4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE. PA., JANUARY 11, 1800, CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - Aotual, average, sworn eciroulation, of paper, for the past year, 1800, was TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION ¢ Regular Price #1 N If pald in Abvaxce $1.00 per Year Special Club Rate THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT will be sent one year with any one of the below named papers at the following low rate With Olneinnatti Weekly Enquirer New York J-times a week World DEM. COUNTY COMMITTEE, 1900, K. JOUNSTON, Chalrman. Districts Chairmen RBorou . Bellefonte, nw Tohn Trafford on s I H (serrity v Geo RB Meek Hall F. A. Foreman Abe Weber Homer Car Sn Istw , Lubens ind w. Ira Howe Te rdw J. Gr Philipsburg enry Centre Howard Milesburg Millheim Philipsburg cham Ww jenaer nn. p 8 Pe EDITORIAL TRUE SYMPATHY of castles with a noble nan possessor back of them are loyalty by Ii the British beral contri and are now Americans. We suppose th natural and prope view, Iti on father-in-ls through American opportanit juired to not but government should be re decaying families, the oppressive people should have British war, There are | born in the been born hall abroad, or who, lik Astor, have left their «¢ country’s good and only they are greedy to escape the payment of taxes levied for the protection of their property Some good, however done the other way, as these tions in aid of the Briti Americans to give It is applied as that sent t Transvaal France in the revolution If it is true tration organs, the country wi the July, it seems |} be War re 000,000 for ling next ps should taken either t v : he irksome venue t emove the 1 by protective dut omtrolle« trusts It § the course of a however, that 1 admin pposed to either ily hope for the passage of the idy bi which i, lies so near to the of possession hearts—and pockets the overflowing treasury, the republican leaders, lies in of an As long as the war revenue law is on the statute books, no one is likely to make any very violent prolest against it, but if it is once repealed, it would be destrue. tion to any party to try to re-enact it in order to obtain millions to Ho little chance of relief at present throw as bounties to ship builders there is Before the summer is over, however, the trusts are likely to be put to it to preserve the tariff taxes that enable them to plunder the people. - Tug ridiculous side of the tariff was shown up in New York the other day when a returning traveler attempted to bring in a live mouse without paying any duty. The special session to determine whether a duty must be paid and what would be the classification of a mouse. . They finally concluded that it would come under the head of “live animals not specially pro. vided for,” and they made the owner pay twenty per cent ad valorem, American mice may now breathe easy. customs appraisers held a EDITOR & PROP | OVER 2475 COPIES PER WEEK. | | each time, The entre Druoceat. Lil | | { | | | | | although agoing. | pany hel They are in no aanger of competition | from foreign pauper mice. Great is the tariff and wise was Dingley, this | Stop again until we get to Colombo 'E ON A TRANSPORT. Continued from Page | and won't We once in the “to drink,” but'we did not, to drink morning, and in the afternoon, two hours can only get water The Red Sea is certainly a It is full of the water dangerous place to navigate, rocks that project out of just We came last as if they were planted there, very near runping on one night, had When they reversed theengines we two search lights we got a good shaking up. We to-night or in the morning ; Dec. 8 will arrive in Colombo it is on the Island of Ceylon, and as we must have our mail all in to-night I cannot tell you anything about the place in this letter, This at We have not seen land for thirteen days, and We was our longest time sea. I wish it was the end of our journey at Manila on the sth this will find you all are due Il my friend This year, smaller by severa may reasonably expect t for as much, and t 1 be 1 reserves to a point at leq below what they were when ie this year - Installation of Officers 1 Methodist church of Mile was crowded tothe de s Satu " ing to witne remony { the @ Genera made an The fo cers Comman W. H. Shultz { William Eminh er of the day-J. J by Vad . Of Quartermaster-Nadthanie Thomas Wilson Thomas Watson ceremonies Chaplain Officer of the Guard After the ure were over a was held - General Notice E. 8 Ti north ket of will assume control of the Division, Mr. B 8 Young, relieved from service in accor. dance with the requirements of the Pen. sion Department, to take effect January Ist, 1900 Mr. Harrar's Williamsport, Harrar, Division Agent, covering the Division Harrisburg, Baltimore vice office will remain at Too True for a Joke, The following remarkable statement, for a republican paper was found in Saturday's Pittsburg Times, but it is true, nevertheless “The wageworker | who supported his family on $1,000 last | year must this year pay nearly $1,200 ¥ : 8 for the same goods—a raise of nearly 20 per cent. in the cost of living, beside higher rent.” Their Annual Meeting, The Sugar Valley Fire Insarance com. their annual meeting at Lo. wanton, Monday, and elected the follow. ing officers: