THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, MAY 3, 1900, LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In And About Belle- | fonte, PERSONALS, SOCIAL Wiens That Lines Few This Are Worth in a What Community Noting Transpired Past in Week Has During the Movements of Our People. Port Matilda, has Home -E. P. .rt.d become a member of the Soldiers Jones, of at Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Saturday Howley re- their William turned evening from bridal trip. Miss W. phia, is the guest at Volk's, at Roopsburg. Philadel- of Mr, of home Fiendeman, the with ny nn The forty-hour Devotion opens the 8 o'clock service next Sunday | | EVENTS | ing at St. Johns’ Catholic church, Mrs, B Joseph property { 1 has moved from the cese ouse former] cupied by Gilbert Be on "Aver, alternoon urg, Germany three months, and make a tour of the nn, take He by and no dou! sition on the way 1 on his r, of Tyrone voyage e ball nine went to | crossed bat am of the Normal efeated by the close An ir new. y teresting ’ >. prepared ASS works nn hool church are comy nd ready for the reopening service on the first Sunday in May. METVYICES There w be three principal during the day-—morning after and those who W. W. William Flder noon evening, among will be present are Rey son, Altoona ; Presiding Sherriek and Revs, Emenhizer, Blackburn, Shaw, Hummel and Miller, former pastors. We had an exceedingly short term of court this session. Only a few cases came up for trial and were soon disposed, Litigation in this county seems to be on the wane, and then what’ Will we have 10 send the lawyers to the poor house ! All maintain that the legal profession has jess to do in this county than formerly, is in a measure is due to the fact that [ are very lew ejectment cases to be tried, as the titles to desirable lands have all been determined. In the line of criminal practice there does not seem to be as much as in former years. We all hope that this is true, even if it keeps filthy lucre out of the pockets of the poor lawyers, | Wes game | low next | |) | visiting friends in this place. | Mrs ! Her « | Was en | pani | the It is time to give the angel at the fountain a spring outfit, Miss Julia Bidwell is visiting friends at Jersey Shore and Williamsport, typewriter A good Smith Preimer for sale, Ivquire at this office, must be id. John Trafford left early this morning the to depopulate Fishing Creek of trout, with determination Austin Brew departed Monday morn. {ng for Pittsburg where he will spend a few days with his father, Harry Brew, The Misses Pletcher and Robb, all formerly of Nittany, were Winkleman, pleasant callers on Wednesday evening. Andrew Kunisely, of Shamokin, is Audy is connected with a large bakery in that city. -A trolley line at Tyrone to extend to Birmingham and Grazerville is one ol A been organized for that purpose. W. Harrison Walker, firm of Fortney & Walker, this sport and Sunbury, the possibilities, company has Esq., of the Mon week in Wil spent day and Tuesday of m legal busi. m of t EDITORS AT WAR ro rsy betwee: and Altoona Tim rading newspapers of Blair the merits and demerits © south Africa, in which espoused of posite SiGes, onl nal ley H week bel suit brought by the Rey hwartz, the editor of the against the put Times to recover fas Mr tion as a member of x lamages Schwartz claims that his reputa Methodist Min of use of tem Perance has been damaged the siry and a consistent advocate lishers of the | | who have the | to this extent by reason of a letter ap- | pearing in priot over the name of P. H of the Times - B v od Aeily, editor tadly raed Wednesday morning about ten o'clock Bertha Koch. « thter of Samuel K o fn the rear of her father's was at rk cleaning up the yard house on Wil lowbank street and had started burn up the dried grass and rubbish lothes ignited and cloped The tarted to run for in a mass of lames stricken woman house. Fdward Foster, who was working at the Phoenix mill near ran at once to her and with the assistance of Mra. Rice the fire was put out, but not until it had burned Mrs Every part of her body except her face and breast are burned, Koch severely. Her injuries are of a very serious nature, - Fire Near Lemom, Jacob Bottorf’'s house was burned to the ground Friday afternoon about 1 o'clock, 's mile east of Lemont, on his farm. His son, Hall Bottorf, lived in the house at time of fire. Josurance was $500.00, about half what it was worth, Some of the furniture was saved, Fire originated from the kitchen flue. In. sured in the Centre Hall company. This building was one of the old land marks, having been erected about a hundred Years ago. Joun OLoMARGARINGE HAMILTON can Ko to farmers’ institutes next winter and talk about patent butter, | tracting parties a fre to | in a moment she | by, | | Shoe | train | LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Wm. Bradford . Farmers Mills Lazzie J. Rishel il " hy C. M. Harter Bessie M. Harter Claude P. Borden Gertrude Markley James St. Edith B M. I. Monash Lena Baum Bellefonte Walker Snow Shoe Clair . K Zimmerman irthaus Snow Shoe New York Bellefonte