4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE. PA., APRIL 19. 1900, She Ceatre Democrat, | CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - EDITOR & PROP | Actual, average, sworn elreu'ation, of this paper, for the past year, 18, was OVER 2475 COPIES PER WEEK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION Regular Price . $1 50 per year If pald In Apvaxce loo ' Special Club Rate THER OENTRE DEMOCRAT will be sent one yoar with any one of the below named papers, at the following low rate: With : Olnoinnattl Weekly Enquirer $1.50 New York J-times-a week World $1.65 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKETS, FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, HON. P. GRAY MEEK, Bellefonte AT LARGE FOR CONGRESSMEN N. M. EDWARDS, Williamsport HENRY E. GRIMM. Doylestown Announcement, FOR ASSEMBLY We are authorized to announce the J H. WETZEL, of Bellefonte boro, date for Assembly t to the the Democratic County Convent name of a candi [ sub je e¢ision of Weare authorized to annour J. W. KerrLer, of Fergu candidate for Assembly of the Democratic We are ROBERT M. FOSTER didate for Assemt the Democratic ( authorized the ded EDITORIAL. DATE OF PRIMARIES At the vention, passed for time for holding ventions lo one been the custom resolution was the regular Con Penna, State our leading order for this ru must be ratified blages the may occur in ing the prin tion, the chairm decided t« commitlee forenoon, Apri of court, there having a men who should see t substitute matter mitted time, mer resol primaries week ear and the county Tuesday PUBLIC SENSIMENT AROUSED There | over the of the a Porto Ri papers are sey dent and his faith in this m reach into the ¢ to say at this time, weakened the preside public mind. It has given the common belief that he has of his own and is subject to the demands of the trusts, who are expected to supply the principal munitions for conducting the next campaign - QUAY'S CASE HOPELESS Senator Burr Quay's political coffin, in the ws dr senate last week, in opposing the motion for grant. ing him a seat on Governor Stone's en. dorsement, It was a masterly presenta of principles of tion of the reasons why the dignity the senate, as well as the representative government, should not be trampled under foot for the purpose of gaining a personal party advantage, for that thoroughly convi or It reasons It is thought Burrows speech will nce all, where there may have been the least doubt, as to a f the Govern A PRIMARY DEPATMENT Tohn C. Miller, recent republican convention, is seriously the ex-chairman of the thinking of opening a prima y department for instructing republicans in the science of parliamentary proceedure or the art of running a successful anti. Quay conven. tion. He would prefer to open up in the vicinity of Philipsburg for the purpose of giving “Little Phil”’ an opportunity of attending and gathering a few points, - sso——— COMMITTEE MEETING, A meeting of the Democratic County Committee, will be heid on Monday next, April 23rd, in the Arbitration room in the Court house, Bellefonte, Pa.. at 11 o'clock a. m,, for the transaction of some im. portant business. In case committee. men cannot be presesut each should try and have a substitute, who may be com. jog to Bellefonte on that day to attend court, to represent the district, conversation and the source of much amusing comment, ADMIRATION SOCIETY. The Republican county convention of last week is over, yet it is the topic of To show the good feel. ing existing among fellow republicans we have made extracts from the Quay and Anti-Quay organs in this county to show how they size up that convention There is an old saying that two witness from a dog fight cant agree in their testimony, it certainly is true of the republican editors in giving of the convention last week. BELLEFONTE REPUBLICAN SAID “Not in many years, if ever, was a Centre County Republican convention so conspicuously, so lamentably defi- cient in those qualities which denote the presence of gentlemen in conference assembled as was that of Tuesday's. Embittered by the sting of defeat, an- gered by the success of a superior force and impelled to a display of rowdyism peculiar to the usual delegation to coun- ty conventions from that section of the county they so brilliantly represented, the coterie of machine puppets from the hot bed of Quayism in Centre County plunged the convention into a state of disorder and pandemonium that not only forced an adjournment before the work of the convention bad been com- pleted, but brought discredit upon those who were in no wise associated with the intemperate faction whose conduct was a disgrace to the community and the citizens they represented.’ JERRY SIMPSON'S NEW CATECHISM IN THE AKM) rd daily have been vided bath tubs at $2 She is equipped with costly and extrava with a service eacha gant fittings of every sort and made into of where a sort of floating club house for the ficers on their way to a place A hasty tion stirred ug th 1 shown that each of the transports now in there isn't any war investiga y by discovery, has army service cost about $1,000,000, much of which went in making them Sumptuous his are to be a mi is only to be expected If we itary nation and go in for the bill the Republican platform would glory we must foot Senator 1 Hanna has said this year be two words, "Gold and The pe r will the AriOTY | and gold get the high i gold and the cians laced officers will spend it and glory mear imperialism « omes a permanent oflice ho high salari ig army and a pension roll bigger than all of $1,000,000 transports and § battleships armored by the Carnegie Frick trust (capital $1586, 000,000 Mere congressional spullerings over a silver dinner set for officers who would eat off of tin if they were earning their own liv. ing wont effect the grand result —— p——— -— Now a soldier in the Philippines has been saved by a plog of tobacco in hs pocket, which stopped a bullet that would otherwise have gone through him, While this is not as argoment against carrying Testiments, neither does it prove | and | that the tobacco trust is a mild benevolent instruction, A——————— . NATURALLY the Philadelphia school: boys chose a New York messenger to carry their good wishes to Oom Paul. A Philadephia hoy before he got there would have whiskers | their account STATE COLLEGE TIMES SAID the debauchery and of the people "By foregoing disgraceful means the will peo was thwarted and the insurgents elected, hy the Convention, two delegates to the State Convention, on a 12 0 . i 2 vote of 4 The action of the insurgents in this County, who, with pharisaical hypocrisy, prociaim for purer politics, and decry the Quay machine, bave been guilty of the most glowing debauchery und ruption in the conduct of the primaries and the Convention, and which should put to shame the worst phases of politics in the Five Points of New York City It is a disgrace and a shame, to the poli tics of Centre count and is sowing seed, that will bring a whirlwind ot trouble the actors and participator therein, COTY lo BEAUTIFUL WEDDING GIFT. Fit Princess It Was Whe Worked 10 a Mil, for a ivem 1 a Girl thre cobweb The gn is roma: peers, in the 3 flelds after ant Sur pl on bol nar these were t} were months of failure and de fore they were achieved Yet certainly the fabric is enough to the their beautif could and fix ger into a ball no } pea. reward trouble mer 1. shit be crushe ger thar AMERICANS IN LONDON. Statistician Says $10,000,000 World's That Anmunily They In Spend the Metropolis, time, ni ftors wi American looked upo of part in its brillianes ison and play an appreciabl the wm that Americans are generally more lib eral in their dealings than English peo ple of the same wealth and position The number of Americans res ding per manently in London is now estimated at 20.000. There are nearly as many more during the average summer, al though In years of expositions or spe cialevents this figure Is much increased A New Yorker who recently returned from London was impressed with the small number of his fellow-citizens who seemed to take up their residence there. The number of New Yorkers amvog the Americans who live per. manently in London is sald to be dis proput Jdonately small. The majority of these expatriated citizens of the United States are sald to come from the middle west, i ecepers find | | clared that | a hundred dollars for | of work Is CI'MRENT COMMENT, Noten and Politien! and Otherwine, on Matters of Fablie By Comments, Interest, Andrew J. Palm, as a merited but almost eruel gave Mr the floor Ng some That w stab that Senator McKinley a of the senate, He question when he wa rupted by one's asking him what Pre the matter fitness of Foraker few days ago on was discu inter some dent McKinley's opinion was on Foraker's sense of the things got the better of his poMtical caution, and he replied that the que tioner would better ask Mark Hanna eternal and his strong as to talking a good deal a recent interview he he never got anything ex cept by work Almost in the same breath he with evident pride of recolving $200,008 as a fed a single The moral difference between money for nothing and getting } to talk modesty Is so hi In Senator Depew likes sense of about prevent \ f himself de tells in Case getting very geems entirely " ndard I : Ary AB ¥ re of th His vy 3 " tant : important que and ! governmern Hey ne eanily fn frequently as changes his cont Ir gisting In his that our piain duty in to give Puerto Rico free trade, he lacks the spinal column to Insist on the performance of that duty, and fell in with the members of congress who were bribed into a deliberate attempt to violate the plain dictates of the constitution by the tobacco and sugar trusts. Editor Kohlsaat, owner of the Chicago Times-Herald, one of the lead- ing papers of the country, severely criticizes McKinley's policy or lack of policy In dealing with the Puerto Rican question Kohlsaat is a radical Re publican, and one of the men who help. ed to pull McKinley out of the financial hole a few years ago; but Hanna is the man who holds the line attached mossage to the bit In McKinley's mouth, and he | drives him withersoever he will, If Mr. McKinley thinks he can better af. ford to part company with the Kohl pants than the Hannas he will discover his mistake later on, otl1ing ood Glorhes Dur Stock of Children’s Clothing surpasses Any in Belleronie...... 1115 High Time (0 Lay OFF Your Woolens... Neckwear, Collars, GUrTs, Hosiery, Gloves, &c., all that tend to make an up-to-date dresser, can b here at prices that will astonish vou Don't forget we are the sole agent for the cele- brated Roelof Hat. YOURS FOR BUSINESS, ~— lf, THE GLOTHIER.