THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 12, 1900, DUTIES OF PARENTS. Dr. Talmage’s Advice on the Bring- ing Up of Children, The Dangers and Temptations Which Sarround the Young-—Necessity of Wise Tralning—Respons~ sibility of Mothers, (Copyright, Wasn This discourse of In Interest young men, while it is and encouragement to parents { iu Il of advice who are trying to bring up their chil- dren aright; wise son maketh a glad the Proverb fat heavines text, foolish son is mother.” In this graphic way forth the idea that t havior of children 5% ir b the parental heart, persons who seem to l or evil be igl there are interest in dren. The father says take the ris out well, he will have He has ks lL took i all must herd m the sofa Westminste } walls are cov res and quotations when the looks for boy lay of nth he looks for it in a relig If a min comes to the house, he is requested to take the boy aside and te him what a great sinner he ia. It is re on morn ing. noon and night Time passes on, and the parents are waiting for the ret of the son at night. It is nine o k. it Is fen o'clock, It Is 11 o'cl is 12 o'clock it is half-past 12 o'cl Then they hear a rattling of the night key, and (leorge comes In and hasten lest “George “avs “1 have been out the « mo ous almana ster gi Irn fupstairs His father says He he has Ihe he be accosted you been?” " Yes : Gown, At where have been out, and he has bee: has started on road tor for this life and for the lif come, and the fathersays to his w “Mother, the Ten Commandments are a failure. No use of Westm ehism. I have done my that boy. Just see how he has turned out” Ah! my friend, you stuffed that boy with religion. Yon had no sym pathy with innocent hilarities. You had po common sense. A man at midlife sald to me: “I haven't much desire for religion. My father was as good a man ar ever lived, but he jammed religion down my thront when | was a hor until I got dlepurted with it. end 1 hnven't he broad rin netereats very best for wanted any of it since.” That father erred on one side, Then the discipline is an entire fall ure in many households because the father pulls one way and the mother pulls the other way, The father says: “My son, I told you if 1 ever four guilty of falsehood again | d vou tise and 1 am going keep my promise I'he “Don's. Let him off t) does n this n opportunity. | money you wanted, I find that You every the way Sometimes sin even coms % 10 she leprous hearts sometimes admitted in the high eat ¢ drawing-room There are reles of society. He is 80 elegant he is 80 bewitching in his manper, he is 20 refined. he in 80 edu ated. no one sus pects the sinful design, but after awhile the talons of death come forth, What is the matter with that The front windows have not been opened for six montha ora year, A shadow has come down on that domestic hearth. a shadow thicker than one woven of mid night and hurricane house? The agony of that “Oh, I wish 1 iran when they were Loss of property? Ko Death } Madness No gloved and diamond parent makes him say had buried my el ema! in the f re SUED No i. kid cup of domestic bliss un light rainbows played around the til the sur str it Cu and all the rim and then dashed it Into desolation and woe until the harples of darkness clapped their hands and all the voices of the pit uttered a loud “Ha, ha!” The statistic has never been made up in these great cities of how many have been destroyed and how many beaut ful homes have been overthrown. If the statistics could be presented, It would freeze your blood In a solid cake at your heart, Our preat elties are full of temptations, and 10 vast mull tudes of parents these temptations become a matter of great Dut now for ti} of all, you save y« trouble, watch for God YOUrs o the chi { QO parer and my | said Tom I ea, there « spring What i worthy too late sengel ere tL} and after ory revived ancestry? “If there ever was mother was good you Wearing go heart! All table, w) yon ) on this the or " cnn pret you at Nine! 1 i ere % Oh when you If she gol weary, she oh, th the scene member the ef you 0 pin re tones of her + now. not 1} we an A or first ven not my wandering boy of righteousnesa the gate” brought you here have that shout upward the tidings fiod. send forward the news! The Asad “Mp ® "Honorable" name, by Het theless was wakeful cine was given at the what a grief this you to a better life. Bhe save all the fe fom memory olicitude ret ave at ye BAYS One A good woman, my How she watched Others never. were sick medi and the and right time when the pillow was hot she turned it. And, Aviray n when ye began to was 10 her cor You re 2 1) first 1 5! It = your ye morning. Ehe b “For I gave you Turn into paths far Oh