4 : THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCH 8, 1900, . . a oe Ee . arr PRAISE FOR FILIPINOS, CURRRENT COMMENT, MONUMENT FUNDS. UL Cuter SDATUIEERE, [oe srs wire tte Geuernt | Hotes. and Camererie. wotarist wad d Lawton In Which He Says They Otherwise, on Matters of Publie Additional contributions for the soldiers’ | Interest, | mopument fund have been received as (ov) CHAS. R. KURTZ, = ~ EDITOR & PROP Are Fine Soldiers, po In a recent number of The Congre- Fhe administration is confronted by Aotual, average, sworn elreu'ation, of this . 3 a . w Peter 0 very annoying problem it finds BADE, 207 he past year, 183, was gutional o Bo 0% tie Re¥. Betel ‘Senators Hoar, Mason and Hale, as | ¥awuor "e a ne Wo ns yoo n - | yA 1 i 3 OVER 2478 COPIES PER WEEK, | MacQueen, who has been well as Bdward Atkinson, arrayed | Jomo Ho ———— fppines for the past year in service yed : Hoopshurg vee BEanNe) y " " . . uncompromisingly against the policy Bellefo Beatle for TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : with the army, quotes Major General | told : I 4 Kona Rr \ Price 1 RO > a of 1mm nmiism, and yet jt | afral Aion + eguiar rice - rv - $1 50 per year Henry W. Lawton as saving I het f 1} " Bulleyvil If pald In ADVANCE . slo “ . ‘ sk read them out of the party. Whether | uiiok it — “The Filipinos are a fine lot 101= | they are | to cause l¢ disturb Special Club Rate diers. They are far better than the | ance inside the party than they would Tae OexrTire Democrat will be sent one 1 The tor wor fieh wa | outside 18 the « uestion A MeK ir year with any one of the below named papers, Indian. The latter never fight unless is trving a estion Mr IeKin at the following low rate: With they have the absolute advantage, 3 trying » help Mr, Hanna Ofineinnatti Weekly Enquirer $150 | "Aisa nwa " ail sh New York 3-times-a week World 3165 | The Tagalis are what I would call a ‘anator IL in the ‘debate. of ol ) hu Is civilized race. They are good mechan- . TET A ame p , oF } ] Heeb - i . ¢ , TOV r \ uri C) Hi, denounced the act o iy : ORR Democratic County Lonvention. ies. Imitative, they manufacture eve 13 ums rime against’ man ai: “ rv Dal } H iston erything, Taking everything into con humanity a i ' : | To “M | | ia nn naan LJ ! (oom A re convened meeting of the Democratic | sideration, the few facilities they have, nn and the Republican Ferguson County Convention of June 15th, 159, will be the many drawbacks, they are a very at 1 » a band of sneak t} VoR ni Story ” H ol Moon held in the Court House, at Bellefonte, on | Ingenious and artistic race, and taking av helr assent by thelr ; TUESDAY, MARCH Ith, 1%0 | into account the disadvantage they nty years after the inf at 120'clock noon, for the purpose of selectd } five delegates to represent the Democrats | lows W have to fight against in arms, equip- ot a member ment and military discipline, they are | 1 adr the next State Convention All delegate the brave y I have ever v y wis to demone elected at the Democratic primaries on the 10th | hi " . ' 1 \ uct en as Hanna pre day of June, 180%, are requested to be present The iipinos are not tend t vith t! 1 WAS comm By order | nature, TI are r HARA ' : Ler - | ad wit} A.J. GRAHAM 1 Attest Cl nan Dem, Co. ( J. K. JOHNSTON Chalrman Dem. ( EDITORIAL. Tug men who are looking have aj tors are commencin as the time i the same to! Tug Quay case i week in the Senate ; give a safe surprising fe democrats will THERE are these d the Pres Rico and : w ho supported 1 does seem that ; will not atone THE other tin came out nouncing E prominently menti republican nomination for Of course it did not say the race, i ere are i Newspapers and Trusts fe I the same rs in all part un. * e Edit \ 4 tion at : nd y " tr hea very tis he @ hin Tr 1 try. The article bad the effect or making * Dn fren . eH ohn | ! 1 it , fe nis, he's a fraud of the first water some of the Quayites a bit blue yt} at \ member - ol N . } pipe ; od Fi Sd ven though be prays night and morning Headache the gills for a while quite nplair that white r had 1» ! : tow ter tii 3 ; nthe and be « hs Is of w y t the or figure out that Daniel is It 3 it ol wl ey Lin Lhe 8 ra prot ) the ' on i a ‘ AT wl y 0 Bot politically. He don’t want himself con ror of the nanar amd 1 ' hy ! ! te or 1 B0U BC : s : ' : ' ' t . ’ a Hood’s Pills sidered as su AN EXPLANATION ww In a recent issue of the Centre Demo. crat an article ap which there was a paragraph that referred to the manner in which Ex-Treasurer Harrison Kline disbursed certain of his term for publication a no reason t did an in 4 ve. » . » ~e - . . “re, ora @ IR IRR PRINT of the facts ar= st the language employed left the infere that Mr. Kline had been honest transaction by whicl ‘ Such is not the case SED ’ IU NEN say that we neve 1 " tegrity questione of doing 30 there! y ee ro) pute among attorneys : ' he custom of some of » * » PR IR VI®YA OP] *Y L TRIR in that department, a: that we will not pre This statement our own instar 5 - on + 4d \ ~ JAAL . due Mr. Kline S1 > SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT - « 3 Aym uosear © st 20y | Jo the democral Many of the Crats of Centre a) oF State, having expres - by letter a desire to the Legislature, it that I appreciate wishes and that | If chosen, | » and faithfully volved upon me Ripe in experien well acquainted wit that body, | an pared to serve manner There should be n« duction