of Axemann, on ng for Altoona, he expects to secure a position on the street car service. Wednesday evening, May 16! Mead, of New York, will s Court House, peak under the auspices ¢, purser which has to make has secur The rsday evening reception will be 1 article yesterday's in ng Associati stance where cowardice in. luces the writer to his name The News should have produced the of this ing from am! self 1 11 DOS ush, Wallace White | tory dam, power and inn, and will improve the same putting mm a new hy. drau der pt , B lete out He has CHSATY power A com and feed. a good location and the nec It to erect a dwelling on the same premises, for these purposes intention Andrew Meis, who was killed a few | bu weeks ago on the Penvsylvania Railroad at Mineral Point, while employed as a brakeman on a freight train, was a member of the Pennsylvania Railroad Relief Association, having joined about a month before his death. As a result of this his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Meis, of this place, will receive the sum of $500.00, «J. A. B. Miller, one of the promising young men of Moshannon, has moved his family to Milesburg and is putting in his time wrestling with the law, as a student in the office of Reeder & Quigley, at this place. Mr. Miller has been reading for some time and expects to apply for ad. mission before very long. He has the energy and pluck to succeed in that pro. fession, and we expect 10 hear from him later, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICH Charles Wesley Kaler Mary Etta Byerly . . . J t ; Ferdinand Beezer Jellefonte NSHKS, Coburn Herndon Yeisonn Biederman ig Itoona Walker On Wednesday even. at the home of the Jacksonville, Co. Mr, Mervin S, both of Jacksonville, Newton Kling mma V, Sayers BETZ HARTER ing, May bride and, 1900, , near Centre Pa., by Rev. I. N and Alic HARTER-HARTER img, April 29, Bair, Betz ¢ Harter, On Sabbath even. the Evangelical Howard, Pa., by I. N. Bair, . Harter and Miss Bessie May oth of Nit 1600, at Ri ouags Mr, iy : Co. Pa. REAL tany Valley, Centre ESTATE TRANSFERS Th utler, Howard mas Batler et uxto Burdine B 23, 18913; lot of ground in "W p. for Church to be Remodeled Methodists of Bellefonte have Sweede n ng, May 14th Houser left Mt « PR., urday for where Heverly three i be who has past on» ge W. Woods iness man from weeks, 8 mn about again mE, a prominent We You D:. WW. Huefield, Ex.-Sheriff Woodring, the past week. visited his cousin, Ex-Register G. W. Rumberger, now of Unionville, was in town on Friday. He is putting in his time improving his property and is tanned as brown as a berry and says be has an appetite that is alarming. The Old Folks Concert held Friday evening al the residence of Mr. FP. Ww. Crider, on West Linn street, was well at. tended and an amusing entertainment was prepared, in which the *‘old folks" took the leading parts, Frank Wallace, Jr., of Milesburg, a member of Company B, of this place, who accidently fell off a train while on his way home from Chickamauga, and fractured his skull, has been grasted a pension of §17 per month, | away CONTEST MAY CLOSE MAY 30th, The coutest for the Cornish Chapel Organ, instituted by this paper, has at. tracted much attention and the readers of the paper are anxious to see who will get this handsome instrument, We realize that the time for closing the now con test is entirely too long ahead and some of the willingness to see have the a date as possible contestants expressed a same close at as We have sted, but agree to such a proposition as carly not spoken to all parties in case all we will cheerfully close the contest one month earlier than originally announced, from 27th, 1c June 24 to evening, So that Wednesday May be no misunderstanding we | not urge the clo test for that Bay might be favoritism in the change; 1" all there may the oth, in malter, wil ing of the con. there | but if | three highest the fear some may parties concerned, the on the list, agree to have award form us to that effect, very g ke the g of the comin made earlier, and it we will ladly mz last count 1 on the evenin 1 was one of the 1 y Yo [3 with apo ana in Her aad she passed | Aon | She | DAme Was Shaffer, was $8 years of age was a daughter of Capt. George Shaffer | ived by her hos | Mrs amuel | of that place, and 5 sure one son aughter, Oentze 3 ter, Mrs. S of 7 funera! takes | ace this Thursday morning - | Died From Burn who was ten Wednesday n the yard] rtha Koch, Be ) lefonte last mornin ashe Was ng a bust mand Frank Koch, now a soldier in the Philip | Deceased Rice, te] samuel Rice father brothers and sis and two small children Miss Bertha d Mrs her pines, formerly daughter of M1 She is also survived by WAS an and ! mother and following ters: David, Harry, Mrs George Hockenbury and Mrs, Jacob Shirk, all of this place. The funeral took place Satuday afternoon at 20'clock from the Methodist church at the Forge, of which deceased was a member. In. terment in the Forge cemetery, - ————— ————— Died at Scranton, Gammel, Roland Frantz, a former resident of Sugar Valley, died Monday at Scranton where he bad been employed in a silk mill. The remains will be forwarded to the home of the deceased at Tylers. ville, where the funeral will be held Thursday. - Axe Grinders Strike, The grinders at the axe factory, Mill Hall, struck for higher wages Monday morning, About twentyfive men walk. ed out, County, ing in the arbitration room in the house, portant business number for member ship from all county, Er meeting were by bal 1 fin luting refu IS been league any the | league is in the laws in their res are pay lit | of these | y | band | ment of sala « SPORTSMAN'S LEAGUE. The Sportsmen’s league, of Centre held their regular monthly meet. courl on Friday evening, and some im- Al received sections of the the form al i ' admitted to the lea was considered. arge of ay were plicantions and others reported at gue lot, Information wa ! stocked trout with the has the from m and the the stion referred to of allorney and will } legal county will al The constables $0 be notified that anxious to co-operate with them enforcement of the gan pective cts. There pumerous instances v bi tie or no attention ation iaws and they will that they can be held be rn, Penna Il am in receis nclosing draft } ork Life urance Company for § in payment of po! my ased | had in said any, for please accept my thanks I am much pleased | treatmen ived from the and the prompt and satis aim, Icy Gece comp whic very rece Yours vers | ‘GLOVE FITTING SHOES FOR SPRING WEAR. | 1 YOU kn wha Wf shoe we carry and that every like you let us do the fitting \ Know hts they pair we sell a glove.—if We can’t guarantee a per- fect fit to people who know better than we what they want. They must abide by their own decision. We give you what you ask for if you insist; what is best for you if you per mit us, Every Spring style now ready for your inspection, Polite attention promised whether you come to look or to buy, Mingle's Shoe Store. acted upon if there is | of | the | ne and fish | these | VALI THE MOUNTAIN FIRES The burning over of the : week will make a short hu in many sections of the cou deal of money is 2 and bur: he rain tha want tog ARLE ¢k Haves Mark gus, 5 Bellefonte Markers The following prices are Co, for produce Potatoes per bushel Regs por dozen Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Butter, per pound Nide por pound... cone ‘ b Shoulder per pound. we: 81 paid m (GRAIw correoted weekly py & Son, Bellefonte, Pa.) Red wheat per bushel Kye, por bushel. _ Corn, ears per bushelel... Corn, shelled per bushel... Bariey per bushel. ————— Oats, por Dushel mmm Coburn Markets, al heuing Are the prices paid for grain by be dealers at Coburn Wheat (ond) por bushel imvassni Wheat bushel oo, aw a a -. Gerberioh (or New York markers ture to page 2