THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 26, 1900, CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections, HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See The Local Happenings of Every Community Will be and Observe Worthy of Note Published if Sent in Early, Spring Mills. House-cleaning and gardening is at hand. Wilson Bros. were in town lookiug up business. A barber is the only man who does head work with his hands, C. P. Long left last Tuesday, with his war paint on, fot the republican couven- tion at Harrisburg. The oatlook of the grain fields is dis. couraging ; there will not be half a crog Perhaps that whale story is straight, and perhaps it isn't: but Jonah had to give his wife some kind of an excuse for away from home three days Pine Grove Mills, pent a day at many democratic iller’s youngest son fell oft 1d broke his arm at the elbow was 1 and the m was set, ‘ ator, formerly sold by William were is a good opening here for a \ler, which is very much needed in his place. The right man would be Il patronized. On Monday morning a good from this locality, went seat to do some courting. el Bros. will move their saw mill from Beaver Dam to Brushvalley, where they haye a big tract to saw out. 1 has the right stuff in it ome out. That's what ms n's noses so red, our new townsmat store, hea rive _amm The man who with his head, i that the wood pes * biggest kind Fillmore. eather bureau has b fine April showers has jor the Smith's schoo! closed on We were afrald we were going Prof's company this summer cased to learn that we are not Wasson has returned to 1s to attend school, after a to his home. ie Eckley was seen passing abtown last Friday with a fine which she had purchased Tressler. Miss Sallie is te a horsewoman and knows a good yrse when she sees it! MANY A LOVER gust from an ot} ffensive breath the breath by It ete, a2 nothin te guarantees ¥. For sale by Krumrine Bros Milesburg. Misses Margaret Weaver, Margaret Mullinger and Mr. love, of Pleasant Gap, spent Sunday of last week in this place Miss Lida Rhodes, a charming young lady of Tyrone, spent Sunday with Miss Nellie Franks, iz this place Miss Velta Williams and Miss Kathryn Parker, of Roland, attended baptism, in this place, on Sunday last Walter Reese has sec ured a position with McCalmont & Co. in Bellefonte Miss Mae Wharton, of Roaring Spring, Pa., is visiting her parents, the Rev. Mr. Wharton and wife, in this place, Hayes Grubb, of Morrell, Huntingdon Co. spent Sunday at the home of his par. ents, in this place. Toner Hugg and Miss Mary Kreamer, two of our popular young people were quietly married by Rev, E. C. Houck, on Thursday evening. Jacob Shirk and two daughters, Misses Lizzie and Mintie, of Philipsburg, are visiting relatives in this place. Miss Eva Marshall, of Bellefonte, spent Sunday with her friend, Miss Hattie Adams, below town, BICK HEADACHES, The curse of overworked womankind, are ulekly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root ea, the great blood purifier and tissue bulider, oney refunded If not satisf » Price 3 ta, and 50 ota, For sale by Krumrine Bros. Bellefonte, ra | Port Matilda. Diep :—Near Port Matilda, Wednes. day, April 18, of pneumonia, Jackson Kelley, aged 65 years 3 mouths and g days. The deceased was born and raised within 2 miles of this place, on the Kelley homestead, which was settled ou in an early day by his father, Robert Kelley. He was married twice, his first marriage was to Hanna Woodring, daughter of Peter and Nancy Woodring, by whom 10 children were born all of whom survive him, His second marriage was to Susan, widow of George Beckwith and daughter of Jonathan Laird, to whom 2 children were born which also survive him. Com rade Kelley, was a noble-hearted man, a brave soldier of the late rebellion, a kind husband, a tender parent, and an bliging neighbor, His sickness was short, but severe, which he bore with patience till the end which wascalm and peaceful, dying in the full belief of a blessed immortality, His remains were taken from his late home, to the Presby. terian church, in Port Matilda, where Rev, Hughes, Presbyterian minister, as Newell, and Rev, Moomaw tributes to his memory, ! th as a friend. His body s consigned to its last resting place in Presbyterian cemetery The i from the G. A. R. g, to which he was ¢ rault, contractor lefonte, who has . L. Crain & Son's ace, 1s busily ground of the bu $ a meat market and ice UNG MOTHERS Johnson, and it was a mer? as a birthday party for Mrs The following people were pr and Mrs fm. Stewart, Mr Wallace White, Mr nd Weaver r.and Mrs. | son Ja $, Mr. and ters and daughter B Harry Harter and ¢ F M:s. P. C. Steele, Mrs. Joh Gertie, Mrs. Mary Hughes and son Charles, Mrs. Geo. Glenn Geo. Mackey, Mrs. Harvey Swartz ; Edward {ir sia Edn Walte The grain fie k some better since the last rain Jo Eisenhuth un in Highvalley k to his place Samuel Alter getting his plow and harrow ready to strike the peach orchard Abe says a wedding is in the east wind It might hit him Jess Snyder sowed spring rye Jess, lus net de hinkel es fresa The scribe of Coburn is making things hot for the Highvalliers. He can explain the road to Highvalley, but fails to men tion in what kind of a place he was raised. Brother, was you not raised north of Woodward, in among those hills and not one hundred miles from where William Ettlinger is laid to rest? let the scribe hear. People in Highval ley have