of the public school appropr on. The recent | of the m report of State Treasurer proves that the of the me cut made by Governor Stone was not a Ista in the toda Int trust ‘ rEaniz ) TY Il set rman, and the gq necessity, but a plan by which certain | trust, and ‘ ‘ ce ' A aquet 1 will be sent to him in doe time I hese corporations would be exempt from tax. | axes under ' pt : a ation. I shall endeavor, by all means in | There are wx my power, 10 secure better election laws, Pennsylvar : a pew registration act, a new primary | Of their convictions and hold the sam ¥ ! n ' Te n why | to the undersigned for examination. For election act—all of which will give ihe | Principle applicable to these tr 4 ) ' people an honest clection and a fair they apply to the printing count Gentlemen of the press, y« sincerity as te Ronen M. FosTER and disinterestedness are \ government th grants n special Maret 1000 Co, Bap! the musi Pittsburg ’ hb q4TT: - » GAN A Hd wis, WZ NH ® seme ¥ . * named on ead) i questions are not to be ope ned until March 'w *” a” § Sad ia editors have the y , UDOT T on vor ) v 24th All mantSeripts are to be returned pay J - x » “re ” more information see our last Institnte Manual, page 15 CL GraMLEY AN V.NNid HILNOA SBD @ - privileges falls to make money in a - A COMPLIMENT : . business venture, it is evidence con Last Week's Flood There is no question as to where the clusive that he either has gone into a farmers of the country stand on the wrong business or lacks business abil H R. M. Foster political Istues before the people It ity. and In either case why should his | Was beng mailed from this office, we on. , osier, " ‘ . v , y . : ’ : State College, Pa tty A re 4 " o v ir subi Sapad haighbore be aed for his benefit! | were having another big flood, similar to | ‘ . uninfiuence wy the demagogical pleas Taxation for the purpose of paying the ] ¢ 1 4 i the one t visited this ew My Dear Sik Till this morning I have | of the protectionist who desires others legitimate expenses of government Is | ne that Visited! this section the week been yo’) from home for vif reek to be taxed for his benefit, the farmers right, but taxing some citizens in or previous, only it was larger and more | hence did not receive yours of the 3rd | os tha country would range themselves der to give the money to others is | destructive. The ground was frozen fnst., till pow. I do not know what your turally the side where ti ‘ore . re in Centre county, and tk naturally on the side where their in- an outrage. Gradually, but far too | and covered with sleet and the beavy usages a ¢ ¥ ETE" | torents lle and be Democrats, Of 22.« slowly, the people are awakening to the [1] 1 ore can hot alse big te gently: 000 farmers who replied to certain eriminal folly of taxation under the | Mao | But if the party usages do not bar you questions submitted by the National false pretenses of protection | surface water to rush to the streams, and | froma re-nomination, it wonld be desir. Rural, 17,006 are in favor of leaving | the water courses were soon swollen fato | able that you should be returned, for | taming Sotrents. At the flood | your experience and knowledge relating Nem. 20.561 believe in national paper Hanna should rebuke the com ARNE torr “ Ham e flood to useful legislation could not be fully Ha, ’ vo Ryinlog 3 or mo p ha mereial travelors and hotel men who | was at its height and carried away LE : . , d dd PORE trusts WU R= © have formed an anti-trust leag supplied better by any other These vor government control of Filroads, the a En league for | number of low bridges In this section, | and your energy and vigilence, will telegraph lines, ete, 19.500 favor the A RUFPORG, AA thy say. of Bringing | destroyed the boardwalk along water be needed in the next session, By all \ ut A "18 476 ahr about a more thorough co-operation in flooded (} means do pot let Centre county get a|Poree! post system, 16.876 would like agitating a widespread anti-trust sen | Street, flooded the pressroom of the member who is not a Democrat, straight 0 nave vara! yo delivery, while 20. giment, and to support with otr votes | Watchman office, and other points in the ’ ig Wb oppose any Increase in the standing men who make a determined effort to i " ‘ t ww - and true I am Lig of TO army. The farmers are, as a class, in- nesist commercial travelers from Maine wa Waewise uffered oo the inunda . { 8 stinctively opposed to the principles to California in a legislative way.” + In other parts of the county there and practices of thé Republican party, These people evidently Believe that | Was about the same experience of gen. The druggist would soon be overstock: | hut many of them have been seduced trusts are harmful, and they thus dif- | eral damage to property and bridges ed if be tried to keep everything that is | Into voting agains! thelr own inter. for from Hanna-—DBoth cannot be right. from the sudden flood, although it was of “a drug on the market.” ssts by the false prophets of protection, Bun, | no serious extent. 4 Last week, while the Centre Democrat BROOKVILLE, PA, Fun 15h PAREN 3” +0 ve Vode wal AVM LIN ONNOBY N3HM TV Y 3 INI 1% = Vi 4 | rain fall during the night caused all the IS : N peat pro anos "joa SU the Filipinos free, 10.282 favor bimetal Mar) + INNO s H AT pus FHL DUN 209 in soowd J a] LUOM MOA oxi eM 3 ITHLOTO “5 4 1K! AR pong i" #1) Juoie 9 fiw «Ht son » #