President. D, K. Heckman; vice president, B. Zerby ; secretary, D, M. Morris ; treasurer, Dr. W, R. Good- man, * {| Peter BK ¢ | Bath G IM | subsc ription, siuce December ist, i899 to { date. CK Hazle 1 J. Otyde | F, Wetzel ROLL OF HONOR, The following persons remitted on See that the date on your label corresponds Ging Ww. Garnet Heed OT. Peter Laneck 8 Calvin snyder, Be Hq M wman. 8 Stover John Dorman Mrs Henry Eckent J. H. Neesr, Nittar Blanchard & Ria John Mills, Runvy ain, Be Wm. J. Wolf, State ( Win. Lyons Belief A B Wolle, Rebers Madmmeonburg Hebw shurg Spring Mila Ant; Agnes Spangler DD. Leitzell | childhood FANUARY Ist, 100) Asermann Henry F. Stine, Cardesas Cuba David Mingle. Woodward John Rote, Coburn Hannah Ardery Martha I. B. Apple Punxsutanney EE Ardery, Bellefonte M.U. Ardler Hellefohte Harvey Noll, Pleasant yan W. Rumberger, Bellefonte G A Ripka, Spring Mills Harry N. Meyer. Millersville Em'l Bowss, Howard deo Meyer, Linden Hall Todon, Beilefonte Nias stown Wm. Tressier. VF Hinore KE. H Zimmerman Millholm Henry Brungart, Rebessbe James I Strom, Centre Hy ‘ Walter Bruce Wagner, Lewistown Jd. A. Rannei, Bellefonte... .... Thos, J. Shaffer. Dakota, 11) Mrs, Mande Cole, Buffalo RW. Bierly, Walker W. WW. Kupért, Zion. oe JG. Gorham, Eibridge, NA Jan 0 Jan 0} wedan 0! Dee iy Jan 0) comma MAY 19 coda 0) | aud Quaker | of the Orthodox Society of , | her death, | 75: h year, a | and Miss A Sam Kline, Fillmore D.N. Neldigh, State College Lizzie B, Womelsdor!, Loganton Cora E Ray. Bellefonte John Ward, SLormstow i. Mrs, CO, W. Burd, Aaronshurg SN. EK. Spangler, Tylersville Perry Gentzle, Beliefont Garbriel } elonts 1zen Feb Jan Jan “Jan Jan «Jan Jan Jan an NOY LTR Hefonie \ We ite | | | | | { i | the fis i | her | took pi | Jack | home at | day I s— took o'clock. only take the space of other wore im afternoon at 4 the place Tuesday Interment was made in portant matter Catholic cemetery. Not a 1900 Leap Year Hannah, her Mus. JACKSON wife of Jackson H home SHIVLEY Shipley, died at The reason why Saturday year, aithough it had trokes of paralysis having taken in Unionville morning from paralysis, She uffered from everal t one on Christmas day, She wa aged about ¢ and is surviy husband and Alexander y, of one on, The ace Monday afternoon Shiple Philadelphia funeral Mi wii on H Hannah, wi , died at the this morning from paraly she had suffered was county, : 8, from which several weeks. aged Committeen Not Wanted, ue ies who have ties of the y THY YO Tory = Now in Bellefonte A Man Eminent in His Profession. out the State as One of the Most Successful after an 1ine Martha Aun Mary ¢foute born at he la 820 She was mar red Feb born to James ( tats at Bellefonte, 18, 1848 children were 0 them, died Mrs parentage, three of them Williams was born and was a member Friends until Two sons avd ove daughter, besides her ap husband, now in his her They wes H ol Pilipaburg the S “HITVIVE Are Jolin 1. of! DuBose: 1a of Chicago, editor of the LL Htxny Mt ud Taesiny (PARN i he Mrs fick morn Wm 3 ook fe Fhe evid had stuce the day before Chyostmas at “ERs 4 Years, § months and § days. Taree other children sur. vive, namely, Marie, Agnes and Walter, The funeral which was strictly private Hille som of Csarmty, died 0 from suarivt ver wen 4 His yw time of death of | and Known Throug Living Specialists. DR. A.M. FISHER, The Ear, Nose, Throat & Lung Scientist Has Decided to Locate Permanently in Bellefonte, Pa Offices at McGill's Boarding House, OFFICE OPENED MONDAY, JAN, 15, 1900, - -™ v gee ~~ \ | The Ear. Nos tifically by met ¢. Throat wiern me m > a IBHeTr Ss © il I \ : iil Cured. All Chronic, Nervous and Private Diseases 0000000000000 000000 New Treatment for Catarrhal Deafness. of which is now curable It is not the length of time, but the hang case curable or incurable Iw. A M. Fisher can tell in five minutes Noises in the ear stopped, Discharging ears permanently Catarrh of the Head and Throat. Helleved by mild and painless treatment. Improvement Immediate sid) § pred Tonsils removed by painless method Uranuiated mors Disease of the Nose and Throat quickly and permanently cured Lung Troubles. Chronte Cough, Pains in the Chest, Shortness of Breath, Bronehitis, Asthma. Py the new luhalation Method the Medicawonts are applied directly to the paris affected Constity tional treatment employed whens required Consultation and Preliminary Examination Free, Hours 3 amo pm NO INCURABLE CASES TAKEN, wpe. WHO HE [IS ut Ii. Pieler has studied medicine an both continents in the largest hospitals, always pay Ing nartien'ar attention to diseases of the ear, nose throat and lungs, and in this specialty he hae been partion ary saeeessful On account of his great cures periormed on the deal and eats thal patien's. he has had the commendations of physicians in this country and Europe He has duly qualified before the State Board of Medical Examiners, and is registered accord ng Yo law pe is here to slay I» 1 its are iN ] OCCUTTANCES eYyery rnlage shen Lhe 1 be cured of nit Folypus of Lhe Throat, Loss of Novem Voie Hours : Il p.m tod; 7to8p m. No Sunday hours. Consul. No Incarable Cases Taken. Correspondence with out- Address Dr. A. M. Fisher, McGill's Boarding Honee, Bellefonte, Pa. Office will be open on and after Saturday, Jan, 6th, 1900, Pam told; tation Free. of town cases invited,