THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH ( <4, 1900. LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In And About Belle fonte. PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS Are Worth Noting in a Few What Has Transpired in This the Past Week That Lines Items Community During Movements of Our People. Winter appears to be coming at the tail end of the season. _‘“What Happened to Jones?" will be | the next attraction at the opera house. Nancy |. Proudfoot, of Milesburg. has been granted a pension of $8 per month. Ray, of Bellefonte, was for a car — Ambrose S. recently awarded a patent coupling device. Are you going to move ? If so don't fail to have your paper changed to the new post office address. Easter hats and gowns are annoying the women and worrying the men more than most people 1. Mitch Cunningham, tral Hotel at in this place imagine, manager Tyrone, nent Sun- spent 1 Cen at his home the day -~ Mrs for Milroy Qe for sucher, ast week , Mrs. A Cyrus Strickland left] her ¢ who is quite to visit Jaugite) Lester + roll k was putin top des) fice tary’s office this week by F It was neede Ward M arr 4 New York t o Ward, who has be past week gay horse and bx on Pa., Was « Huss, rt call Mc od the funeral oll, of engage Johnstown, He of his nden day. near Li 1 in shoemaking , Pa Rothrock, wife and child, Monday a visit to liam P Pe Minn., Rothrock, from his Belle on in lefonte on of near has resigned his posit apolis and will make beadquarters isburg. Clarence Paley, who has been living in town the past year and employed at the Crider planing mill, expects to move back to Curtin township and will occupy a farm, which he thinks will pay better, Joe Cussion, the engineer who was hurt on the C. R. R. of Penna. some time ago by the engine jumping the track and had his leg broken in several places, is able to be about again, but mast the crutches for awhile, His leg was badly injured, but the indications are that it will heal up as well as ever, Rev. Dr. W. A. Stephens delivered his farewell sermon in the Methodist church Sunday evening. Dr, Stephens has been appointed a secretary of the 20th Century thank offering representing the Central Pennsylvania Conference and will make his future home at Carlisle where he has a son residing who is a professor in the Dickinson College use «Fa mers who come to our office from various sections ol the county tell us that the wheat fields do not look any too promising this coming season. It ap. pears that the cold weather and frequent thaws had the effect of killing the plant in many places. Much of the time there was no snow on the ground, and that is the reason that the damage was done in this way. { 10 rooms on hoff House | how to make his balking horse pull ~1st of April, next Sunday. | Some of our readers should remem. of April comes next i ber that the Sunday. ~Coms Daniel to town and will occupy the property he 1st, Heckman has moved recently purchased, Something of importance to our lady Katz & Co's. in this issue. readers will be found in advertisement, Our Roll of Honor, published at the all end of each mouth, is a receipt for who have remitted on subscription, of the | It should be | dainty head. Attention is called to the ad, Globe, in this week's issue, of interest to all lovers of gear, Frederick Robb, of Liberty, for Jury John Conley, of Pot. the Commissioner and ter for Assembly, are among new announcement this week, H. Meyer successful g, the close same at next session, has been singing scason and wil Coms P. con. ducting a class at Hublersbarg past Among the new advertisements to be found ia this paper this week is that Lieberman's to be the ening clothing store, Arce will be on the and Mrs. E. C. Re the third floor o the few weeks pr Pa., of ade building 7th of April. opened Bush Their of Mr in e located {the Brocker. IWC ar where y expect t yr to thei e Mr for the next » for Sharon, wher Cruelty to Animals T he a hot Hunt arrested an two men who