6 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, FEBRUARY 1000, INTEREST IN OTHERS Dr. Talmage Portrays Two Kinds of Busybodies. The Gift of Evil Speech of Some Peo- ple—=How We May Have a Dens avolent Interest In the Af- fairs of Others, [Copyright, 1200, by Louis Klo In this discourse Dr. Talmage shows how should interest our the affairs of others for their but never for their damage 1 Peter, 4:15 uh men's matters.” Human nature is ages. In the world's existence eharacteristics as teenth century, the ing that they had for a longer time, of goodness or § instead of 40 or 50 ye we elves in benefit, Text, bus other ybody in all the ame nine- in of the century had the people in the only difference the It was 500 same second pe ople bes characteristics years vears of meanness meanness for Well, Si Peter, rver of what was wught tics ars. mon who was a keen obse going on around him, one sight wore eriticism pes bility, ar which ang fron start mn ec) ing or rel will they for hunting out the deficits of others, {in the way their counting-room they may have heard that a firm in toe same line of business was in trou ble, ard they said: “Sorry, very sor- ry,” bu: they went in rnd sat doen «t their table and opeued the book eonta‘ning a full statement of their affairs to see if they were in peril of being eaught in a similar cyclone Gadders about town, with hands in pockets and hats set far back on the head, waiting to hear baleful news, are failures now or will be fallures. Chris. tian men and women who go round with mouth and looks full of interro- gation points to find how some other church member is given to exaggera- tion or drinks too much or neglects his home for greater outside attrac. tions have themselves su Kitle grace in their hearts that no one suspects they have any. In proportion as people are consecrated and holy and useful they are lenient with others and dis. posed to say: “Walt until we hear the other side of that matter. I cannot believe that charge made against that man or woman until we have some better testimony than that given by these scandal mongers, I guess it ia a lie” How is It that you can always find two opinions about anyone and those two opinions exactly opposite? I will tell you the reason. It is because there tell you that have no t.me to | curve of his nd are two sides to every character-the best side and the worst side. A well disposed man chiefly seeks the best side; the badly-disposed seeks chiefly the worst side, Be ours the desire to gee the best side, for it is healthier for us to do so and stirs admiration, which, is an elevated state, while the desire to find the worst side keeps one in a and Svap ing spirit of disquietude and disgust mean suspicion, and that is a pull down of our own nature, a disfigure- ment of 1fraid the imperfections of others will kill us yet. The habit 1 dep a the visage. k everybody 1 our own character, 1 am lore pt to show itself in man who wi hes onstrates his dispositi His features may of handsome phy ogni puts into that man's eves stril the signature soon de fractu and in upper and lower lip Divine il. And unly as though it had all his face is one of my pri the w 1Y to the you see it at a glance, been writs rose color: He is on I ble » benedictions that Look at him over in “This neces. coronation, him ] ns Ad- On the ot tl they are | amen There is a pol never has made he will ections tical mistake n ch recover At the next « be will be put back and put down in- to a place of disapproval from which he will Just go to that man and unroll the seroll of 100 splen- Cid Americans who, after occupying high places of promotion, were rele- gated to private life and public scorn. Show him in what glorious company he has been placed by the anathema of the ballot box, If you are rightly interested in oth- er men's matters, go to those who are just starting in their ococupations or professions and give them a boost Those old physicians do not want your help, for they are surounded with more patients than they can attend to, but cheer those young doctors who are counting out their first drops to patients who cannot afford to pay. Thore old attorneys at the law wang no help from you, for they take re- tainers only from the more prosper ous clients, but cheer those young ats torneys who have not had a brief at all