God this morning to revived, and 1 Angels of Ring! and counsel I am w» ating yes fn aller again i, COMPLICATED CALCULATION Twitters Wanted But to Be Exact, the Heartless Butcher Wouldn't Let Her, Mrs, The butcher is one men find it their flugers as ar simplest calculations prides herself who neces nbact even the Twitters on het readiness of ace Twitters buys thre of steak at twenty “ pound there in apt ty in agreeing upon due therefor, “let “twenty aixty “Dut it’ three and " me see, and a half twenty-one three a pient i ! nd Al warm thstanding a perience was not of & ant nat cinnati Enquirer ™ 10 tempt imitat When Making a New Home, Cal cont lHiale of build added « in advance only the ng the house, but the wt of furnishing it when and keep within your not fin shed means But if the error Is made, d it by furnishing hope of some day doing it It ia much 3 wilh n't d temporarily In over again ter policy sin ng good that short a few pieces, for a the bet 10 everytl ever | to be art desnands a g 4 fill » he h this on the plea of rary,” is to invite years timeof living without and most constant of all pleasures beautiful home surroundings. A sug~ postion worth following is to coneen= trate the family birthday and holklay gifts on the furnishing of a room; in a remarkably short time the seemingly unattainable is attained, and the doing of It gives a living Interest not only to the room itself, but to the entire home MleA. Linn Murray, in Woman's Tome Companine means ROO ance; a nung. ihe wil FR One “tem po- r doesn't lke erhaps a ll hat keenest “A Gorgeously Bound” work of art bag been issued in New York at an early outlay of over $1,000, 000 for which the publishers Manager in this $0 a good solicitor; good right party, Nearly 100 full page sumptuous paper, iuminoat and bindings; over 200 golden morroco bindir desire a county, a engraving Cad Covers Nearly Nn TOMCS sig ht ana ht »0 ; reat men aud women i woman order } tion motions clear § week taking tavces and fri tad toa permanent ! busine and look which home “eCre lO man Ae our iarge dence attend correspon Hignt at Knowles, to your (yenera centh Street, bet Broad York C14 NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotency, Night En Loss of Mem. or all w ting d ms——— r S ROA . at 4 i . A nerve toni PEA nerve ton PILLS Jy iio ink iow to valel B50) y 1 oF malll CTS. 82.50, with our gaurantee t ure or refund the money paid { r Nervita Tablets cx seer ra four | BS | § | ot | and/ B . EXTRA STRENGTH gus NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton & Jackson Sts., CHICACO, ILL. G wn. } ardian Mary AN 8 Ine ney od a we of mak sald deeordent Lin partition been re DAY JRrd day of Ape Inquest be held for the purp on of the real estate of Ll Ale Tes DAY APRN f the d¢ Pats wk.» and on the aes In Astonshurg at o'clock. p m. MM time and place you can be present if you oper thome two feriaie f sit of | rd tence eadent. a Har "nat ts of land, "he ane woship of Harris of Penney ivania Yan Tries K. Alexan I! Meyer th trad the NW And Mate wih By lands of ands of Wi of avid Palw mie In Centre the 1 on the sant by IT by by ters online I hereon ere bank barn ans No And the of her town of Asronsburg. i+ poof Hanes coun ty and slate aforesaid i on he nor bh by street! known as Netund steel, on The bs lot of Confer's heirs, on the south alley. on the west by ahturn alley. and } erveted 8 two story dwelling house other out bulluings e south the Was Gelli ROTOR ITE ry dwelling n the woah title an by An sving stable and Cynts BRUso any Sharif s OMes, Bellefonte, Ia she it March. 19 wx DMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Eatate of MRS. JANKE UZZLE deceased, late of Know Rho, tow hahi otters of administration on sald estate having been granted to the undersigned, all persons | thereto are requested to make immediate payment, and those having clatme or demands against same will pre order of and sent them without dels it undersiguea settlement, to the ai J Uzzre KLratlor Frans FAKIITO rs and HAILLEOADNCHEDULES TER SNOW SM EBRAND) hand after nte w Nhow Pellet vo al 8 Leave and 54" p.m Art » w Nhoe : Arrive a! Bellet J LB For rates, mags, #1 Apply tekst or address Thos BE Watt, FP. A W Risth Ave FP J.B Hoven J Gen’. Manager THE CENTRAL KAILROAD Leave Nr Agent D, » R. Woon sen Fase Amt OF FEXNA Time Table effective Jan READ DOWN No I|Ne ' Ke I. Tw READ UY | STATIONS Noi Not Noi [Ly Ar | BRLLErONTSR ‘ Nigh a | Lom Heelan Park ¢ Dunk ies I Hal reburg Enydertown Nittany amipm p 2B. UR. 8 BE 28. m ¥ Ls wi i" : [ ‘ ' ‘ FERRER EER ee Br Cedar nprings | BEECH CREAR & He 8) | Jersey Khare | oN 8A Lye! #7 Lye { Weapon } Arr] Filia & Reading ry) FHILAD «~NEW YORK... Via Fails) te iw 1 Lvelp mia ay i" Rl