4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELL EFONTE, RA, MARCH 22, 1000, The Centre Drmorrat, CHAS. R. KURTZ, - = EDITOR & PROP | “Actual, average, sworn circulation, of this paper, for the past year, 188, was OVER 2475 COPIES PER WEEK. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : ' Regular Price - . $l ) per year Itpald in Apvaxce - £1. Special Club Rate THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT will be sent one yoar with any one of the below named papers, at the following low rate With Ulnelnnatt! Weekly Enquirer $1.50 New York J-times a week World $1.65 Announcement, FOR ASSEMBLY We are authorized to announce the name of J H. WETzEL, of Bellefonte boro, as a cand! date for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention Weare authorized to announce the name of J. W. KerrLer, of Ferguson township, as a candidate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention, We are authorized to announce the ROBERT M. FOSTER, of State College, as a car didate for Assembly, subject to the decision of the Democratic County Convention name of Democratic County Lonvention. ng of the A re co County Conven of June 131 held in the Court House, at Be TUESDAY, MARCH 27th at 12o0'clock noon, for the purpose of five de present the Der the next State elected at t) day of June, 13 nvened meet Democrat ie egates to 1 GEREAHAM Attest ll Co. ( J. K. JOHNSTON Chalrman D EDITORIAL. ITs f canal without the it, Stand by the if some one will dent stands President McKinle Ex President regarc Harn Harris to Porto son 1s gelling President again - - Tug Republicans dislike t the Quay ator Hoar to set a day for considering the matter, they put in so medicine in case and forced by Sen many provisos that it is doubtful whether it will be possible to reach the case be. fore the end of the session - KRUGER says the Boers will fight to their death, before they will yield to the Eoglish, and will blow up the cities of Johannesburg, Pretoria and the mines, as war measures, conquered. thinking, gold before they are This has set the Eaglish to because Eoglish largely represented there. capital is - - IF any fair minded individual to judge the drift of public sentimeut on the Porto Rico infamy of the administra tion, let them read the the front page of this issue. It well for the editor of the Gazette to der over the sit editorial last week, wants few comments on would be pon. , after its and tell b un-American policy uation Apologetic s readers the troe side of the of McKinley. - ——— LAST week the Gazette in its custon manner in speaking credited this the former perversion. we said, readers we said, very dif we ask of Mr. Harter is text, 1 not misquote We said the ; a monopoly of IATY of the Paper Trust, with st that were A careful and what paper ateme issue absolu readies are and was plain pearly all the mills aids and helps them to 1 paper 'o an unreasona reference to Senator was simply a plain exactly for what it is ing of trusts, and the paper trust ly, be said this, which afraid “Of all to tell to its read« the money power this is the most and infamous If the reg does not strang'e these monsters it i tain that some other party will Our article never said that Ingalls at tributed the advance in paper to the tar iff, as the Gazette declared we did. Mr Ingalls plainly says that trusts survive because the party in power does not do ts plain duty by the people and “strangle hese monsters.” Mr. Harter we have no phijection to your political views, and ke no apology for our editorial com. pent as long as plain language is fairly terpreted. unforgiven ¢ TUESDAY'S CONVENTION The notice at the head of this collmn | 1 fully explain its purpose and im- ance. It is desired that there be a 1 attendance, a representative from h district in the county, In any case the former delegate finds it im. bie to attend, it is desired that a hatitute be sent to the convention this sing Tuesday. delegates to the former Demo. ic County Convention have all been notified by the Chairman, Lat be a full attendance as there will ers of importance come up that peed deration. — lb — members of the President’ s Cabi. hit be called its mosey drawers, ho!" sald the tenor, after he ruck high C. “"How'sthat for high?" 3 anger | lation on the { mostly, WASHINGTON TOPICS, The House Republicans | anger of the country for their persistence in acting contrary to ‘plain duty” gard to Porto the Senators will earn something worse than Rico; Republican utter contempt—if they persist in their course of procrastination and vacil- subject. Said a prominent Senator just “I Senate Democratic recently will not satisfy the countrv for the to pass an act paying over to the govern. ment of Porto Rico money wrongfully collected from the citizens of that un fortunate island The Republicans do not seem to reaiize that it is not a ques Peter extent tion of robbing of the duties imposed, to pay Paul, nor one and burden of the radical issue be that as in but a tween justice and injustice—and there is as much injastic The dressed to Congress by the merchants of Porto “The ein delay imposing a duty, memorial ad. Rico makes this statement fact cannot be disputed are in All The Our S50re commerce 1s now hampered. nvestment of capital ‘is stoppe farmers have not the means to plant or to gather crog and improving are fuse and Missouri On account damages resulting the govern: these vessel concerns authorized unanimously rmands ATINOT-§ far as the armor for those But the a CAD majority « cerned ther than this for the armor authorize Bree nt } n taken after a spe armor plate at that pri ency The mittee armor had bee Democratic mem! rirt eel ya te In voled against 1d Dorize armor at th Turkey three four wars against China, two wars against the Sikhs, three wars against the Kaffirs three against Barmah, nine wars in India, two against the in the Soudan, three against one war with the Persians, Transvaal, three Ashanti, one with the one with the Basutos, the Egyptians, one with and one against the Matabeles. Of the forty wars, thirty-eight were with the inferior orders Zalus, one with Zanzibar, of mankind, the brown men, with an occasional dash at the blacks and the copper colored. val | that time Great Britain went to war with only three nations of the Caucasian type One with Russia and twice with the Transvaal, THE QUAY CASE, The republican primary elections, held | in different sections of the state, indicate that the Quay issue is on the decline, The defeat of Speaker Farr, in his own county, for nomination, was one of the reflex movements that surprised the Quay people. The condition of the Quay case, in the United States Senate, is such as to give him little hope and the battle ground has been changed back to local primaries, where they have hope in win. ping. Thus far there has been little en. couragement in him securing higseat by the governot's appointment or in the choice of the next legislature, earned the | in re- | that our people | PREACHER OUT OF PLACE. Sheldon to paper, of The attempt of Rev, run the Topeka Capital, Kans, Jesus would edit the a daily same, attracted a great dea! of attention over There and everybody wanted the entire country, was novelty about the scheme to see whether the preacher would be a success in the undertaking. Some preachers are many other De ple, they newspaper work, like a great are very ready to criticise and have radical views should be had paper for one to how same This this daily He directed everything o! their own as conducted eminent divine full sway over week from ad vertising to the The point of editorial departments result of his work, from the stand. was that be made His paper capacity to set forth a newspaper, a fatlure of the undertaking. displayed a lack of day: the important hapfen was dull ings of the and stupid in various way The preacher may be able but he showed that he was to put up a good sermon, a misfit in his eflort to get up a 3 paper Then there was a great dis; of egotism, tomary among profe ume 10 say how would it yaper; it most } aimo the acrilegious and d ville, expected that he would be appointee, as he made such a good show ing the last me as a candidate for 1 nomination. Just as to why these tw men were overlooked, and what was M1 1, we leave to the politiciar » FIRST FRUITS It is hard of Phi ippine The fig lares the totell what particular brand news should be credited 1st pow (hting is going on nis war at an end. McKinley iting out another commission to divide iiity There other day of a ship was news nent of leg manacles Manila t : American soidier's goin and handcufls to restrain : ’ |) unprecedented numbers We have export TIMELY COMMENT take the following from last week's rier and i covers a matter in which abuses are practice d ASSESSOR'S PAY Neporter.