» » THE. CENTKE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, MARCI 22 1900), A —————————— TOWN AND COUNTRY. The woods are very green and falr, And fair and green the glen; And fair, too, Is the treeless street That swarms with living men. And beautiful are forest alsles Beneath the centuried oak, And beautiful she chimneys tall That belch with factory smoke. The songs of birds, the low of herds, The hum of bees {in June, Chime with the foundry's clash and clank In no discordant tune. God made the ur The earth it bre God also made dfscer: And man made factor And so the factory and the tree Are parts of Nati ' Both man-made mill and earth-made tree Should please the God-made maz The bobolink’s song and the motorman’s gong Arc parts of one refrain; And 80 is the crash of the catara And the rattle of the train. Lrees; ing man, ire's plan The cattled hills and the towered town, The wood-path hose sireams are m . And the rival These all are the Who love ¢ The home of the man who And ca the whole woric od The rot KW To this man And so is the rhy With Its tread of a d lane s ear {a sweet \ e of the cal pr pave thousana feel, He loves to see ine tree grow And sce th And see And ¢ For tow Ag ng A ggg gg ng gg Wg 1] ! { JOE. 14] N 3 i L. EROWN. Het ot ot ototototeteteterell which days. men ana w »/ and going on v LJ] prosperity, and I had a | among the My sci affair indeed. It and and fairly « pupils, of mostly hearty, girls. One warm windows and sunshin when in w had never He was thick! and was poorl clean. He came directly “May I come to school, teacher? at me earnest e Was a very pris was small, ur unplast t had a g rtable seats; there were 2 whom wholesome t alked a str seen in the neighbor y frec kled, had y dressed, but tom) asked, looking “Where do you live, my boy 7" 1 tioned. “Just back here by the ¢ woods,” he replie “What is your nan “Joe Morton,” just moved “Well, . to school bring all you: a ny serious talks wit! but as soon as he { the scl roon 1 he geeme k to his old wa) I glar ) were ei. 0 went bade An Joe at Tom, twin £m sure b he w 0 KE ywn the aisle that his went d and saw eyes tid be able to defend himself In the afternoon Joe came, and ves the world | chievously, which I was | 1 no good to Joe, but thought | after | I had assigned his lessons, todk bis seat quietly At recess I heard Tom's volee singing out: “1 kn me iz Joe With boots all out at the toe. toe w & boy whose oe - I heard no answer from Joe, and soon Tom said, moekingly: “What am | offered for the hat? Bld quick! The only one left that came out of the ark! How mucham | offered? Who'll make tone dollar? Who'll make it one dollae?™ And so It went from day today. Tom saving unkind, jJeering things as soon os he supposed himself out of sight, and Joe taking It quietly, Bometimes » quick flush would pass over his face, and his lips would quiver, but no word escaped him, I thought best to appear not to know what was going on between them, thinking it woud soon wear itself out and perbaps Joo would feel better te think I did not know, but I kept him with me as much as I could and grew & Mike him very much. 3 0 made rapid progress in his studies, T H kK WW ASH | \ Yk '\ \ k WS and his everyday life showed strength of character, 1 could always depend on him to tell 4 the truth on every occasion, and looks fue into his earnest face, 1 would for get the baggy clothes, the flery red hair, and the ragged hat, Not far from the sc hoolhouse was a wide, deep stream of water, which ran dank and turbid in the spring. It was ed by a footbridge with a railing Nearly half the children Cros: on both sides, is bridge to get to school, sat on the which I rossed th On pleasant days we often bank to eat our dinner, brought with us, One lovely day in early June, we were seated there, ner, | was reading a book, and the children were amusing themselves in WAYS. Pearl Atherton strolled alone across the bridge, to look for which sometimes grew on the opposite side back, she stopped we after eating our dir Yarious violets, the Caves In coming middle of the bridge into t rail away. The rail ner nae way , threw he water, and leane« ng, watching them ¢ ing was ol Extinguished, : ) LEWIY-MAarrira von: frie: i ne whose cor el he rest of the o« ol . Although most up with for some time, per he held up on hin fork nD went which had been served to hig, and In a vein of intended humor, he looked round and remarked “In this pig? This immediately drew forth the re mark from a quiet-loaking individual sitting at the other end of the table “Which end of the fork do you refer London