Inerative, Those old merchants have thelr business so well established that they feel independent of banks, of all changes ia tariffs, of all panies, but cheer those young merchants who are making thelr first mistakes in bar gain and sale, That old farmer who has 200 acres in best tillage and his barns full of harvested crops, and the wheat at high prices before it was reaped, needs no sympathy from you, but cheer up that young farmer whose never rise, acres are covered with a big mortgage | and the drought strikes them the first year. That builder with made for the construction of half a dozen houses and the owners impa- tient for occupancy is not to be pitied, but give your sympathy to that chanic in early acquaintance hammer and saw and bit and amid all the limitations of a journeyman, forth 8 matiers, contracts | 10 with Go to be a busybody in other men 80 far as you can help. ing them out, and help them on. The world is full of those who spend their life in such allevi 8, but tance that overtops and He had waited upon of instances ution there is one in others, lived in a him. celipses all pa He was ¢h with gold, with pe 18 coroneted and in sn¢ gave hi at rose on hi ions could not be er ice. Radiant ones grioted. a {reels long 1 stop ped at gate and hosani Centuries m not a pi y never set, His d, for the) boundari and uncontested Upon all that luster and nt of splendors d put down His sun th larg: and environmie back ar vot of H throne, and on His Bethlel what Are of Asia Minor and of Benares on the EB { and ye ns weej aver murdered households in ye amid the graves the idolatries the Ganges and ye dwellers on banks of the Androscoggin and the Alabama and the Mississippi and the Oregon and the Shannon and the Rhine and the Tiber and the Danube and the Nile and the Euphrates and the Cas- pian and Yellow seas; ye of the four corners of the earth whe have greeted me again and again, accept this point blank offer of everything for nothing: of everything of pardon and comin and illumination and safety ani Heaven, “without money and without | price.” What a gospel for all lants, all | zones, all ages! Gospel of sympathy! | Gospel of hope! Gospel of emancipa- tion! Gospel of sunlight! Gospel of entbhronement! Gospel of eternal vie- | tory! Take it, all ye people, until your | #ins are all pardoned and your sorrows ail solaced and your wrongs all righted and your dying pillow be spread at the foot of a ladder which, though like the one that was let down to Bethel, may be thronged with descending and as- cending immortals, shall nevertheless have room enough for you to elimb, foot over foot, on rungs of light, till you go clear up out of sight of all earthly perturbation, into the realm where | “the wicked cease from troubling and the weary are at rest, - The man who wants the earth is in. variably the first to grow! about his taxes ~Chieago Dally News, # DOINGS OF CONGRESS WHAT OUR NATIONAL LAW MA! ERS ARE CONSIDERING. 8ome of the More Important Work of | the National the Committees Report Vpon-—Washington Topics, Jan, 29 que acked Brit. ans be In the United States Senate Mr. Mas Hiinois tion of privilege and the British government ish Vice Consul at cause of an interview in which the Vice Consul had assailed Mr. Mason for the position he had teken in be half of the Transvaal Republic in its war with Great Britain Mi South Carolina a speech on Philippine ques in the House the ganization of the Wea been detracked” b i 13, It being bitterly oppose who disap the The Arose to a sharply att and the Orle on New made Lior Prove of tenure provision it however, remains the ution offered the wet the spondence verbal comm which he has had with o National City Bank of York cerning the transfer old Custom House to the City Bank ance of all t hat 4 fcials New of the National tions of the con A a——— ——- MILLIONS IN WOOL. Enormous Business Done In One Day | by the Trust Ten million dollars’ worth of busi ness in one day is the new record made by the American Woolen Com. pany, commonly khown as the Wool Trust At the close of business in New York Monday it was found that fully $10,000,000 worth of orders had been booked, and Tuesday the sales were almost us large. By 10 o'clock Mon. day nearly three hundred buyers were waiting to place orders for all sorts of fall woolen fabrics. Mr. Woodhull, the New York selling agent of the trust, said that the con. cern did an annual business of $60. 