— In examining the County statement | find some very ex- cessive and outrageous bills that were paid by the County Commissioners, and in which cases the county auditors should have made some more surcharges, and in looking over the assessor's account one can readily detect the inequality. Belle. fonte is at the head of the jist, the county and state tax for 1899 was $9184 17; num ber of voles 1508, 738. assessor's pay £16316; per capita, 50 cents, or § per cent, In the small township of Taylor, tax $250 92; number voles g1; assessor's pay $182 94: per capita $1.43 or 53 per cent Centre Hall, tax $5312.61 votes 125; assessor's pay £313.60; per capita 26 cents, or 6 per cent. Millheim, tax 900.94; votes 157; Assessor's pay $53.88; Per capita 53 cents, or 12%; per cent, This is certamly a great inadequacy. Is this lncompetency or a fabrication in or. der lo extort money from the county, In either of the districts named a person would not need to travel more than from three to filteen miles circular, and any competent person could go over the ground in a few days. The commis sioners should see that this evil is abolish. ed before the tri-annual assessment, Tax PAvER, IT is somewhat faony that Senator Foraker, when asked ju the Senate why the President changed his mind in regard to plain duties, should refer the question. er to Mr, Hanna, War must be brewing in Ohlo again, Editor RECENT DEATHS. HARPST ER: ~Of that place morning on the birthday, Mr of Gatesburg's SAMUEL died at his Thursday Gateshurg home in last anniversary of his 71st Harpster was one most prominent and oldest zitizens, He was a useful and consistent member of the Lutheran church and an old line | rat. His death was due to pneumonia He was the father of seven children all of whom him, Mrs. Harpster Hall, Centre County, survive was born in White at Gatesburg cemetery, Interment of Wil. on Monday 12th at Martha Besid MRS. WM. liam Ebberts EnnerT Widow died { the home of her son James, near Furnace, aged about 70 YEArs her son James, with whom she made she two other home, leaves one daughter, viz: Fr | | | | { sons and Woodland Stoneville, and Mrs ank, John, living near John Hill, Morrisdale Mrs. C day morning ATHARINE GROVE in Boalsburg after of pneumonia. She vas the ’ te Martin Gr mother of | illness | | widow of the She was the 1 . tare | one of whom 0D'S ILLS CORNISH ORGAN fe Given Away to Some Church or Sunday School » Centre Democrat w Organ to some chur 3 Centre county, and of the paper shall go JUDGES REPORT TAL YOO eran Church, P Church, 1 Sunday casant Gat Roland hool, Zion an Church rmed Church, Pine | Pleasant Valley Church IM. E. Church, Howard Reformed Church, Mi reshyler Ref "'nionville Grove Mi Yarnell aeim Total { Bovyp A. Mussen ARTHUR B. KiMPoRT Bellefonte, Pa., March 21, 1900 CUT THIS OUT Unless obhisction is offered before next eount All contestants will be dropped except the three highest viz Pleasant Gan Lutheran church M. K church, Roland and Uniun 8.8. Zion Che Centre Democrat, COU p ON NO. 14 MARCH 22 This coupon entities the holder to one vole for the handsome CORNISH CHAPEL ORGAN (Made by Cornish & Co, Washington, NX. J.) to be given to some Sunday Sebool or Chureh by the Centre Demoorat, Bellefonte, Pa This vote cast for 1 her | A WECK 5 | FOR 31.75. Having just added to our studio an enlarging apparatus by which we can produce Platinum- Bromide enlargements which surpass the finest Crayon Portraits, we will make this SPECIAL OFFER to our patrons, BEGINNING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 28. One-half dozen Satin Enameled CABINET PHOTOS, (our regular $2. work) and a 16x20 PLATINUM BROMIDE enlarg for the unusually Low Price of $1.7 ement, s‘vvipomnt | HArgeme at yom S ud his P. S.--We Frames prices, ready made or made to 1 1 ~ wr i . carry a large HNC The Mallory-Taylor Studio, Allegheny St. BELLEFONTE PA. IIIT II TITS IIIT IS. ol[0{ Slalements {Suit for Thirty Genis ers 5 he he S S 5 NS BM N 3 - . he ny he) § | . N WN by ny he 5 he) S N N he) 5 he a, he) hn 3 : MONEY BACK FOR THE ASKING. FAIRNESS MY MOTTO should surely bx AND New SOI ARENESS IS and 1p-to (yoods an attraction for you tom Mu Prices will Suit Your Purse. Come in and see me when around my way. Give me a chance to prove a few of the assertions I have been making in the papers. Respectfully yours, Im, The Glothjer BELLEFONTE, PA. WITT TTNTTI TIT ITI TTI TTT GTI NID