4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE PA. MAY 3. 1900, ——————————— The Centre democrat CHAS. R, KURTZ, - ~ EDITOR & PROP TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Regular Price . $1 50 per year, Itpald in Anvaxee $1.00 " CIRCULATION OVER 2600. DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKETS POR AUDITOR GENERAL HON. P. GRAY MEEK, Bellefonte ONGRESSMEN AT LAR N. M. EDWARDS, Williamsport HENRY E. GRIMM, Doylestown Announcements FOR ASSEMBLY We are authorized to announce the name of J H. WeTzEL, of Bellefonte boro, as a cand) date for Assembly, subjeet to the decision of the Democratic County Convention Weare authorized to announce the name of J. W. KervLer, of Ferguson township, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the ded of the Democratic County ( onvention We are authorized to anno ROBERT M. Fos didate for Assembly. su the Democratic County Convention nee the name of ER, of State College, as a can bieet tothe decision of Weare authorized to plant with Heaver head now bumorous cently a Boer damage force and ther: tish were read The corr all des along at a slow fading bard wo their advance causing them any that they never calcul; seems 10 be no doubt but that in time the Fuoglish can exhaust the resources of this little Dutch Republic, but it | be an enormous price and at a sa ile that will make it appalling brutal conquest is all there is § and the English We are the Philippines oeonle are peo are ones doing the same tl we are no better body who sympathises with the Boers order to be consistent, must do the with the Philippines~both are figh for their liberty and independence - 3d this adelphia cat 1 onlinued Tur Philadelphia Times was week to a company of Ph talists and | be under the same gitorial n McClure future the paper w anagement with ( as ed in chief but in the ed as a regulation republican Lt was that tried 0 palm itsell off as an independent sheet Ran for many years past, only it It bas been general comment for some years that the plant was in the market, as it was no longer a dividend payer, for the reason that the public have long ago lost all confidence in its editor in chief whose purely policy instead of this section, for the reason that there are other papers that give more news, and are by far more reliable in their political utterances. Everybody pays tribute to Col. McClure as a brilliant writer, but hesitate to follow his teachings, because they have little confidence in the man; and that is about the reason the paper has been on the rapid decline. ApMinAL Dewey has been cutting a big figure in bis western tour and is re. pe Frm some great orations. All of this makes McKinley uneasy. career has of late been | principle | There are few readers of the Times in | | FOUR KINDS OF GOVERNMENT. The prospects are that the United States will soon have four sets of govern. { ment in operation-—inside and | the constitution, The first is federal Then Porto Rican plan, ready to go into opera outside our own government, comes the tion, and which is a mixture of republi. canism and imperialism, with the latter dominating in essentials. Next in order will be the Philippine plan, under a bill pending in the Senate, which creates an absolute one-man power form ol govern- | | ment, with the president as the supreme the | the 1, 8,000,000 people, autocrat of 200 islands and He may govern as he elects under a commission that has start. | ed for Manila from San Francisco, or | that failing, by military power, with a brigadier general like Otis, as his deputy, This bill will be debated at length when it gets fairly started in Congress, as it brings up the questign of imperialism in all its bearings. Then we have, to conclude with, the fourth forn waiian bill, reported by conference com. | mittee and passed by both houses. It establishes a more liberal suffrage than Any States who has been a year first proposed. adult male citizen of the United in the territory and who can speak, read and write guage, GREAT WO FOR they to me WE YOON OF my Iriends are su un their advocacy of my interests be glad to receive the nomination paming of Mr. Bryan for the presi will not cause me to decline the SYMPATHY FOR REPLBLILS majority of nine, on a light vote, senate Monday refused 0 take up nsideration a resolution of sym pathy This our repu with the Boer republics g the first time in the history of ] that either house Congress has refused to express the sympathy which Washington proclaimed that he nstinctively feit with all people strug gling for their freedom, an statesmen ArLY 100k every fs shameful stultification has out The loes not dare of care to et : ng A nightmare driven us Creat Repub express its sympathy with lite republics fighting bravely against extinction The Democratic national platform will surely give Lhe people of this country an opportunity to prociaim their sympathies in a voice that will be heard around the | world! we a—— A ———— DISCONTENTED LABOR Talk about good times and then read the papers. In every leading industrial centre, Chicagn, Buffalo, New York, Baltimore and Philadelphia the labor unions are making demands for more +34 and in many cases are out on strikes, ages have not gone up and the cost of