Ww CORRESPONDENTS | DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections, HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See and Observe Worthy of Note—The Local Happenings of Every Community Will be Published if Sent in Early, Port Matilda. Mrs. Beckie Curry is slowly recovering from a sick spell. David Gates is having a hard time with pneumonia, and his recovering 1s marx ed as slow, Mrs. Aaron Woodring is slowly recov- ering from rheumatism and heart trouble, Miss Bella Cowher continues tO grow weaker from her protracte d sickness from lung trouble, Mrs. James Patton is rapidly ing from a dangerous cancer her condition is a critical plement man, W rst class field and one. Our enterprising im T. Hoover, has added rarden seeds to his stock of hardware. Charles Turner, of Philipsburg, is one ng our obliging hustlers who nes accommodating the people ite to and from Philipsburg WwW. G. IL. Crain & Sons irchased a car load ol reasonane Charles Crain has been veral days with a sore throat an Miss Net lat after a friends in Clearfield. visit of among We had a warm yrge and Phil of it hunting hs e fishing season, day rward very when he w Howard looks f 1} 1 ae ime ley has fin from Port } Mrs. Margaret Sharer had a paralvyt roke a few days since which deprived i speech for a time her of Dora Sharer is visitin Sandy Ridge. Philip has having his name announced He had been § res he built on the i stream and when he came to « He wou good timber and Haven would up for hire wood ryt t heey SPOS een for Supervisor brid gone, said he t was Lock pull it in T1108 BENNETT: — IN Friday March 23d, 1 pneumonia and heart trouble, Thomas Bennet, aged t years. The deceased moved to Port Matilda in the year 1865 and resided here with his family ever since. He was a member of the M. E. charch—a ind husband, parent and an liging neighbor. He leaves to mourn oss a wife and four children namely of Tyr rt Matilda; eral brothers ves him Mr Black Oak from his late church where the yr of the Baptist char Youngof the M. E to his e taken to Black rment followed by a large riends and neigl tender nuel, memory atte ak to fa mmediately Fr For sale by K It is hard to tell who is the scribe and her brother, of How. Sundayed at the home of Rockey. The Col. should apply a few doses of Kendall's Spavin Cure on his bunion Miss Swartz rd lohan ATO } hin Rev. Summers, of Stormstown, is assist. ng B. J. Hummel in the revival. E. I Walker made a business trip to [yrone, Monday. Mrs. EK. I. Walker contemplates start. ug a dry goods store Since H. E. Leathers was chosen prin. pal of the night school at Pleasant val. ley, Chester has dropped out, Ezekiel Confer, Jr., asserts that if the capacity of the mail, between the saw mill and Pleasant valley, increases he will have to get a lock for his bag. Our merchant is doing a rushing busi. ness; he has invested in two baby car. riages and a dozen wrappers—suits made to order, N. A. Confer surveyed the road, lead. ing from Yarnell to Howard, Saturday at his own expense, Our fireman, Claud Yarvell, says the reason the safety plug melted, the fish scales gathered on the sirainer from cleaning fish in the race. Frank is about to bid his friends fare. well, William Poorman is engaged in repair. ing his house on wheels, as he proposes visiting his father-in-law, Brigham Young. Orvis Fetzer has received an order from Pittsburg for a large amount of pears. Our singing class at Pleasant valley is | progressing nicely under the supervision | of Prof. Pletcher, i One of our mountaineers is getting | foxy ; if you don't believe it ask “Sam.” | Coburn. Prof. A. J. Harter, of Altooua, is visits ing bis children May and James. Jas. W. Kooney, of Harrisburg, is call. ing on his many friends at this place, He had one eye turned towards the “light” head, on the hill (North). Jacob M, Neidig called early at the | house of Sam Ard'son Monday morning. Mrs. N. B. Schaeffer and two of her children, of Centre Hall, visited at her sister's Mrs. T. C. Bower at Feidler over Sunday. Wm. Kearns, of Drum expects to leave for DuBose, in the near future. He had been a resident at that place several years ago. Boyd Wilson, became the week and “don’t for ge had to come around, Chester Ke savs, ‘‘They me papa Why ? because a litt] girl came to stay at my place." Jacob Eberhart, of Vicksburg, visi at Sam'l Everett's Tuesday. Chas. W. Stonebraker will Brushvalley on Monday, where he will spend the summer with I» D. Royer, The good, old Bartholomew sud morning. 1 § stroke ‘our creamery man," father of a *'big'’ boy last Lit" the 5 centers rstetter again leave for rooster of Ephriam last Saturday thinks he had a paraly- head, with a cumbed Eph on the kora stone net Band will n tated ino last ] hey t » ord Fairbrook. had an excell Sabbath *