cut | 4 {WO ago were ing wn Wednesd niwo with a string at week Or d given in that ‘hey were fined five 2» hear before Justice Kelly AY. dollars each and costs, the whole amount being sixteen dollars, which amount they were forced to pay for showing a man The | string was tied around the horse's tongue, the The horse he horse threw his bead up and string cut the tongue in two, was shot by his owner, — d— Relief! Fund I'he employees of the Bellefonte Far. nace Company started a sick and injured benefit association, to create a fund for | ! Ben) D 6, the relief of sick and injured employees | of the company, and to this end employ- | ees agree to pay into the same the sum of fifty cents per month, the company | itself to be the depository of the fund, to | make all disbursements, etc. The stipa. lated weekly benefit is from £5 to §6 per week. Resigned As Adjutant, Captain W. Fred Reynolds, of Belle. foute, adjutant of the Fifth regiment,” N, (3. P., bas forwarded his resignation to take effect at once on account of his hav. ing received the appointment as commis. sloners to the Paris exposition. Battalion Adjutant Willis E. Mackey has been de. tailed as acting adjutant until the posi. tion is filled. - Noah was the first man on record as having set up a dry goods establishment, You cannot always say of a lantern. jawed man : "See how his face lights up.” The milliner believes in feathering her own nest, A witty lie always finds more favor than a stupid truth, The girl who buys silk stockings be. lleves in putting something by for a rainy day. There is a great difference between an absent-minded man and one who forgets judiciously, LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House, MARRIAGE LICENSES, { Harry F, Weaver Auna M. Gentzel § Ross Ny Milage { Lottie B. White Ae Noel Bertha B. Ho Harry N. Koch Romola Hublersburg Milesburg Sinking Valley Hoover - Stormstown Fairbrook Maggie W. Campbell State College Home J B. Bessie Penn Treaster . Corman f James GG, Stiver { Celia S. Biddle West . Bellefonte Susie E. Jenkins . . , f Moses A. t Nellie G, Martha Stormstown Buffalo Run lehrer Hartsock REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Robert Loyd etux to I. V. Gray, June 1896 ; lot sox150 feet in Rush town. ship, § to Wm. tracts A Bedlyon et ux Janu. 4, Potter township, $500. Wil Jan. 6, 1866; § (rrove, 89g, seyeral of land In iam Colyer et ux to Amos Bedlyon, acres and ¢ $40. yer et ux Potter tow ashij ’ Wilham Col tshurg and Mfg Clevelan Mig. Co Nationa! ( siover John Blubaker ( Coal Co. et al. Runkle I.. C. Bul is B Dr Seebring vs, O. P. Be oal Co. ase of vs. Benton R. R Homer Care Bros, vs. Central of Pa ck v8 SECOND WEEK. C. KR. Sober vs. J. C. Wm. Witmer vs. W ILehigh Valley Coal Lamber Co. et al, ILehigh Valley Coal Co. vs. Geo. Lucas et al. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. vs, Geo. Lucas Condo J. Sowers Co. vs. Beaver | et al. } Lehigh Valley Coal Co. vs. A. J. Greist Juno. P. Harris et al va. Jacob Theilman | | acter in the county emulate the patriotic et al. Joo, PP. Harris et al va. Jacob Thellman et al. Austin Swisher va. John Bruss, et al. Frick Company vs, W. M. Lutz, Adam Hoy's Exrs, va, German Ameri can Insurance Co. Wm. I. Harvey va, Thomas 1. Lucas. Commonwealth Iron Co, vs. Robert Valentine. A. M. Smith vs. Robert Valentine, Samuel Wilkinson et al vs. Richard O'Neil et al, Robert Kinkead vs, Rosa L,.. Plerce, Fannie Barnhart vs. Boro of Bellefonte, First National Bank Bellefonte vs, Peter ¥. Colling Admr. Pancoast & Co. vs. Gowland Mfg. Co, Halves, Jones & Cadbury Co. v8. Gow. land Mig. Co. 8. 8. Messinger & Son vs, James Wert, David Spotts vs. 8. R. Pringle, et al, Henry Wolilfort vs, Nathan and Ewe. line Hough. Nannie Lucas va, township of Boggs. Mary Nyman vs, township of Boggs. John and ml/h aeatn | Hastings & Co's bank, the Soldiers’ KECENT DEATHS. | Jamies M. PACKER: James M. Packer, ship's oldest and most respected citizens, at Marsh Creek, back Tuesday morning. Death heart failure; death 7 he and bravery The venerable one of Curtin town: died at his home of Howard, to and was directly due time of 6 Rebel distinction was aged at years the country with Most of his of late he During lion served his a farmer but life He was a distant relative of ex.