8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA + JANUARY 11, 1004), T he Racket. Ke. 7 ¢ and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa. The announcement in last week's “entre Democrat” that the 11th Annual Clearance Sale was to be gin Monday, Sth. somebody's mistake the print re. At Tuesday, Ju nual Y was ge January was either mine or showld h Ii read J J Yih, Monday y J} {ling re ada” day For this week U will find Special Bar- gains in some lines of Underwear for Men and Childre n, Boy's Bicycle Stock- ings, Ladies’ and Children’s Merino Hose, all wool blankets and skirts and selec tions from 1s depart Dress Goods dey tment Variety Annex Cut prices to do any ; U'r opportu ' China Annex | last CORRESPONDENTS | DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE Fairbrook. The most of the people of this have their ice houses filled again. ice was ten inches thick. Miss Mary Meek, of Bellefonte, is visiting the home of D. G, Meek, of this place. Mr. Frank Black one morning last week went to his oats bin and he found there a very fine pair of gold glasses. section The The Reformed Hall, week all as church, at Pine attended by { Aaronsburg, Wis wel [8] { of Howard B | some time CG. R. SPIGELMYER. |. P0000 0090000000 90000000 COU UFO IN UBT (J (nie No. 4 5.818 JANUAR CORNISH CHAPEL ORGAN For Your A [tars and | You war Fires. ‘4 Strike " Patriotism is always com- mendable, but in every brea: there should be n nly ow desire to be a go oF citizen, but to be s ard well fi ted for the battle of life. To do this, pure blood is absolutely neces- sary, and Hood's Sarsapa- villa is the one specific which cleanses the blood thorough- ly, It acts equally well for both sexes and all ages. Humor « ** When I need a blood puri. fier I take Hood's Sarsaparila. EB cured my humor and is excellent as a nerve tonic.” Josie Eaton, Stafford Springs, Cl. Sarsapari — “Hoed’ « Pills eure Jiwer (1s the now irritating and only eathartie | to take with Hood's Warsapariiia, trong, able bodied Thomas | other br kwith bas just he gripp. y has returned to Hannah, Pittsburg ding in recy ed fron severe alla it H. 1 after 8) Met some Lime a broad smile, little recently Jose } h (Goss wears bright home account of a boy which came to their A been quite little daughter of J T. Fowler's has sick the past few days Miss Ellie Beckwith has been under the Dr's care during the past week sul- fering from an attack of gripp. DO. Downlog and wife, of Vail, a companied by Miss Jazzie Hoover, spent one day last week at the home of Samuel Hoovers, of this place, James Goss and family have returned to their home at Pitcairn, after » ding frien the holidays with relatives an «We print the finest sale bills at rea. at this place. sonable prices, | | Mile | on | Nittany. Miss Vergie Robb, and Hall, of Central City, were friends through here over Sunday. Isaac Reish, of State College, and Adami Reish, of Zion, were guests of N, C. Shaffer and family, on Sunday, John Bartley and family Hublersburg, on Sunday. Mis. W. E. Shaffer and Mrs. H, K. Allison returned from Roaring Branch on Saturday, where the former's father is lying very ill. Will Garbrick and his father drove *llefonte on Saturday, on Business. Mr. and Mrs, Zerby visited down at Fishing Creek, on Sunday. A. A. P. missed sunday afternoon entertain were to to Be Sunday schoool! on We tle fox ing their litt terriers of Dpring Monday . Harry Frankenberger ur town on or K« womans Fr that Mus Thomas Beech Harry were Fearon, A. Warton olf meetings church, this being the Creek. M1 elt for a Sidney Rev series Fearon last Thursday two New York City is conducting in the Methodist second week Marion Swartz and family have gone to Northville, Michigan, on a vist of several weeks with Mr, Swartz's parents Protracted meetings are being held in the Presbyterian church at 7 o'clock every evening this week, conducted by the pastor Rev, Lewis F. Brown, PO YOU ENOW, Consumption 8 preventable? Seolence has oven it. and also that hegiout , aii « worst cold or ean a wit Shilihs G ugh and Eomaumptic don Cure, hoe vO guaran over For aia by Krumrine Bros. Jelieronts. “wi Miss Bessie visiting | friends | | and the suppose he was | visit with his brother, | Al { covering ! visiting Mr. Runville. Sleighing is a thivg of the past, | Protracted meeting is still in progres attendance is good. Mrs. writing. Mrs. Lacy Resides is very ill at this Ne! Poorman an attack tie from rheumatism, 18 of slowly re. muscular FREE AD COLUMN, “INCURABLE” HEART DIS. EASE S00N CURED. By the Great Specialist lNreating Weak and Diseas- ed Hearts, Franklin Miles. M.D, LL.B, Send $250 Worth of His Special Treatment Free ine, such az 8ifva ww Rend, or any Puy Advertisements in 1, | tion or Help Wanted chase you desire tom fan as ceptable nature not 1G exceed 25 words, will be ins verted for our in | rubscribers Additio mad insertions 20 cond s ia col H | | | 1 bo one! [res WANTED Re Manager of | Braach Office 1 this vicinity Good opening fH energetic sober man Kindly ment when writing Com- Hiustrated catalog 1 Morris, Clneinnat Who Will plete Boyd Kunes, of this place, left Monday for the hospital at Williamsport, he was accompanied by bis father and grandfather, Miss Minnie Reasner, and Mrs. |. of of Bellefonte, Lucas, is ) Jacksonville, past m Monday to Clear ering a horse which he a hne Isaac Frain, through Runvil field town had sold It wa Mis Witherite visiting A. Witherite ie deliv one { Minnie , OI at H fron home \ H yW AL ing friend Miss aga s M1 tin's on as day iss Tracy Leathers Monday, where 5 trac , has returned home £. Thos went fonte. On ast eam the John Leathers from So seaAmsire 31 where he transacted nN SHOE, busine x Walker. Walter Harter has been past week with typhoid fever Mr, and Mrs. Jobn I'. Hite are visiting | friends in Altoona Mrs, Tate, of Jacksonville, is suffering with poison We forgot to mention 1 our last writ . ing aboyt our miller, Mr. Ohl, baving 18 of his large chicken hens stolen from their chicken house, The building was entered by breaking the board of the door, where the lock was fastened, Mr, and Mrs. Obl were away from home at time. The parties are suspected, A Nice Christman. John F. Weaver, of Clearfield, gave the Presbyterian Sunday School of that place a Christmas gift ofa check for $1,000. very Ill the on | Any Afflicted Reader. FOR SALE? Dozen ba les Addr | To demonstrate Democrat | powers of his treatment pain in the irregu ane ls yeh, the unnsual ct new and complete for heart disease, side lar pul breath chest hort oppre ou In the €, paipitation ' V putting of the Dr MCS 4 nd, free, 1 afi mothering § Or dropsy, will two do ew treatment uit of twent THE GLOBE DRY COODS, MILLINERY AND CARPETS. YOULL FIND BARGAINS Stock taking « REDUCING PR TOCK OImes ICES BIg Reduction on GIOTAING. | Storm Overcoats, $5.00 kind, $3.50 $5.00 kind, $3.50 store, - $708 $4.98 HE GLOBE. Katz & Company, Ltd....Bellefonte, Pa. Dress Overcoats, ' Choice of any Men's Suit in the All-wool Suits,