THE CE] {TRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, MAY 10, 1900, MNES Cholera Adding t to the Terrors of Starving India. IN FRIGHTF ULC CONDITION Nearly One Hundred Million Persons Suffering—Relief Only a Drop in the Ocean—Appalling Condition of Affairs in British Districts. London, May 8.—-The report that cholera is strengthening its deadly hold on famine stricken India brings the pitiful condition of that country more than ever to public view, About 92,500,000 persons, for this is the popu lation of the districts affected, are suffering amid pestilence and misery that show no signs of abating. Hun. dreds of thousands of pounds in good British gold, German marks and Am erican corn have been thrown into the country; but jud from the wdvices all this charity Is merel drop in the ocean. The f attendant complicat exceed in ging (844 PENNSYLVANIA'S NEW ROAD New Engl ners From and Shor Montauk Point, tened lapse of Mouse An old thre 430 od today, In x, North killing Mq« ght stantiy ivina Nel aged and Cora Everson. aged fifteen, and burying under tons of de bris seven other persons who esc aped with trifling Injuries. All of the sur vivors were pinned In by timbers or buried under bricks and mortar They had to be dug out, but tingularly enough none received serious Injury on twenty-«i Turkish Plotters, London, May 8.-—More than 200 persons, including both civil and army officials, have been arrested for con spiracy in Turkey. Admiral Hamid . Pasha has fled to Alexaudria Train Robbers, Seattle, May 7.-~After robbing five engers on a Northern Pacific local freight train, near North Yakima, Fri day night, six highwaymes compelled thelr victims to jump off. OTIS SAILS FOR HOME. Worked Tirelessly Until the Last Warships Fire a Salute, Manila, May 8,—~The United States transport Meade sailed for the United States yesterday with Major General Otis and his two aldes-decamp on board. The warships in port fired a Major General's salute as the steamer raised her anchor The Governor's launch left the Pal ace at 11 o'clock, carrying General Otls's and General MacArthur's staffs to the Meade The Twentieth and Fourteenth Infantry, drawn up ashore in front of the wall, presented arms, and the bands played “Auld Lang Syne,” shore battery saluted During the Court Judge city while morning the Su and many officer JRATED BY n of the L n and the ferred on Minist her a Witch and Muy ed Her With a HMammer Fruitiess Search for Los ander Hamle¢ the from burg, Ma FOREIGN NEWS ma | May nt has decided t) yher bands must not thout its consent May 90.-In a rallway trains Chauville killed Paris, collision be tween two and were hetween stations, two and twenty In Bevris persons jured Paris, May 9.-The elections in the provinces show that the position of parties has changed little, and there is no widespread National victory. Naples, May 9.-Archbishop Corrl gan, of New York, who Is en route to Rome, has arrived here, London, May 9--The dhah's favor ite wife, a beautiful Circassian, will accompany him to Burope In male attire, Paris, May 5-It is reported that the Bultan of Morocco will ask the great powers to hold an International conference to revise treaties and guar antes Moroceo's Independence. ] | His Army Is Fighting Its Wa Through the Boers SHARP ARTIL L E RY DUELS Gen, Hamilton Wins a Victory at Win. burg--Gen. Roberts Crosses the Vet Under Heavy Right Flank Turned. River Fire—Boers London, May § which Roberts quarters I'he troops General led out from pleasant around Bloemfon tein a few days ago have taken a great spring forward, which brought them almost at a single bound within strik ing distance of Winburg Joers were forced to pos! tions at Brandfort serious effort to hold them. urday evening al Roberts the Vet river, a few miles to the southwest of Winburg road from Bl wa toutly cont The evacuate thelr without On Sat Gener rea on the oemfontein Our Flag in Tutwila Auckland, New Zealand, May 9 The American flag been hoisted over the island of Tutwila amid great native rejoicing, and the chiefs have made a formal cession of the Island to the United States Filipinos Burn Bulan, New York, May 9- ? 00) 8 1 § Lve "nw 112 58 #11 lie | Wimsport § vel IF im (Phila, & Reading ry) i J o PHILAD cc... ;* 11 BH 2 Ow ey NEW YORK... Po HD A (Via Phils.) | rn p mam Lyvelp. min — * Dally. ¢ Wolk Rg hk Jit} Pp. Wm. Sunday Philadelphia Toes _ Car at! to east soa 1: a and west bound from U pom, of » A Bapt Sechler & Company, ) GROCERS WA dada dtdiidddd adi taadandintsadiatiiladdiniiaiiadicds The New Store... OO00 I fel h Arcade, High St. H : 3 E E : fo : £ E i : = g : £ E : : : : : ; 3 COMMA Ad bb hdd bbdadbbdbbitbinbt tbat bad dbl OOOLO000 » serman’s Cash Co) D T BE FON AUAAAAAASAAAAA A AAA SAA ddiddidiidiid ath dha dttdidi ddd abba bh ada atta hd adn os The Tallest Mercantile Building Owned and Occupied Exclesively By Us in the World, CAL RET TI MONTCOMERY WARD & CO. Michigan Av. & Madloon be, blrage STUDY LTURN a AGRICULTURY an } FRICALENGINKERIN MECHANICA ENGINEER MINING ENGINEERING HISTORY and FOLITICAL INDUSTRIAL AKT AND LANGUAGE and LITE) Npanish and ltalia 1} 1 ENGINEERING ni A German a glint oq ed MATHEMATIUS ARTROY MECHANICAL RTS f work with study MENTAL and MORAL MILITARY SCIEN tiea IA PREPARATORY years Fall term courses 1 formation ’ GEO. W_ ATHELTON. LLL. D State College. Centre Oom >BEEZER Sis- Oe : president nity. Ps J NEAT MARKET Allegheny St, Bellefonte, a. We keep none but the best quality of | BEEF PORE 20d MUTTON |: All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced Ham, Pork Bansage, ete. If you want a nice Juicy Steak go to PHILIPBEEZER FOR THE LADIES THE PENNA STATE COLLEGE They are Here MTive at | CAT } L health! | Tulth free Board | LEADING DEPARTMENTS For Eoring rn NAVAS ye A T » QA SLANVVY YW au T OUVFRS far ame ava SAR famous from the For the Ladie's ACEN and the HERRICK shoes $250 to $3.50 are leaders. 00000000 | POWERS SHOE COMPANY, Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, - PENN'A. Sh wg PATENTS =i: Le Em + Nothor tat SE ¥ Beok “How to obtain | h ¢ is