-Governor Wil He is wife and ten children, The Irvin and Henysl life he spent as had been living a retired liam EF. Packer, survived by a five girls and five Dayid, One daugh- boys. sons are Nathan, Lorenzo, ter, Cora, lives at bome, and the balance of the daughters are married and away The noon, Mrs. DExNIS MEW illness fiom heart disease, funeral at Romola Thursday after. SHAW Alter Mrs. Denn Mewshaw died Thursday evening March an | North Ridge street, Hipple 22nd, at her home on Her she maiden name was Susan Fairview, Pa., age onths was born in 7th, 1856, makivg her at the time l vears, § m and "ny he leaves to mourn ber los Washin P.O. S. of A,, No deg Harris, Cashier of Ja kson, | gion Camp, 447, of Valentine's Forge, has osited with John P to the credit of Monument Commitiee ap pointed by the Centre County Veterans | Association, the contribution the camp has pledged itself | first iostaliment of al to make to the Soldiers’ Monument | | { Fund, The Committee would like to | have every other order of a similar char: example of Camp No. 447. Easter Ball, The members of the Undine Fire Com. pany of this place will hold their annual Easter Ball on Monday following Haster, April 16th, in the Armory. They will have a fine orchestra for the occasion to furnish the choicest music, This will be a masquerade ball and a large at. tendance fis expected to witness the Grand March which takes place at gp m., when a handsome prize will be awarded to the couple appearing in the Grand March presenting the best ap: pearance Adopted a New Fee Bull, The members of the Centre count have adopted a new fee bill, which meeting with the approval of the younges attorneys, some of whom feel that under the rew bill they are considerably bandi. capped in securing professional work. The new bill is a considerable increase in fees over many of the rates that re bar vailed in the past, Baking Powder Economy The king Powder manufacturers of Royal hay declined c alway roduce a cheap baking powder sacrifice The Roy al of quali the highly refined nts CX( cl in the Roval Baking ’ and | 1 } the ¢mbodd ' lence po $11 J i\ high Cla Powder a fair price, and 1s cheapc LS BB a he One Dose Shid Hood’s Pilis : § = ALLMG GOLDS $ OF QUEEN LOUISE A facsimile in colors of the mous painting by Gustav Richter, will be given to each purchaser of QUEEN QUALITY SHOES during the next thirty days, begin. ning A pril nd, 19000, No advertising appears w, thin pietere, which ix a veritable rear of art and or be privrvivaned for less than one dollar, THE EDITION IS LIMITED. MINGLE'S SHOE STORE. FREE AD COLI EGGN, HAT Rock, and Br iraished Hate ng an b cen This stock Is RUAN ’ ARES DENA Bellefonte HING Tu wn Leg? ’ Barred } full settings for al 5 PERS for Ei] teed pure breed Aa re ro ymoth Lock Haven Markets | Prices of produce at the Lock Haves cuth market Wednesday were as fol lows: butter, per pound 22 10 24C , CERN | per dozen 1410 15¢ ; chickens, per pair TOC. apples, per peck 1S to asc; | potatoes, per bushel 45 to soc, onions, | per peck 15C; turnips, per peck Joc; | appiebutter, per quart 1x tn lo Bellefonte Markets : The following prices are paid by Sscuiern bh Co, tor produce | Potatoes per bushel | Eggs ber dosen Lard, per pound | Tallow, per pound putter, per pound ® 198, ber pound 8 houlder per pound. —— (GATS 0Orreoted weekly by Gerberieh, Hale & Co. Bellefonte, Pa) Red wheat per bushel, Rye, per bushel... Corn, ears per bushelel... Corn, shelled per bushel. Batley per BOSAL. coe comin Oats, por DUS Lv —— Coburn Markets, Following are the prices paid tor grain What" dealers at Coburn (ew per bushel. (89 For New York Markets turn to page & asl] | r DUShel ...... a ————— — a] seus J