000,000, and that almost six months of ite products were bargained for ahead Prices of woolens have gone up con siderably: how much Mr. Woodhull declined 10 say. “The raw material has aflvanced tremendously.” he sald, “and 1 do not eare to quote figures, In fact, on some linea | could not do it if | wanted to. We have had no tron. ble In getting good prices for what ever we offered.” in addition to the throng of buyers who were on the spot, many orders were received by telegraph by mail. The trust will not take orders for later delivery than July 1 Congress—Billa That | Favorably Eureka Harness Of] is the best preservative of new leather aud the best renovator of oid leather, It olls, hfs ns, black- ens und protects, Use Eureka Harness gil on your best harness, your old ness, BOA YOUr one { ! will n only longer, Bold ever ! sizes from half plots to five gall Bade by STANDARD OIL 10, PROFESSIONAL TONKS floor CARDS. TON, Attorney (fice Temple Court at Law Practices in all Tilman, | the | at Law Office Allegheny all degal bus FORTNEY & WALKER W harrison Ws Fuy Frowpt (D. F. Fortney : On it “ hose Hess BOWER & Fr erst ORVIE I ris, Gern TAYLOR COALS. - Wood * i wiv vk Noms wialn, Rae Céw ve TELEPHONE « Central \l Here is a List of FIRE INSURANCE C0'S | Represented 45 Wiig pene) all Standard wk Companies, You can get a rating — any of these Hamburg Bremen, of Hamburg, Ger, North German Fire Insurance Co. Manchester, of Manchester, Eng. American Central, of St. Louis. Prussian National, of Germany, Palatine, of Manchester, Eng. United States, of New York. Concordia, of Wisconsin, National, of Allegheny, Traders, of Chicago. Washington, Assets itn Fire, Life and Accident, combined of over $8000 Surplus pearly &0 000 000, SGRAITT IXICOV'ER., Orider's Stone Building BELLEFONTE FA 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Traps Manns Demons Corymawrs Ae a abeteh and Sewer fom may other an Liaise Patents on iS NOW LI {| Leave Bell | Leave Be EA ILROA D SCHED ULES YJENNBYLVANIA BAIL ROAD BRANCHE In effect on and after Nov 20, 180% YiA TYRONE WESTWARD, Leave Belleloite » fa am, arrive at Tyrons 1 10am, at Altoona, 1.00pm; at Pittsburg AXD 6 ym Leave fe liefonte 1 05 p m. arrive at Tyrone Z Pp 4 AL Alloona Z 10p mat Pittsburg 665 b Leave Bel 600; ie tefonte 444 pm at Altoona at 7 VIA TT HONE EAWTWAKRD Leave Bellefonte & in Harrisburg arrive at Tyrone al Pittsburg at 1] 20 Rrrive at Tyrone ‘4 pm | i ii} at at Philiadel Phila © 4 | m Leave Bellefonte 106 pm, arrive w Py rons “«iopm;: at Harrisburg 46 pm “bile Adelphia 1020 pm Leave Benelonte 4 44 ym, ari 1 600; al Harrish Ap ve at Tyrone Ig at 00 oom Via LOCK HAVEN “BORTHWARD Leave Bellefouie 932 am, arrive at Haven 10% am Leave Bellefonte 14 m Haven 24pm Leave Bellefonte Haven st v.39 p.m VIA LOCK BAVEN-BABTWARD [eave Bellefonte «22 m. arrive at Haven, i 5 Hamsport, 12.4 Arrive al p.m, at Phil phia at a2 Leave Bellefonte, ven, 248 p.m rsburg { Lock arrive at Lock ams port Spm BElp m, arrive at Lock adel arrive at Lock Ha wport, 240 pan. Har ; elonte, arrive at Lock Ha ven 0 v. leave | sins port 116 8 m arrive a. In. Arrive at Philadelphia at ¥Yia : efonte ats rrive at Lewis Philad A 3 vlpuabaty WA 4m. Leave arrive at Lewis 650 p.m. Phila LEWISBURL & IYKONE KAILKOAD BEECH CREFA RR ere Shore m. Sunday atlached 10 east rt at 11:3 pom phis at ‘p.m GEPHART (yeners! Rpt PELLEF RAILROAD ) Tots ‘ t | EANTW AN: WEST™ AR p ‘ F Ngee tt 2 - “gb -% Lambourne. 121. Krumrine Zistate College oi struble ¥ Rinomasdort T 2LPine Grove Trains from Meontandou, Lewisburg, wn Hamsport, Look Haven and Tyrone, connect with train Nos. 3 and 5 for State College Trains from State College connect with Penna Kallroad at Bellefonte for points east and west F. MH. TrOMAs, Supt pas a TT TTT “Magram BERE RRR REE ew Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pa. ent busines oondeited for Mopenare Fees oun Orrick 18 OrromiT UV 6, PaTEnY Ornice and we can ® patent un boss Lites home permet from ‘ Was) Fan, nd el, drawing or phota, wih doweripe We advise, if parentalie or ot, free of wpe, (h flow ¥ 1 patent is secared, A Paumgy, w to Obtain Patent” » . 3 « 5 and foreign counts Ad — C.A.SNOW& CO.} Ors Pareny Orrice, Wassminaron, OD C. # i Eli ta tue nh : fren,