Bpare Moments, mextremelyob mpany unbear was put il at sup e of 1 ~ : to Best Mushrooms In the World, The finest mushrooms in the world | come from Paris, where they are grown | In trenches under ground. The best | mushrooms in the United States are grown in Pennsylvania and New Jers sey, In both of which states their cul: tivation Is an Important Industry, The cultivated mushroom sells for from $1.25 to #2 a pound, according to the weason, Field mushrooms are not In furor, as even experts often confuse i chamber cost $2.3082 | or { Carpets ‘the poisonous snd edible varieties, WHAT OUR NATONAL LAW ERS ARE CONSIDERING, MAK Some of the More Important Work of the National Congress——Bills That the Committees Report Favorably Upon—Washington Topics. Secretary Wilson has aw contract of Agri year 1001 Garden A their bid ber URL 468 for ment of packets Senator Bever free ¢ gection of trade ing a decla tion did not A canva Must Mave Wuinine ng mu caffe cerinse shay bromo Kl brushes, » tablet imported Orn powders mineral wats witeh haz preparation brushes Our other I'he new oarpet n th Renate he ten leath | § 0 rooms of the rant not The couches are appraised at private dining in overlooked Even the Benators the resis the refurnishing cost 3274.50 for ons were in there The expenses month of the i" in New Narra currency Comm Heach and framing a MERE Another of H. OO. Havemeyer sugar trust. an witness fees port shows that Mr jected the amount A portion of the expense of Bena tors attending the funeral of the late Vice President Hobart foots up $3,700, Finanoe Manhatian Pler were fenate York Ansett od while mensure item nterest in $3 due of the he re Havemeyer col President SALE REGISTER. All Pablic Sale Bills This Office will be Inserted in this Column Free. Printed at Manou Frioay W Toor al | PPROVEIESSTIONAL CC ARDS LEGAL NOTICENS, grees west f Pea » degrees past and of M1. Pe degrees . § perehes to “t y 1a and M1 4 to stone ahd 1 Mech $10 perehes grees west estate peered oy » a at thence sovath perehes to a thet ol somtt degrees y stones, thenee by put #0 We stone emetery and sey © per "mi sth 4 degrees west S beginning and the um roads a a ng » "anhor CYRIN Bellefonte. a Mareh In Al PDITORS NOTICE In the Court of Common Fle ty. No 8 January Term, 1s ADAM BARTOUES va. HF CONFER The undersigned an auditor appointed to make distribution of the funds in the hands of the aherifl arising from the sale of the defend ARTs personal property, to and among those iegally satitled to receive the same, gives no tier that he will meet fr Lhe poses of his a ment at his offer in Bellefonte, a , on riday, the Sth day of April, en, at 19 o'cloek Am. of sald day. at! parties interested, when And where you are requested in attend or be thereafter debarred fr bo 4 WT Auditor, ing seh said fund, PRUNGANY Sheriff « OMe as of Centre ¢ DMINISTRATOR'S MEIC I MRS. JANEUZZ LD Of snow Show Free Treatment. SPECIAL OFFER FOR THIS WEEK. Week Dr. One Free Treatment Stites’ New Will Be G Office Befort ew Metho | Special Attention to Catarrh and Deafness. DR. J. K. STITES HAS PERMANENTLY LOCATED IN BELLEFONTE Offices at McGill's Boarding House, 21 Allegheny St. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE, THROAT, LUNGS. 11. Stites has come to Rellefonte tostiay eases of the |} Bar, Nage, Throat and Lungs, and he states in his announce. ments what he can do se statements be supports by reference to many well. known residents of our own State, who vouch, not only for immediate results, bat for permanent cures, many having stood the test for years He is an experienced Specialist on dis ye As A guarantee of good faith, Dr. Stites now comes forward and offers to the { Bellefonte a trial of his new methods ARSOLUTELY FREE FREE TO KVERYBODY who applies at bis office before eight o'clock p. m., TUESDAY, MARCH This offer is made 10 demonstrate the genuineness of his claims The doctor knows what he can do woop ie It is safe to predict that many hundreds of people will take advantage of th unusual offer, and that Dr. Stite's parlors, in McGill's boarding house, 21 Alle gheny street, will be crowded between now and Teesday next Bat the Dex has made provision for this, and will be prepared to give his personal attentic to each and every case. None will be slighted. All will be welcome. Hach tient will be given a card entitling him or ber to free treatment for the time spe fied, and this must be presented at each visit to the office during that time, Mours: DAM. two i1R:1 P.Mto5; 7oB8P. MM, No Hours. Free. No Incurable Cases with out-of-town cases invited Ld od