all necessaries of life have increased so as to make their condition deplorable. This Is McKinley prosperity. The trusts are getting sleek and fat, the people pay the bills, and labor suffers - Joun OLRoMARGARINE HAMILTON is now a full fledged Quayite, both in theory | and practice, of government, in the Ha- | WASHINGTON COMMENT. | Whatever the administration may be able to do in the House with the ship will not get The democratic senators who opposed thi the scheme through the Senate at this session, subsidy job, | scheme have received unexpected sup. port in their fight against it, from Quay’s who intend to let republican friends, | Hanna, who is the most active pusher of | the job, ful deal by which he kept the Senate, see that they resent the succes Quay out of These republican senator would probably not vote against the sub sidy bill if put to the test, but they will the senators to prevent iis reaching a vole, probably quietly help democrati which will be practically the same thing, The Navy department is put in the | cruel position of having to order a court | of inquiry to sit upon an officer who has | eritic'sed Admiral Sch ey. Secretary Long | and Admirals Crowniushield and Sam; have so plainly showed their animu against thegallant officer that subordinate officers have considered themselves free to talk as they chose against him son's fla Captain Chadwick, of Sam} ship-—the only officer, by the way, exce himself, whom Sampson mentioned his oficial report of the battle of Ing more wou aim bad not the ad } the and thas offsetting minis ch and nu t denan ations of the prohibitionist or the the Army canteen As bearing . h course of the President point, note the following statem A. W. Terrell, former who said the st Turkey from mir key There ance about nature We ¢! for the burning mis : Maras, miniated by Kurds and a fanat again at Harpoot an lace, and remote from the consular Miss that burning was done with the aid tection BArIes cam vance of Turks 1 has insisted that it was and by an ungovernable claim is sustained by circumstances rest ing on missionary evidence, the denialof the Turks is sustained by official reports by Turkish officers and pashas, and the issue of fact has not been settied by any | impartial tribunal. The burning was | Gone during the Armenian massacres, | and the Kurds have been the enemies of the Armenians from the time of Xeno. phon. In other words, Secretary Hay has taken up an unjust cause for political reasons, knowing it to be unjust, and has been outwitted in the diplomatic argu. ment that has followed. Whether he will try to farther “fire the missionary heart" by sending an American fleet to exact an indemnity remains to be seen, Every party hath its own griefs and every heart knowelh its own sorrows. Representative Sibley has gone over to the Republicans and Senator Wellington has come over to the Democrats. Hach party can now condole with the other | on its accessions | don't hanker partic | but | strong, lusty fel | son and the restof the Department ring | &' d | think of his do BELIEVES IN HEREDITY. He Has a Lusty Son Who Is a Live ing Proof of It Every Day. “Do I believe in heredity?" iid a well-known loea fens nan to the Cleve “Of fOUrse wl and ng proof He's n¢ hip of the old block. “You see, 1 like to get out in the yard —1 have a pretty fair the mower, with sized one and the spade and the tidy things up a little 1 larly after the job, I know the exercise | just what | y need and I do it. Of course, I'd be gl rake lawn and to have my son help me a little—he's a, low, but do you I can get him to tou when he hears nn That's right Pp itter ] hides him, | shake, Australia Is Try able One Capital —_— Boe lass I Orsgine co Hood’s Pills . Buying Good Gloihes Nightly - 08lling Good Glorhes POMP OF POWER Great Ceremony Locking Attends the of Gibhralinr's GLnten “EL ur Siok of Gulren’s Going "Surpasses Any in Belefont.... Fhe Naked Man's Prayer circus Att) hour no gentieman parades in the front of his fine exo pt E arden residence, perfectly naked, and The turban and sandals blaze with jewels for a loin cloth, a turban sandals He prostrates himself be- fore a little pagoda, wherein squats an ugly idol with diamond eyes. There In always a crowd to watch these devo tions. If one questions the old gentle man he answers, testily: “Whatam | doing, eh? I'm praying for the conver. sion of this benighted land to dhism. That's what I'm doing.” Precious Stones His Fartane, The present shah has just celebrated his forty«ixth birthday. The shah In enormously wealthy, and almost the whole of his fortune consists of dia monds and precious stones. The royal amily of Persia is one of the largest in e world, There are some thousands bf princes and princesses, and the pres ent ocenpant of the throne has a family of about 20, 11 iS High Time (0 Lay OFF Your Woolens... ont forget wr Underwear Department when lv your Spring supply. Neckwear, Galas, Gurts, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., all that tend to make an up-to-date dresser, can be found here at prices that will astonish you Pod. | Don't forget we are the sole agent for the cele- brated Roelof Hat. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, ——ulfll, THE GLOTHIER. 1