THE CENTKE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. APRIL 5, 1800.18 MANILA'S DEATH RATE. ONE OF THE MOST UNHEALTHY CITIES IN THE WORLD. Due Largely to Bubonic Plague and Small Pox, Which Are Quite Com- mon in the Phillipines—A Fish and Rice Diet. ; The census of Manila, just com W pleted by the Health Department, gives the city an unpleasant high rank among the unhealthful cities of the world. It establishes a death rate of more than 40 per cent. Former esti mates and censuses always had given | This cen- of Manila 300,000 population, sus was a careful count boats in the police district of Manila, and it gave a total of only 190,714, of | whom 30,000 were Chinamen, There are to be added the tants of other villages within the city limits, Americans and Europeans and 1,400 priests in the monasteries From reliable information the officials esti mate their number at between 50,000 and 60,000. The deaths In Manila during the six months from July 1 to December 81 last year, were 6,203 Of these 2.941 were children. Mani diseases epidemic, whic inhabl la now has three i would ti the average bubonic pox. fish ar fear ence in the ne flourishes in part ly. Half of the districts are pitted with i ers try to get their child: with it under the bell dangerous to the young General Bell's famous regiment, the Thirty-sixth from an epidemic. Lie and Lieutenant Wing were from Tenns itenant soldiers ve dle The easy-going ®lards paid so little a sy that the Philij noted for that more than a hund Manila Hospital Bubonic plague is a lends t« first visitor to distance rrors. Two mont ago the Manila been nates of the case was discover Since that time there 200 cases least 80 per cent ed fatally. EARLY ESSAYS Hanna on England and Rockefe St. Patrick. Among Freese Id age are tw ten by John D other by Mar ons f poverty a land of liberty and vilegos free all en) and every istrious man can galr livelthood tockefeller’'s essay tell St. Patrick. Characteristic in the essay are rom a poor shepherd boy he » a Bi which was in a very high office. History gives the of a Bisho ial to and greater than tha a King “St. Patrick was far superior to h countrymen in knowledge and had great sway over thelr minds The) even thought him to be a saint hon instances of power ng oq COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. Latest News From the Active Busi ness World, Many strikes have been declared In various parts of the country, workmen | that have arisen between {he demanding higher wages and shorter working hours. The men were gener ally successful in New York city, but in Westchester County building oper ations were stopped, One thousand Orange, N. J.. me chanics, about equally divided among the painters, masons, and carpenters, struck April 2. The masons and paint ers already have an eight-hour day, but they demand an increase In wages. The painters now receive $2.50 a day. They ask that this be increased to $2.75. The masons demand 45 cents an hour; they are now getting 4014 cents, The carpenters demand $2.75 for an eight-hour day. Their present rates are $1.50 to $2.50 for a working day of nine hours, In Mount Vernon, N. Y., 1.300 car. i penters and 500 plurabers and gas fit ters are on strike, Two hundred carpeiuters of Long Branch, N. J., have struck for eight hours work in a day. Strikes In New England are fre quent. They are mostly for the pur pose of securing a shorter work day. natives | and Chinese living in buildings and | | expedition | has been given by MISCELLANEOUS NEWS, Events of the Week Told in a Few Words, The recent heavy floods in Uruguay have caused great destruction of cat tle and wheat. Two bridges on the Central Rallway have been swept away. with a loss of $50,000. The first electric tram car operated in Santiago de Chile the lines April 1. Committee of Senators Cuba has returned to ington | satisfied with their All classes of people on the island are declared to be anxious for inde. the diffe of opin as to the over went over which Wash Visit I'he visited wel only rence with pend nce fon being it should