6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 5, 1900, —————————— CHRIST THE THEME. He Brings Happiness Into Every Life That He Enters. Sayw in His Praises, Henrd All Nature Sings Dr. Infancy Have a Strong fluence In After Life, Talmuge~Hymns 1900, by Loul Washington [Copyright } April 1 In this discourse Dr. Talmage shows how Christ brings harmony and ody into every life that He ¢ text, Psalms, 118:14: “The Lord is my strength and song.” The most fascinating heart properly attune di There light to suggest Him and something in the His praise. he stars shine claim Him, chant Him. Whatever and beautiful, if you or will speak His praise the summer time I plu thing of Sharon ar When | see | “Behold the the s mel in the is something evening shadow to speak The flower breathes Him, t Him the vo the qa Him away very hot w jecting heavens shows redem;] faded the t of lem thos ermen Instead the praise « is happies and bloss« ns heavens dr way wl one wor se them ! steps the path « who mouthed ren bespoil ye little y to keep ones boys and house ant make them They 1 t ha God save your chil e fresh Kir and recreation from at} Fy the nteracting Christ before sour little fet tha eXOrcine iren the Ll biasting but amning influence of treet ni ian « ture know of ) CO ence the power of and ex Hold f RInpie ones e of Jesus that shall hearts in the fascination of music morning, noon and night. Let it Jeans, the cradle song. This is impor tant, if your children grow up, but per haps they may not. Their pathway may be short. Jesus may be wanting that child, Then there will soundiess step in the dwelling, and the youthful pulse will begin to flub ter, and the Jittle hands will be lifted for help. You cannot help. And a great agony will pinch at your heart, and the eradle will be empty, and the nursery will be empty, and the world will be empty. No little feet standing on the stairs. No toys scattered on the carpet, No quick following from room to room. No strange and won- dering questions. No upturned face with laughing blue eyes come for a kiss, but only a grave and a wreath of white blossoms on the top of it and bitter desolation and a sighing at the pure the name be word evil their struction ali from fiive to your be be =» | have heard from | nightfall ‘wish no one to put to bed. | The Heavenly Shepherd will take that lamb safely anyhow, whether you have been faithful or unfaithful, but would it not have been pleasanter if you ould those lips the prai i gmore CN read anythis ut | never this of Christ beautiful i ube a chi parture ed her } by, the fie the the gunshot kind the hot lips, no away the flies from ike the of groan, no Jon the others I the his own spir of sirangers his ow: blasph others t wing up ed home conden from songs bitterness dying among the n in ght! Songs nm night! Ah!™ said one dying soldier “tell my mother that last night there not Jesus!" was one cloud and Songs m Songs in the night! between the my soul night! This Sabbath day came altars of 10.000 ehurches up the savor of sacrifice of the gospel preached in plain Eng lish, in broad Scotch, In flowing Ital lan, In harsh Choctaw, God's pesple assembled in Hindoo temple and Mo ravian and Quaker meeting house and sailors’ bethel and king's chapel and hightowered cathedral They mang, and the song floated off amid the spice groves or struck the feebergs or floated off into the west. ern pines or waa drowned in the clamor of the great cities, Lumber men sang it and the factory girls and the children in the Sabbath class and the trained ARRem Fr the has smoked om Ministers church in heirs great blages trappers. with the same voice with which they shouted yester | day in the stag hunt, and mariners with throats that only a few days ago blast of it (ne the hoarse the sen they sounded in hurricane, theme for she rong nny (Ine irden for the HOrImo Je for the bapt for thie tition, Jesus Seripture for the sacramental « mal font and love lighted down f mighty Worthy to re honor without no other that attle of Agin Henry VV. f the won the King to Divine interposition w) gured, and } after hattle war gloriously ie an won wnt ted weknow ledge the and ordered the of tame to the =» Lord, but hy the king disn ravalry hout, he the chap! to read David nrd Psalm be snd and all to name imted, dismounted the great officers and threw Oh. Saviour's love them the the we Him hosts of men, relven their faces the deliverance on of savionr's nt and shall Toe fore story not prostrate to-day ouraelves of earth and Heaven, falling upon our faces and erying: “Not not unto us, but unto Thy name be the glory!" ‘Until the day break and the shadows flee away turn our beloved and be thon like a roe or a young hart upon he moanstaine of Nether ™ hosts unto us { the age pose imperialism | the money power | privileges | pocure | the comforts of life hy | law | eratie | man who has proved uncertain, vacil | vate control of the currency CURRENT COMMENT, \ Notes nnd Politienl Mntters of Interest, Comments, nud Otherwise, Publie “an lin this | pay to right party By Andre Am Infant ind plant, which