THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 264, 1900, LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In And About Belle fonte. PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS Are Worth in a Few What Community Movements of Our People. That Noting Lines Items in This Week Transpired Past Has During the | ceedings of court on —Mr. and Mrs. Murray Audrews have returned to Bellefonte and have opened their home for the summer, —Mr. and Mrs George P. three children of Fast Stroudesburg, Pa. spent several days here among friends. Bible and William Eckley, a retired forgeman, ' Mila. formerly of this place but late of Phila " rr : 1% tells delphia, is visiting old friends in Belle fonte, —Mr. and Mrs, Knoxville, Tenn., are guests at the home on North Alle- Ervin Borches, ol of Col. Wilbur F, Reeder, gheny street. Fauble, who irse in the Jewish maternity iid, bas receiv the large gated from the Me in that city Green, the distingu | artist, has opened spacious parior » rooms next to the Adams Ex n the Bush House block, where he lad to welcome his numerous bake bands with his n attend court this week ling Eagle and § « resati n clover ress | Constable Ira Howe, one of Philips. burg's loyal young democrats, called to see us on Tuesday. Landlord Al Garman and Jno Waite, of Tyrone, came up to spend Sunday in town and see the sights. Fairlamb is confined with a Dr. George A. to his at the Bush house severe attack of the gout, William been granted from £5 to 12 per month, room Houserville, has of (Gross, of an jncreasce pension — John Smith, the hustling furniture dealer of Spring Mills, took in the pro. Monday and Tues. day. Miss Maria Taylor and a lady friend, of Fillmore, gave us a pleasant call on advanced her Friday and subscription another year, x, 1 pleasant caller on Saturday morning Walker, of Lock Haven, was a He was here to pay his brother W. Har rison Walker a visit, ! ames Kling, of Clintondale, called on Friday and paid for his paper and hat he was going to one of informed us t the northern counties in search of work. M. Cunningham has given up his tion at | has been seriou ily 111 Tyrone, Ty hotel, in the Wapel again, He like rone | warm rains brought the grass a The 1 the are inging youths tarn l2£Roy Delong, who had © { school the past winter at ile on his way home to Romola, stop | ped off in | company with and in Thos M After a home, he expects t Tuesday, his sister Mrs paid us a at own n Closkey, short visit, hort va on at go mn H's 1 now Homestead to ac a positi is locate at — . " i 1 41 Co cal mer home, in Maine, Their personal private urtin sale this : un regard to aie s point wricomings, which con ments are always pithy and to the § though not always when meritorious Two of the proudest are Corn, and Bruce Garman, proprietors of the Garman House, since they re- ceived two exceedingly fine rubber-tire buggies from Columbus, Ohio, that are “as fine as silk” and make a horsyman’s eyes water to look at. They are a “warm number” now and are not afraid of any of the other '‘rubber-necks’” in town who turn out for a spin. Everybody has some kind of a hobby, and this is theirs; if you dont believe it talk horse or buggy to them and you will have to cut them off or miss your train. There are others in the town just as bad, only the writer catches it three times a day when he eats and an extra dose when going to bed at night. Some one is Hable to get punched for this roast, laddies in town Fd. into an altercat ith Howe R Bell noon. he alter YAN, an iron worker, att rfoute Furnace, on Sanday Ryan became enraged and struck Swiler a violent blow over the skull with a heavy iron rod, felling him. Swiler was unconscious for some time and has a severe gash, several inches long, near the temple, but is able to be around, Ryan skipped the town immediately to avoid trouble, Owing to the demand for coke for the various industrial purposes, the large iron furnaces, at this place, have come to the conclusion to use some anthracite coal in the furnace hereafter. This is something new for the furnaces to buy that kind of fuel, A great many of the large furnaces in the eastern part of the state use this kind of fuel for smelting the ores entirely. Coke and bituminous coal are exceedingly scarce at times and this helps our people out, Ellis L. Orvis, Esq., is having some improvements made to his residence on Linn street, Miss Patti Lane, daughter of John Lane, of this place, is visiting friend Philadelphia. Miss Tuesday in left she Emma Jayne Aikens on for Chicago where will visit relatives. i Jennie Cole, of Coleville, who for the past four weeks, has not improved. Beezer returned from a trip —-(3eorge to Illinois Saturday with a string of six fine horses for his livery stable. Mrs. Edward C. Rowe departed on Pa., where Mr. Rowe has opened a new furniture store, Wednesday for Sharon, Harry Schreyer, of Chicago, is visit ing friends in town, He formerly was engaged in the grocery business at this place. ~ Mr. Keimes has completed his can- vass of the county for the husiness direc. tory and same will be issued in a few kind of Wm, Gre WOrk. Ae Lord ent on We at ders a: after . : - 5 Leaders was one o him they wes STATE COLLEGE COMMENCMENT Exercises Which Will Take VPlace at the Close of its Fortieth Year r forte th cement of annual commend rge will be June 1 he cach i DE preach June it, D M the annual inter-class nday after track and will held Beaver and Monday evening the mtests on ct 1 to speak on Arney, of Centre Crumiey, Wawne: GG. A H. Miller, Bruin; thurg, (suy aks sole re A.M Thomas Elder, Philipsburg; T ll Mechanic Wise, Allentown. The alternates are B | I. Moore, Har H. C. Heaton, Woodmont; S. H. Kulin, Altoona. Tuesday will be the big day of the commencement, the exercises including the annual meetings of the alumni and trustees ; the election of trustees for en- suing three years’ term, the alumni din. ner in the armory, battalion parade, faculty reception, etc. Wednesday will be graduation day, when a class of forty will be given their diplomas in the different courses. Bish: op John H. Vincent will deliver the com mencement address, IL. B. Young, of Columbia, wil be valedictorian, and the class of orators, in addition, F. T. Cole, Ufsonville; A. W. Oakwood, Tyrone; G. K. Warn, Meyersdale, D. KE. Wentzel, Bellwood, Shoop, and risburg, — MS When a tongue-tied woman attempts to talk, it is an utter failure, | junior LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES. Robert Miller - . ellefonte Ida Knoffsinger - James H. Runkle Regina Royer W. C, Griffey Mary E. Griffith Robert Cooper Rosa Hall T. H. Eboch Annie West Bliss J. Aikey - Bellefonte Myra S. Carson . “" Bellefonte Axemann Snow Shoe Samuel Casher - Lucy Hall Mervin S. Betz Alice Harter Wm. J. Howley Christena Ceader Philipsburg now Shoe Walker Bellefonte John Morrison Edna Campbell J H. A. Sowers . State t ca Albright . - Axemaun Bellefonte College Hebe . ESTATE 1 Lishe in Cen vert PF. We nwealth of Pent Shirt Factory te Start Again week the announcement was the ’ . down and would be tory had made tha shirt fac osed from this Witters CESAry removed tare } th rot ret B= place by the prop! s Ke GU are the nee | because he could not | help in this town, 1ancial Since factory has Mr consisting of Messrs 5 These secure an experienced vperator and will They are not going into the enterprise blindly, assistance been sold by itters to a local firm D. Rayand L. A Schaffer, gentiemen propose 10 endeavor to give the plant a trial but have been in correspondence with other parties in the same business. They can secure all the work that they may want to turn out, but the principal diffi culty will be to secure the necessary help, Girls who are willing to take a position aud stick to it until they become expert in the various lines can make from four to eight dollars per week. That is what they are doing in other factories in this state, at the same identical work ; but they must work some time to do that, They must learn a trade, and at first can nol expect to earn much. The new firm propose to start the fac: tory on Monday next and parties desir. ing positions should make personal ap- plication at the office of 8. D. Ray, Ksq , on High street, HOOCD'S PILLS cure Liver lis, Bil- lousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate, 2080. Absolutely Pure No inferior or impure in AXING = POWDER oredien are used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen- ing it Cost; on and healthful. Royal Baking peculiar sweetne notice 1 ly the most highly the Tne refined opped Sixteen Feet 1 Kramer rs in the em} had Montg a serious fall 1 day of last the United Brethren chy ng ] | were stan week, while engaged rch ng on tween (wo feet from the { round in one both ground men bel ! Dietrick and sustais | Mr K {neath him amet Hi wrenched Doing Well E.R pointed county, Chambers, Esq., has been ap for Centre The position pays about §6.00 per day. Edward is not in politics for his health. In addition to the above he gets the following political patronage. Counsel for Bellefonte borough, audits some of the states accounts with county officials, receives numerous fat jobs from the court and a $2000 job for auditing ac- counts of various state charities. That is doing quite well, indeed. A COMMON REPONT, From the Loganton, Pa., Journal “Centre Co., supports more then a dozen good newspapers and Bro, Kurtz's Democrat is best of all.” OCnSusS supervisor T NY ANS ¥ G 1 . Shoe Store. butter tet cutie Pt Bellefonte Markers The tollowing prices are § Co. lor produce Potatoes per bb ished Eggs per dosen Lard, per pound Tallow, per pound Mutter, per pound Nide per pound 8 houlder per pound & Son, Bellefonte, Pa.) Red wheat per bushel, Rye, per bushel . . Corn, ears per bpashelel © Corn, shelled por bushel A) Barley per bushel... — rover “ Oats, por bushei teers wr vows BH Coburn Markets, - 10 «9 for grain i. ———— vov——- A ——————. a. ow BS. (8 For Xew York markets ture to page 2