all they can do Ww mind their own business, and [ think it would be a fine thing to let the Major rest Boalsburg. Please John Wieland is having his bouse re roofed this week, Many of our farmers have not yet sowed their oats Wm. Stuart has secured a good posi tion ma Pittsburg, where he went recently Wm. Hess, our hustling paper hanger, is busy every day. V The following persons were promote d by the school board, upon the recommen. dation of the principal, from the primary to the intermediate school: Margaret Stemm and Laird Osman, The following were promoted from the various schools throughout the township to the High school: Sadie Felding, Ella Ross, Daisy Brooks, W. I. Ross, Edwin Carper, Rome Gingerich, Cora Colyer, Sadie Myers, Esther Segner, Edith Cole, | Katie Weber, W. A. Frye, George | Mothersbach and Thomas Hunter, The spring term of school opened last | Monday a week, and there are enrolled | between jo and 35 students, | i | Tra no doubt, will be seen in Port | | Saturday evenings, Yarnell. BE. I. Walker is rebuilding his mill again, which was destroyed by fire some | time ago. | i | i H. O. Miller is going to erect a new shingle mill on D. W, Boyer's farm, some place near our town. Lumbering {8 go ing to be right good in this locality, during the summer, The singing concert was quite good, About a dozen people were mn attend They intend having it over again on Saturday evening ance. The far ners are busy plowing and putting vut their ing pring crops, Thomas Zimmerman's sale attended. Miss Olie Eckley has home from Bellefonte with the intention of taking music lessons from Prof, H. M Miles C. A. Walker 18 in our town lor returnd sore foot and h but threw them awa an old cane Garret i ch in Evangelics this place. As the Rev, bas t before and was very much hope he will be greeted with a fu The warm rains we had the past week are making the grain and grass look quite green. All nature seems 10 rejoice Charley | ck came home from his work sick, last Tharsday An epidemic of sore throat is going the rounds It doesn't seem to be ? tn dangerous, bu is bad enough to lay people uj while We are glad to state that Frank Emerick and Mrs, Zerby are both able to be around again Miss Effie Lucas, of Snow Shoe, was a guest of her uncle, Perry Webner, sev. eral days last week Miss Helen Robb, of Bellefonte, was the guest of Miss Eleanor Shaffer, on Monday Hannah. We had our first thunder storm for this season, last Sunday The grain crop mn this section is poor, some having been winter killed Christ Reese, of Philipsburg, visited his mother at this piace, last week Some of our teachers will attend schoo! at Port Matilda, this summer James Goss has been making some im. provements on his house, in the way of painting and papering. A. L. Cowher, of Port Matilda, did the work, J. W. Beckwith is having lime shipped to Hannah, which he is hauling to his farm near this place, P. A. Hoover and wife, were calling on | friends in Port Matilda, last Tharsday. | Joseph Goss and Wm, Stiner recently | purchased some extra fine apple trees | which are to beat everything else m the | apple line. Matilda quite frequently now, especially | It is easier “for the average woman to | hold a frisky horse than her tongue, | Howard. Howard Schenck, of Johnsonburg, is home on a few days furlough. The normal school, at this place, | started in on Monday morning, with a full corps of teachers, and it is the principal’s intention to make this one of the best schools ever conducted in this plac e. Everybody is busy making garden, nd cleaning up in general, Dr. O, W. McEntire's new house is about ready to raise Work has commenced on repairing the new Christian chapel, which was al. most consumed by fire, some time ago They expect to have it ready by Jur Lo occupy 1 John M, Wagner and wife ugratulated npon a br ng at their home, NE Was overt iast Sat re thust be attraction and here Some ack as they are HN ATCREYETr As! painte d others are never as white as they are whitewashed GRANDMA HAD CONSUMPTION and I am afraid I have in- herited it. I do not feel well ; I have a cough; my lungs are sore; am losing flesh. What shall I do? Your doctor says take care of yourself and take plain cod « liver oil, but you can’t take it. Only the strong, healthy person can take it, and they can't take it long. It is so rich it upsets the stomach. But you can take SCOTT'S EMULSION It is very palatable and easily digested. If you will take plenty of fresh air, and exercise, and SCOTT'S EMULSION steadily, there is very little doubt about Joa 1460 : ere are Jiojbusthiins they give strength tone u nervous system while the oil feeds and nourishes. SCOTT BOWEL Chamisns Sew York YES, We think we can supply your clothing better wants than ever; BETTER Yes, much better than any other store in Centre Co. We think our prices are lower: We think our goods are better made; We think our clothing fits better, and, ABOVE We us a call and see you money. rhether we think right You need not buy---only look. It will surely place you in a better position to make comparisons, If we can it do A very and judge for yourself. save you money, you want you not? Then try us. few minutes spent in our store will convince you one way or the other. We will only be too glad to show you through whether you buy or not. FAUBLES, The Largest Clothing & Gents’ Farnishing Goods Establishment in Central Pennsylvania Brockerhoff House Block, Bellefonte, Pa.