come It is Colone haste which reported in Lima, Peru, that | Parra, on his return from an to the interior, will take Portfolio of War Marine, in ion to Senor Carillo body of Ed Hembrick, the per boy, has been recovered fr Red h mine, in West Virginia, where there was a disastrous explo sion on March 6, 1 i {8 the last body the and trap om the hi ago is richer ! nance wed that the reve ir was $46.741.240 } en, $41 leaving ¢ $4.507.740 There w publie debt during lion year Mr. Fielding « the revenue would be over $30 and that there would be on June next a surplus of $7 MINS TD over two mi rent ] t} LIE) timate D5. 000 It Is reported in Chicago that notice the Michi tral and other Vanderbilt the Albany gateway will be opened and kept open, This means that there is little hope of settling the differences Vander bilt lines and the northern roads A graduate department of pedagogy and a summer school for teachers are to be established at Dartmouth Col lege The State Bank of Hardy, Neb, been visited by burglars They blew open the safe with dynamite and se. cured $4,000 Assistant Treasurer Vanderlip has advised the House Committee on Colpage, that at most additional Mint would suffice for Govern- ment needs, The negotiations looking te a par eels post convention between this country and Nicaragua, which bave been In progress for several months, have been completed and the treaty will go Into effect June 1, There was an exciting scene In Judge Moore's court, Frankfort, Ken tucky, March 20, during the examina: tion of the Goebel murder suspects, Sharp words passed between counsel, causing the spectators to precipitately floes for the doors and windows. Or der was restored. gan Cen lines that one | Is dead at has | THE WASHINGTON NEWS WHAT OUR NATIONAL LAW MAK ERS ARE CONSIDERING. Some of the More Important Work of the National Congress—Bills That the Committees Report Favorably Upon—Washington Topics. Repri has pre; the gerve vol of Y create entative Hay bill A Of the several St ared a Lo milith ates i re unteer in time There appropriation army for use a Govern and a measure of Goy The bill is de« the army after the present 1501 of war will be ment ernmental control igned to obviate necessity of a large standing law expires in July, of in irotocol | The Secretary Spanish Minister igned a months, the residents in whether they Washin extending lowed Bp to gton for time al the Phillipines subj the territory in wh The considerat ire Mi ich they Senate continues Porto United State ion of the Beveridge TROUBLE SETTLED » Word G Vielk, CRIMINAL. i AD Ansiats City Mars! Boones was attempting netantly il William Missour!, fo ar killed Hennecke nt while Hennecke rest Evans after he had rob store March 27 Mr. W. W. Rice (ET Rice, d a cigar of Worcester wife of and sister to Mrs Washington The Merchants’ National Bank of Rutland, Vermont, has been placed In the hands of a receiver. The cashier was arrested, his ehortage being est! mated at $145,000, Mas ngressan Senator Hoar, husetts, ex CASUALTIES. By the burning of the High School building at Michigan, April 1, two firemen were killed by falling walls and four other persons injured, The Columbus and Wheeling ex press train on the Baltimore & Ohlo Rallroad crashed into a freight train at Whiting, Indiana, March 29. The engine of the pasgenger train was thrown into a ditch and Engineer Reniman was killed, Three children were burned to death In a fire which destroyed the farm house of John Brassil, In East Providence, R. I, March 29. The mother succeeded In rescuing one, an infant, from ita burning cradle, but it lived only a few hours, The winter has been unprecedented ly mild at Cape Nome; all necessaries of life are plentiful and cheap Twenty-four of the smaller corpora: tions operating franchises in Greater New York were yaloed at $17,000,000 by the State Tax Commission, Owosso, | | | | PARRISH'S A ii ll (Ann To NIC IN TABLET Form) For ALL DISEASES OF THE OENERATIVE ORGANS Deve ropes ano GivESYOUTHI UL STRENGIN ToEVERY PART OF THE SYSTEM IMMEDIATE LTTE CTS PARMANNT RESuLr's GUARANTEED INFALLIBLE Hianey ENporsto By Jrysicians DY MAL $1.00 SEN Stamp ror Pameier PANAMERIC) WRG vin Sold in Bel 1 RU stor £ STASDARD Lo Ea COA LS. ul alll, Hay, Cdyn vrs wa vy "A Can amd Wad THE FISHING SEASON WILL BE HERE ¢ SOON war { settee 0e GREEN'S PHARMACY High Street. of 114 to. Mere is a List of «FIRE INSURANCE ws anies, You can ALiDE upon ar | omy [ Stock » : y of these Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger, North German Fire Insurance Co, Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis. Prussian National, of Germany. Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York, Concordia, of Wisconsin, National, of Allegheny. Traders, of Chicago. Washington, and Accident. com? I nearly ex Assets in Fire, Life wer $50,000 000 Sur ned of FLIRT SGRAITT FJTICOVER, Crider's Stove Bullding BELLEFONTE MORTGAGES. Money wanted for investment in FA first mortgages. Security absolute ly good. For further information, address E. H FAULKENDER, Attorney-at-Law, x 17, Hollidaysburg, Pa. CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS —— Always reliable for La En n edad Pu COHIONRATRER OHEMIOAL 00, Madison Square, PHILA, Mention this paper, ra. 22 ARE YOU HUNGRY? If S50, save other grocery store in Bellefc Pure Gr Low Prices! . Pa. Bell ef 1 TTT VERTRTRTVRRTrRvasarrvvIv Ie You more come and see us, it will sled 1 than any y 11 min JAIN « A ceries! The Be Least st! shal A q ld EL WAIT GRAND in the 0addddadddataddiadiddaddiatisdasioddssdottatadatadbiiiadisibatiania THE mth. of Liecberman’s Cash Clothing House, ..ON APRIL in 3ush Arcade, High St., here Men's, Boys’ Clothing & Gent's Furnishing Goods will be SOLD CHEAPER than was ever heard of in Cen esessose EVERYBODY INVITED. ——— ial) OPENING 1700. . Y xt 8 and Rte S rr ev v its Unly - ED A Se uve | | | 3 ol] nir given to every SAA A Al bbl bbb bb bbb bl bbb 3 3 3 i ; ; 3 3 : 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 - J Fe 1 2 - wr Wr . i s in the World, liing ! ely By Us Wholesale Prices fo Users, Wi MONTCOMERY WARD & CO, Michigan Av. & Madison Si, (hioage THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE. ! nominat na d and Loe ” f the mont : ne ! 4 sin the A her egion Open other exp a nde nd nes very ree ;: Boar ADING DEPARTMENTS of STUDY AGRICULTURE and AGRICULTUNKE CHEMISTRY BIOLOGY BOTANY and HORTICH CHEMISTRY CIVIL ENGINEERING | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING {MECHANICAL ESGINEERING {MINING ENGINEERING HISTORY and POLITICAL SCIENCA INDUSTRIAL AKT AND DESIGN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE Spanish and ltalian, (optional) German and English, Th iired.) MATHEMATION and ASTRONOMY MECHANICAL ARTS; combining shop work with study MENTAL and MORAL SCIENCE LTURRE Latin French MILITARY SCIENCE theoretical and prae | ties! PREPARATORY D Jean Fall term opens September 12, 180 courses four Fre Yor catalog formation, address GRO. W,ATHELTON, LL. DD, president State College. Centre County, I's >IBEEZER Ske MEAT MARKET Allegheny 8t., Bellefonte, Pa. EPARTMENT ; tw we or other In We keep none but the best quality Of sm BEEF PORK and MUTTON All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced |} Ham, Pork SBansage, ete. If you |’ want a nice Juicy Steak go to PHI LIP BEEZER FOR THE LADIES ue BO sents for © Box of GINTMENT that HEALS pin, pit be he rer nELL he . Regular | They are Here For Spring THE FAMOUS WALE- OVE S for BS. 50 “va Huondre heen on them are pleased; they have tyle; come in any leather wearing old shoes for Ht pairs of them 1s who hs wanting the Ke Kot 13 ust We I 200 Don't be misled by others adver tising they have $3100 shoes just as good for they haven't seen $5 00 shoes that are near as good For the Ladie's the SAR: ACEN and the famous HERRICK shoes from $250 to $3.50 are the leaders. 00000000 POWERS SHOE COMPANY, Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PENN'A Bt I —— i pam ee TRADE. MARKS ‘PATENTS =. AmILITY Notice Nother ja vemior Age’ - "FREE Book * ati aecumd. ington; D. €. — a Sy LS VERA Fal. TO LOAN In large and small sums Sn LE MON ft TN