partner i $40 000 000 thi Ong the protes fod \ ton) v Carnegie the the enormous mone i these McKinley | e f H mi $2,000,000 ¢ which amo every man Man a fly of five must to help kill off a independencs How if “benevolent the Ir) dot) DOs 0) § 4 ation i ng cout contribu ¢ pern } revolver should ge That the n he a who " re ’ x! und« SAM Ing to doubt captains * there battle ces In On the side in soarcely of the common people ler the lead ership of one of the grandest men of will be ranged those who op the éncroachment of trusts and all special enable some men to their just share of virtue of the On the other side will be aristo wealth under the banner of a wom ur that more than lating and truculent. Fighting under this banner will be found those who advocate the use of sword and cannon to secure commercial advantages, those who believe in special privileges which enable the few to prosper at the ex- pense of the many, and those who be Heve In trusts, monopolies and the pri- Were the people left to decide the case on thelr sober Judgment there could be no doubt as to the result; but corporate wealth, ready to corrupt the corruptible, with | corporations coercing their employes into voting for the interests of the wenlthy classes, the contest promises to be a most bitter one. Let every man who loves his country do all he ean from now until the battle Is over to win a victory for the people, | cugravings j ed covers and bindings { and pight “A Gorgeousiy Bound’ » work of art has been issued in New York at an early outlay of over $1,000,000 for which the nublishers desire a Manager county, also a good solicitor good Nearly sumptuous paper, illumioat 100 full-page cover 200 golden lies in the morroco bindings ; the cloth binding TEesse the maki \ Wy goiden roses sight } 0 great i in Hells at sale g fortunes Rapid promotion One made clear $500, orders 1 men and women order nn Lie four MI WOIman Weeks laking =ong acquaintances and friends ead to a permanent paying Hon to manage our business OOK aller You « and whic h home Secre our large correspondence, an attend to right your 3. C. Knowies, General Fifteenth Street, New at bet Broad. York. Rewara, Ve rewWAr Dyspepsia pal ARMAS HOUSE His RE ret Kutire Elect met ew ght LEGAL NOTICEN, nden Hall nw. Brow: Lena Loyd Wr Brown, who have foe Brown. loon.) Take notices that in purs the (rphans Cy "of Cer VARIA. A writ In partition has ! Monday 22rd day (aes! be held | estate of "a Lena, 11) had yore thel nee to 1 wen of Apr t the purpose of mak sald deeedent nable or that an is NE partition of the rea on MONDAY APRN ate of the whnship at » o'clock, 8. wm. and on the premises in Asronsburg at 2o'clock, p moat which time and place you can be present if you See Proper All those two eortain tracts of land, the one thereof situste in the township of Harris county of Csatre, and State of Pennsyiviania bounded on the north by lands of Yan Tries heirs, on the east by lands of Wm. K. Alexan. der, on the south by lands of David J. Meyer rd dreedent 1 Al the sl residence in Mar and Potter's estate. containing 18 acres more or Jess, Thereon erected a two story dwelling house, bank barn and other outbuildings NO. § town of Aaronsbarg, township of Haines, coun ty and state aforessid, Bounded on the north by street known As Seound street, on the samt by Jot of Confer's heirs, on the south by an alley, on the west by Coburn alley, and having other out bullaings Cyne BRUNO Any Hheriff's OMes, Bellefonte, Pa, Khe March, 1%, Twn RIT IN PARTITON To the heirs and legal representatives of Busan Lose, Walker, Twp, Contre Co, ary Reese (widow), Jersey Shore, Lycoming Oo. Pa: Louisa Holter, Howard, Centre Oo. Pa; ). EK. Holter, her husband, Howard, Centre Oo, Loss, Winbur, Somerset Co : td. B " i izabeth Clark Woodland, Clearfield Co, Pa; ohn Clark, her husband, Woodland, Clearfield and on the west by lands of Elizabeth Gellig | And the other thersof situate in the | rected a two story dwelling house, stable and | Fa: ( Wm alvin 1 Ane, 'W BAILLE« BELLEVONT Time Ta Leave Rellefon Arrive al Bpow Leave Snow 8h Ah carfie wud land rAD SCHE Harris UF ” E& SNOWHEHOE BRANCH ¢ In effect on and after Noy ie Show oe Arrive al Beliefonte For rates. ma or address Thess EF Rixth Ave Fitz J.B Gen’) Time Ta READ DOWN No. 1 Nai Nel a mipm i +7 of 0 i pm ‘ ‘ ’ Ra a a I SEER i TS BE 00 2 00 Se BO GO MEW we mee [ (REECE CREEK BR) He n» LR 8 Ary F412 34 "1 mL ve (rn Al 9 iil, ww 1b So XEW YOR Pp moa mA HUTCH I NsoN J | Oedar Springs Pa, ole Apply Watt, P sbhurg nager bie effective Jan ETATIONS Ly Ar BeLieronte Nigh Liom Hecla Park Dunk)es Hublersburg Sujdartowh Nittany Huston Lamar Clintondale Krider's Sid's Mackeyville ] Salona | MILL Mas Ar Ly. |} “ - LT —— "ROO OROee Tw Aersey Shore. we. Lye] tT 0 y Wmaport } 100 SB a & Reading ry) Woodland, Cle Lame, Woodland, ( an BRE=ENNS = wassing ~~~ AD wy ticket A.W RW hen’ mn DULES ANI agent Ni Pass Ag! THE CENTRAL BAILROAD OF FPExxa BEAD vy ~~ Ls Te 24 wrevermned 11 36 10 8 5 “ « » n no 4 Iv 2 i " Koos §9 00 (Via Phila) abe Bo Lvelp. mam. hat bb EE bE EE Noli Nod No ¢ am pm pom N w