2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, MARCH 1, 1900, THE ELECTRIC CHAIR EXECUTION OF ANTONIO FERRA- RO AT SING SING. Prisoner Had Been Expected to Offer Resistan Five but | ¢ Be Physical Do So to 1§ d ! and wa born 04 . known to : | gemen ] hor in The death Is leans of Dudley RH of Boston and a m Adams family of Walker died at th New On | native | fA Th i snchusetts, Mr age of BX years announced In Walker, a mber of the hy Mn] Mra. Jeanette Schwartz and het two children were naphyxiated by gas in their home in Chieago, Wednesday Latest News From the Active Bush pany to observe the in all the led Inspector will COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY. rs ness World. The Republic Iron and Steel Com has beginning March 1, ekly Pay Day law Indiana mills, and the suits | Muncie by the Factory be withdrawn agreed Ww State at Fhe Industrial C tment of onim lon conte another ition to tho POLITICAL Richard Croker hus loft Wantage and is supposed to have gone to Wies baden, where his friend David Nagle in. He came down to London on Satur day. He Ia on crutches. The bone of his broken leg is sud to be healing with annoying slowness. He Is pla: ning to return to New York about June 1. GRADE CROSSING FIGHT. CRONJE ISCAPTURED | | ive Hundred Railroad Employes Have a Pitched Battle, Five hundred men employed by the fieneral Electrie Rallway Company of Chicago fought the other day the We Indiana y p of LATEST MOVEMENTS CAMPAIGN. IN THE with em Rallroad the Dear A Full War flict From Day to Day- Summary of the Transvaal loyes of News—Progress of the Con The British ion Of the Encouragea nN MAVKETS CRITAINAL, Ma we : Mediums brig boa Penna, choles Fruit and Vegetatles who we l Rowe. a confessed al « hon eon murder mmitted suicide In nty, Pa. jal Mende, Neb, on Monday on sold his hardware st Frome Rpt, chotes to ancy. por bbl. * Rings BR] Faldwins " ved In cash payment a sum Mixed Wi tof in : , amounting to a little over $7.000. Bur CHAN BERRA glare that night got the entire amount Cape Codd, per barrel, from his trousers pocket RANMA ¥. and Wostarn « Willlam Ulmer shot and killed him Jersey awosel potatoes, per self at his home In Allentown, Pa basket, prime Feb. 20, after wounding his wife. The | “i Ribas diode, Re bai injuries of the latter are not neces Cabbage, Danish, per ton, sarily fatal " domestic, Feo and f8438g 88388 0 8 Se. To It is easier for some men to keep a crease in their trousers than to keep an increase in their pockets, WILL SEND §2,50 FREE. Each of Our M.D, LL Specialist Franklin Miles, H_ the Celebrated Chicago Will Send $2.50 Worth of His New Special Treatment Free Headers, The minister is about the only man | who can put two and two together and | make two That Dr, Mile of the Most successiu hundreds of 1 Known pt op L { Hare of « two alter SiAL NOTICES. (9 1” TADLETS FOR ALL URINARY DISORDERS 3 NT \ | BRIGHT'S" DISEASE d DEATH | Al TRY THEM AND BE CONVINCED, { ’ PAN AMERICAN DR When You Wish tera sd tecc TLL." ~~ oe A VVILWUYvAVIL Lara al ts ERE REE CE A AW A PEAY FY Mes hal Abd Veasamadan GREEN'S PHARMA High St £1 N root Bellefor MORTGAGES. Powers Shoe Company Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. ->{BEEZER Sic FAULKENDER coor MEAT MARKET 1 r. P Bellefonte. Pa H - bY hv anv, ~~ Pp —- Garman's Empire MAIN TREE] : 8S. GARMAN, Proprietor oe J Nt 1p PHILIPBEEZER Wholesale Prices fo Users, Our General Catalogue quotes them, Send to partly pay postage or expressage and we'll send you one. Ithas 1100 pages, 17,000 illustrations and quotes prices on nearly jo,000 things that you eat and use ‘and wear. We constantly carry in stock all articles quoted. MONTCOMERY WARD & ©0, Michigan Av. 4 Madteon Si, Chlonge. 1 8¢ The Tantes! Mercantile Duitding in the Werld, Oned pad Dovapied Exchahely By Us.