THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., APRIL 12, 1900, 2 THE BOERS AND ENGLISH LATEST FROM THE SOUTH AFRI- CAN BORDER. A Full the Transvaal War News—Progress of the Con flict From Day to Day—Tha British Encouraged. Summary of Robert army in and a Bloemfontein | inable to Lord move We t Dear well knows Sinteos ns at Pawtucket years Colonel (s00rg aged TO Gallupe, distingu edd Civil War, who rendered for the wry Union cause in the ped ON WwW. B Lowe, a financier and for MANY Years identified manuf wring and bullding Interests In At mota, Georgia, at the age of 70 His wife. Rebecea DD, Low, Is President of she Genernl Federation of Women's Cinbs with FIRE RECORD, Joseph Horne & Co's dry goods store, In Pittsburg, was burned April % entailing a loss estimated at £1,250, 600. The firm ~airied an Insurance of 81.0040 COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. Latest News From the Active Busi. ness World, After a conference between dent Turner and a grievance commit tee, reprose nting the 425 employes of the 81. Louis and Suburban Rallwaj Company, the men have asked mission of thelr official head at The management diffe l.ouis to strike the rod 1184 subn Lie | CNHOeS BIG MORTALITY Die Qui kly NY. Five Residents cello, Taken D moved to War At Winfield ianta Fe D killed D. C. Coates, the They secured only a fow Brooks. a negro. as Mrs. F. W. Hart Georg April gcene of his « terday Allen assaulted ingdale to the ind lynched ye The Latest Trust Pinte Mirror Con chmrtered at Harris a eapital of 850.000. composed of well known plate glass men, who are identified with the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company, the Penn Plate Glass Company, the Standard Plate Glass Company and the Ford Plate Glass Company. The new combine is looked upon as the beginning of a determined move ou the part of the American plate glzas men to wrest the trade In this country for plate mirrors from foreign manufacturers he American pany burg (Hx) his company Is The Princess of Monaco, the small. , est kingdom In the world, Is the first Jewess to «it on a European throne, She was a Miss Heine, and was first married to the Nike of Richelieu, resis | ROBBER BAND USE PISTOLS, Shoot, Bind, Gag and Rob and Blow Open a Safe. A gang of six burglars, supposed to be those who have the line of the Haven Railroad's thelr along New began and work Mamaroneck places they were surps to enter the post oflie interchang of sho hour later th Fore vier been New suburban line, in Larch operating York AL the NEW YORK MARKETS Flour and Grain, 188 crop, po i pou Monn Hee! hundred hundred LARD Western Steam, hundred, Continent, hundred, PORK. Mena, hundred, Family, hundred, BUTTER. Western Creamery, Ib, Factory, per pound, State Dalry, per pound, CHEESE. Fancy small, Late made, Hams, BGas, Riate & Pennsylvania, Western ungraded, enn SHO 0 1025010 Hwgldw ne 190 ne nme He 10 29 and RHEUMATISM In due to an acid poison whi organs Lo carry off and keep |} vetem cle heuma cess Lo the blood thro ir of all mor ation 1s y attack wii! nd bed ric Vanaeri v4 3 ism is a Sliliens Strictly a @ ¢ ’ i BK te the " y Distoris Muscles, Shaliers Nerves, Joints. ICS Ana nerve i ny the inost i ens ww 4 p ’ re Blood Disease, 0 SSS SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga and ciears Lo Les RIES OF WO nner in Which Incens Oerings Ie Ite aed of ! TA Tw dea e fesiivale, PROFESSIONAL CARDS A" L a “Always at the Front.” Third Annual Pumpkin Contest. First Prize-- $10 Suit or Overcoat. Second Prize-- $5 Suit or Overcoat. Wi Cina take their Any other infor. furnished ners 10 mation ginal y at our store We are fully prépared in all lines with style, fit and prices, -_ MONTGOMERY & Clothiers and Hatters, BELLEFONTE, Scientific American, MUNN §& Co.2e os New A a — eS - with the Dea learn | . Ole mre -——— ~~ save the dea { # " wr THE COLUMBUS CARRIAGE & HARNESS C0. P. 0. Box 772, Colum he Nen 1 eatment, } Wonderful, Almost MIRACULOUS Results emt vcades of Hlugh riment and » of Fhesomes Sandreds of Fatients, "— Dealness No Longer incurable. CONSULTATION FREE. Dr. Stites, the Eminent Specialist, Is Now Demonstrat- Ing In Bellefonte the Success of the New Treat: FPPrivite nnd Chronic Dis ment tor Deatness and Gatarrh. cnses Easily Cured f.w years diseases of ad the wos i i= whan the Mange « ratios 10 remember wher the person ont ned men thers or no hope for ow lives HEARING had beoome 110 PRire i hy A ha Hat (hanks to the untiring eftoris of men who have de voted thelr Hives bo study and research, those nd it ions no longer + » tat Like the advance In ¢ fect tion! selenoe so Bas wonderful progress teen made In ear surgery, and to day Atsenses that lens than a i soars Of SPAMS ARO Were hom unred Incara bie yield at the hands of the adepl surgeon to the work of a few moms nia. a Tow hou » or possibly treatment jor a fow works he Dost part of Dr Stites’ life has been spent In the active praction of medicine | with frequent periods of study and research tn the best medioal colleges post graduste sehools and hospitals in the world, thus ever Keeping in tonch with the progress in medio) new Or earn. new ir . -n " » Hated his shate an Wore t Anowiledy His or wuing = " net gov oot merle vement * NEW THEATMENT YOR CATARRH and DEAFNESS Jo bas now been thoron, ¥ tosis ad] the recite Bave sven #5 ceed ed the discoverers most sanguine a TLR thane Cures hove eon effected In cases yomy standing «in sane Instanees « hete perenne well advanced in veare had been af flieted snes ehildbood in oases that ba been given up ss hopin Thal these nots Raw become known ©» evidenoed by the large na mber of oMicted persons who Gally throng the parlors of this distinguished phesigian, Mogi'l's bonrdip house bullding #1 ANegheny # rest 7 Doctor basaitendy «Moots d many cures Bas fully established ihe genuineness of he ciate for the NEW TREATMENT Mours. Consultation, Free. Hours: OAM IVLIP. Mto5; 7108 P.M. No Sunday No incurable Cases taken Correspondence with out-of-town cases invited