THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., MARCI 1 1900, LOCAL NEWS BRIEFLY TOLD Happenings In And About Belle- fonte. PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS w Few This Week Are Worth What Community That Lines Items Noting in a Has Transpired in During the Past Movements of Our People E. S. Stuart has been appointed post master at Sandy Ridge, this county Francis Speer attended the V. M. C b t A. convention in session in Willlamspor over Sunday. Assistant postma sojourning at Atlantic fit of his health. an Yocum, hy thodist e a valuable freight department si lar calendars i sent out this season came to our office (his week the compliments of Wm the representative of the Mutual surance Company of New York with (rauer, Life In monthly sheet contains a beautiful re production in colors of noted paintings representing life on the western plains, a half century ago, when this company was organized, This company has the reputation of doing everything in good shape, and their calendars are at head of the list this season, as fas the AS we have seen Wednesday W from the recorders M. Dukeman retired office where he has of years as deputy, and much of the time served so efficiently for a number attended to the duties of the offi self Mr rare L rical ability and the only reason that 14¢ leaves is that politicians demand that ¢ him Dukeman is a man of there be a republican deputy, and Mr Robb found it advisable, only on that ground, that a change be made, Mr Dukeman is open for an engagement and it will not be long until someone will be looking for just that kind of a wan to fill some position of responsibility, | more than anything else Fach | Millheim, four, | farmers, Howe's moving pictures at the opera house this Thursday evening. John Harris departed Monday morn- ing for Philipsburg to take the position of manager of the Philipsburg Bell tele- phone exchange. Morris, of Tyrone, has planned this Cr abroad summer for Jergstresser, and his n, Morris, Ir. of Gregg township was in town and called to tell us that they had a lively Spring election in their township this time. In their precinct there are only a few republican voters who are kept there out of curiosity That is heavy the es at the general ele hdel, they roll up MOoCratic has. S. Be wolia Wolls Holt . Hannah, one, Taylor Half Moon three. Mile Haine Ha ne Pent one Rebersbury Yonada Aarousburyg two One Coburn, Pine Henderson Stump, one, Potter one, 1 M Millheim N Philipsburg, two, Rush Cold Stream, one, Rush 8. Philipsbutg, two, 8, Philipsburg Gatesburg, one, Ferguson Point Lookout, two, Rush Park, one, Rush Gem, one, Rush Phtlipsburg, fifteen, Phi Livonia, one, Miles Foe Mills, one, Haines Mount Vernon Taylor Pleasant Hi ing No. 1 Marion 2 Oar AY cK Brungart's, one, ipsburg one, two, School, one, Schools re porte d 53, Amt, Reed fro1 Teachers, remit promptly, but do not send the stamps amount collected in postage C. L GraMmLuy Bellefonte, Pa... Feb 25, - - - ~(30 to the opera house tonight and ree the moving pictures, Supt [LVS 3) where | | Of every popular | of the party | Shaffer i the | active : LEGAL INTELLIGENCE, Gathered From the Various Offices About the Court House { James FF, Sto { Mary L.. Koch { Geo S. Will { Martha D Potters Mills Centre Hall iam Benore Parson do REAL ux to Abraham Weber, May 2, 18g { three Howard township Henry ( Weaver, Feb. 0, for acre land in GO of lot ground in Snow Shoe township, $140 Weber's | to Weber, May 1 in Howard ro x Osborn B. 1 Jalser ixrs Abraham y 1099 | Ambert’ Lambert, March ) lot in Bellefonte . tion ol every Case ation prosecution their atten Ih tion spring into fav n : good work in this direction Dissolution of Partners! P in found another part of | wi he He an ant neement ( dissolution Known hirm of “RB. 1} chants, n peral mer heriT RB. FP and the son W This #4 at that point thirteen years and ¢ trade that extended for W. KE. Shaft an ng man who understands the mercantile thoroughly, and knows the needs of the pubic in that line, and (Or that reason the business will no doubt grow to sill larger pro. portions under his careful management, rm business I Shae firm has been going bus “ast pa wed a lon by bis y LOE anton thier Aiways ™m (LN 18 mi around r In YO business larence | { children or a { here will | Be kota, | years | been heart fallure | weeks by RECENT DEATHS. LLENBERGER: Of State College, Pa., until a few ago a resident of Tyrone, after two days died at | RoperT NEWTON FE ] i | illness of stoppage of the bowels, Dayton, Armstrong county, morning, February 2 was traveling { of Altoona, general agent Orne om 0 * was on one of | ips when taken iddenly Jlenberger Marengo, and at deg | years and 1 month ago he wa J. Hann h one ih, . rother W ns of t / " family mber of in the p ng brother WAS A mem Cavalry age of if Ars feonte about 1S Years ago (On Feb at Da Stephenson Co. 11, occurred the deathof Wm. L. McUsaimon, aged 7% immediate cause of death having Deceased was born one mile east this county. his father, Thos. McCalmon, having located there in the then almost unbroken wilder pess, in 1798. In 1840 he married Emily Struble, who, with her daughter, Mrs, | Y. Twitmyer, survives him he of Bb DAD s the of ho AS ving nbet five ant He and entered the He elt was engaged business with bh ber of the 20th vice at the | ve Wa, McCALMON of Lion, Two DEATHS and Annie Lucas, bereaved the home of Bdward efonte, has been the past loss of two children first, James Samuel, aged 2 years, o months and 2 days, died Feb. 11th: and Minnie Mary, aged 1 months and 24 days, died Feb. 2nd. luterments were made atl the Messiah cemetery WILLIAM Rise: —One of Toessey ville's oldest citizens, died very suddenly at his home in that place Wednesday morning. Death was probably due to old age he having passed the Soth mile. sorely daring two The stone in his life's jowrney. He leaves a wife and one daughter, months years bel |W. Rh Cor. the BARRETT: A member bar, died on was it, and WALTER Clearfield Sunday morning the son of the late Judge was in his 6oth ves him of county Colonel Barrett Barre Surv) 1 widow any, |, he gant rn Howard rie Walk Haldwin rer Miss | In Mrs Lis Imaniel Iv Miss (title Braoht Albert Brickley DE Nelson Fre Neh IF. Mevers. ine trove Mil avid Yorum, Hablersbharg M LL. Beck, Nilany Thos PF. Peightol, Walker Chas Uarbrick, Bellefonte Harrison Kline, Bellefonte Viank Davie, Bellefonte Jamon Hard, Lewisburg I M Parker, Roland Mail. Volk, Beliefontis tien, Bull, Rebersburg Isane Bickle, Zion John WW. Balser. Benore, I's A M Bower, Aronshurg CL tGramiesy, Rebersburg W.E Shafter, Nittany Floyd Middle. Julian Geo. 8 Smutl, Freeport, 111 samuel 1 Rachan, Madisonburg vr Vonada, Penns Cave . ol John Commings, Linden Hall coo Sept 19 an Chioage. | Walls slore ret, Ishpeming, Miu Helle! NAyre non Camp nie I's ALE REGISTER Pris ted in th Bills How Are Those Shoes Wearing ? Mingle's Shoe Store d per pound (nares correetad week iy! & Uo. Bellstonts, I's.) Red wheat per bushe Kye. per bushe! Corn, ears pet bushels Yi ashe far pet babel (rain odd pet bushes ey pet bushel Coboras Markets Following are the prices paid the dealers at Coburg Wheat (old) por bushel Wheat (new) re bushel Oats, nies while oly ye. Bariey (00 For Xew York marsets turn to page