Reuben Miller Hattie Rawley Thos, O'Neil Bridget Sullivan Yarnell Clarence Oscerla Mills Powelton Joseph S. Glod . . . Clarence Mary Donajcon ; ‘im “" Claude W. Faltor Cora A. Neff . John A. Crock Annie J, Irvin H. A. Yearick Annie M. Sholl REAL ESTATE P. Bi Milesbarg Roland Runville Fleming Madi hare mouarg Isaac kel { Lucas, March 21, Howard Boro, Maggie M Mayes, Apr tert AWD. crmon All members and f ds of the church hildren and desiie them } tized r Res { Ig Elder We W_p tized w be bag Ww Sherrick, Presidin hearty invitation fonte and vicinit or all of these serv MONASH-BALM A et but pret ding took 3 of M1 A. Banm, on Bishop street, the being Morris of Was e and on Monday at hy: 4 n Mrs con their daughter Monish ww YOrR ¢ lena and Mr a rave ing ceremony sales iy The man, performed by Rabin Kline, o in the presen f the An served { Altoona family and a few intimate friends clegant wedding breakfast was after which they departed on the noon rf the wedding tour after which they will make their home in New York City. wishes of her many munity, where she was a favorite among her companions. This is the second wedding in the Raum family inside of a week as Miss Fannie, an older daughter, was married on Tues. day of last week at Evansville, Ind, to Mr. Jospeh Metz, of Trenton, Ky. Mis Fannie went west with her sister last fall, Miss Lena takes with her the good friends in this com. nti Finally Nabbed The man Miller who some weeks ago succeeded in swindling liverymen and hotels in Bellefonte, Lock Haven, Mill. heim, and other parts, under the pretense of being a horse buyer, has been nabbed, and is now in the Philadelphia jail, He hired a horse from a Philadelphia livery. man and drove to Royersford, where he tried to sell the outfit, He was caught and is now in jall awaiting trial, FOUR CASES AFFIRMED, The Supreme Court of Penna. handed down a large number of opinions on Monday among which were four from this county that were argued April 16th Frost and Fairer, executors, vs, D. GG, Bush estate, C. P. affirmed appeal Decree the was Centre, and dismissed at cost of the appellants, This case ten years and Bush valuable in for about titie most litigation involvd the of the in our town, and of Mrs. Bush. tried before Judge Archbald, to the estate some property is a verdict in favor This case was originally Union P. Potter John Potter, administrator, vs Central Life Insurance Company, C. Centre, Judgment afirmed. Geo sou of John Potter, had his life insured in the above company, and his body was the woods in Potter county This litigation arose over the identity of found in unt of Mr. 1h hie the body, to recover the am the policy, and in favor of ' This « of is se was appealed from ruling Judge Love, Fox vs. the Pennsylvan mpany, C. | Tuesday r dre PP in the yard and expired Her husband died March 1st Rr --Gied Mont Her 18 A ister Of } while YCATS at his home Monday Mrs ferry No Ww Butte City on LEmeer at Death of Rey Rev. DH the M. E. chur riunate hiclds, forme: h at Curwensy unf re CATEET AS A drink has frequer wen alluded the on newsps Pennsylva nia hospital a on Monday of the nference which He was until recently a member Central Pennsylvania ¢ at its annual session held at Hazleton in March, dismissed him because of charges against him ar chaplain of the United States army. He was a most brilliant man, and his death, particularly under such sad circumstances, will be deeply lamented, mn Enlarging. The Penna. Match Co. will begin at once the erection of a brick warehouse, which is to be completed as soon as pos sible. The new building will ocenpy a site adjacent to the big factory and will be located so as to be accessible to a 200 it, railroad siding that is to be run into it, The entire plant is in full operation and has a large output. Some intricate hinery for manufacturing boxes was ROYAL The absolutely pure BAKING POWDER ROYAL —the most celebrated of all the baking powders in the world——celebrated Tic Na w +1 for its great leavening strength and purity. ft makes » bread, I's biscuit, healthtfu you ag: ss all form ) 14 M band had Diease ad ot un pica accept 1 ’ i Am treatment very rece | and the GLOVE FITTING SHOES FOR SPRING WEAR. what “" 14 | AFL ‘ | peck \ € | applebn per ! HX nach and | peck \ juart Car * Det Pex gus, per bunch cyvery pant | ul 8 : Bellefonte Markets fits like a glove The lollowing prices are pai Ca. hw produce Potatoes per bushel Eggs per doen Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Putter, per pound Hide per pound Shoulder per pound - you let us do the Hitting We can’t guarantee a per fect ht to people who know better than we what they want. They must abide by their own decision, We give you what you ask for if you insist ; what is best for you if you per mit us, Every Spring style now ready for your inspection. Polite attention promised whether you come to look or to buy. Mingle's Shoe Store, & Bon, Bellefonte, Fa) Oorn, ears orn, shelled pet bushel for grain jowing are the prices paid Pol 2 Coburn B.-L i,k BE .,. " (ro Xow York markets turn to page (Gua 1x corrected weekly by UT Gerbarieh "0 a" © © " .