8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 4, 1900, ——————— The Racket. Ne. 7 ¢ and 11 Crider's Bxchange, Bellefonte, Pa. A. D. 1900. Good morning, nice morning, a lit- tle airy, but that’s to he expected this time of the year, Looking Backward. The vear 1899 was a “record break er’ in the history of the store, and the people of Bellefonte and Cen tre county will please my thanks f weeept or their steady and 1 Mans of | have vet to Th [ nereas ’ He Looking Forward, ON provement 11 | 2 A The Ra th Sale ua Monday, leventh Am anuary 8 AE ee E ' iil h Ah B CG. R. SPIGELMYER. CORNISH ORGAN To Be Given Awav to Some ( Sel 1 or Sunday Al X ANA Ay 0000080000000 MASA COUPON he Centre Alemorrat, (0 22) JANUARY CORNISH CHAPEL ORGAN ¥ “ S000 O00N00000000000000 | A ballot box = under lock and key be depos ted wee Dy Al be published regular wi two 10g take For Ow Li port, wi have The « keys miest New Pulp Mill ct 18 on foot to secure the erection of large in Lock Havin, The paper has created a great demand for pulp, wood and the Pennsylvania, Bald Eagle Yalley, Beech Creek and Central rails road of Pennsylvania afford good facili ties for shipment of the same to the mills, puip mis advance in the price of and there is an abundance of - ON EVERY BOTTLE of Bhiloh's Consumption Cure is this guar foe: “Al we ask of you is to use two thirds of the contents of this bottle taithtully, then If Ponrat say you are not benefited return the | The | Christmas present, Ie to your Prigist and he may refund the 2 Price © cota, M0 ets. and $100, or by Krumrine Bros., Bellefonte, Pa. 2 CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7TH PAGE Nittany. Brown and were seen Messrs, Millheim, week, Reifsnyder, of on our streets last Bob Border, who had been employed at this place but is now employed at Philadelphia, spent the holidays at this place. Our postmistress has been all smiles the past week. We think it Job has returned. 18 because Misses Bessie Pifer and Bessie Webner, of Birmingham, spent their vacation at the latter's home, at this place, The Christmas Lutheran entertainment, at church, was a grand suc church was filled to its Cess sent his brother Pletcher a it was two well | bred fox terrier mp ‘ the pups highly, i spare time attending tl We very are lay mor tery at preach Holy ( the 14 yn h his | On the 26th of March, Reuben Crust will sell 5 work horse, 25 head of cattle, 35 head of sheep, a lot of hogs and a fine lot of farm implements, all in good con. dition, On the Sthlof March J. Kyle McFarland will have sale of his farm stock and im plements, On the 3rd, E. P, Tate will have sale 2 fine driving horses, also cattle hogs and implements. There will be several sales this spring but we cannot give the dates at present, The boys sent their best girls to Belle. foute with Pap to get Clhiristmas presents, William, you took good care of those girls, Our blacksmith, J. C kept very busy for the horses a day week last week ; 10 ast Robert Philipsburg, past week, Duey, Joseph Tres m Danie ulmos! at home g Bri day { Th oeen emg Rebersburg. tovel | ferent tere terestis Loree Coburn. Lynn, o " daught moming mds that ¢ rgot the day apy I went to work 1 day He a gray hai i for usua for man from Centre Hall appeared and informed him that the bride was waiting, Then he came to himself and face to face with the stern rea and for the first time in his life it dawned upon him that from heuceforth he must be the slave of a woman on Lhe getful Appoints } was f 11 unt ed 80 0 ities of life, Fillmore. Dear hrother and sister correspon dents, | hope you all had “A Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year" and fared as well as I did. I helped to knock, the stuffing out of a large turkey, We are glad to say, at this writing, Mrs. EH. Marshall is improving under the skilful treatment of Dr. W. U, Irvin. Feed is scarce, bul lots of tenants got “Gray Horses' for a New Year present, These require very littie feed, but you must have a new Iter for them, Siyers, Aller fspendcing a at Moshannon, : came home on Monday afternoon | week very pleasantly Charles Wiser, a student of the Theo al Seminary bome log nt Gellysbhuryg, with his mother during vacation Miss Blanche E. Billmeyer is + isiting friends in Union county at present R. F. Vonada left last Wednesday fot | Reading, Pa Miss Bertha Kersteter list but is improving R. H. Billmeyer went Milton on Saturday, on ness in the family, The Howard Creamery Co harvest its ice crop on Tuesday Rev. Buck, of the UU. B church, began a series of meetings at this place on Wednesday evening, Mrs. P. H. Stover is visiting friends In Bellwood at present, is on the sick his home account fo in of sick began to BOYS AND GIRLS foing 10 sehoot ean make big money by writ ng letters for us durin pri of particulars od “tam ve efente Art and Novelty © Bellefonte, Pa. Wty Son Rockey, has been | Unionville. Mrs. Jack Shipley is very sick with paralysis and is no better at this writing, Rev, KE. L. Williams, of Carlisle, visited his brother at this place this week, Gilbert Underwood is home on vacu- tion from George School, Edward Russell is home from U. of P., Phila., and Mary Buck from Jock Haven Normal. All are looking well, s We are glad to note Mrs. Wm. Iddings is improving. The Y.P.S.CE will hold a social in [t | | Squire B. W. Shipley is making a marked improvement in his home by the addition of a new porch and ell. That's right Barney, p up with the times. J. W. Smith, of Sunday kee Osceola, home merchant mann. Feidler. N mas al Hairs of th hold an et Oth on here wi be § addresses 1 that there resent bho will give and i the audience by their trained u singing Fairbrook. was at} Another {one to all, Sleighing s good and the people are making good use of it Frank Dowersox was home from New Berlin, where be is attending school Prof. 8. Gg Miller and his wife spent their vacation at Mr. Miller's home just below Pine Grove: Prof. Miller is the principal of the scHools at Watsoutown, Heary Williams and his wife are visit. ing at the home of Franklin Bowersox. Mr. Williams is from Sayder county, and was formerly visiting their friends fu the mountain city. The Commercial and Phoenix tele. phone lines have made connection at Seven Stars, and this gives the Commer. cial people communication with the western counties, new year, and be it a happy | R. J | with Yarnell. Harris Poorman is on the sick list, The U, B. Church, at this place, is un dergoing repairs, Miss Rachael Woomer is home after a year's stay at Snow Shoe. Miss Edith Stover spent Christmas at the home of her parents, near Bellefonte, J. Frank was a pleasant caller at the home of T, G. Zimmerman, ove day last wick, Jonathan Packer sprained knee, is suffering from a Miss Clara Heaton is spending a few days at home, In connection with this iL 15 a noticeable fact that Hlaine Rockey is home from his WOrs on | Run E. 1 Walker has contracted of the paperwood on the | i oA. B the cu Nyman Bro {alle amber of our peopl the f Miss Maud Howard, on Christmas ht funeral o S Cards are out for the wedding of Prof Snyder and Margaret Long Quarterly conference will be held in the United Evangelical church, at Jack sonville, on Saturday, Jan. 6. Commun. fon will be held on Sunday, jan. 3 John Holmes, pucumonia, sETVIOES Jr, had been guite ill but is getting along nicely Mt. Eagle. Frank Leathers has gove to Lebanon | county 10 attend a business school for the | next six months, Ira Leathers, of Howard, visited at the home of his brother, R. C. Leathers, last week, The teacher of the Kennedy school is on the sick list, The M. BE. church, of Kennedy, held a watch meeting last Sunday night, Spring Mills, The cold wealher around zero, has been playing harvest is houses, The ice filled their ¥. 8. Jamison is on the list with rest for squireship here, have some the Frail Snyder spent last week with his family, Miss Mary Smith sp Mifflin county Geo. Huss, of Johnstown among his friend week. He « Xpects 10 move piace in about a vear 1 A many lowe of Pine mitt FREE AD COLUMN, INEY TO LOAN ol clans real on ress Wy "a M 1" % Wr an at Law, Bellefonte WANTED erohange apemiddenee on M.A fonts, I's dress Fe FOR BALY Hyd bare chop mill, als wer Frick ¥ Eversthing in go so 8 lot " sold ff wanisd in Boalsburg Alfred Osman, Boalsburg ess. French FOR RENT Property oft Valentine sireel, Bellefonte, Pa. ten rons And bath. hot and onld walter gomi stable, large garden and slenty of frail. Terms #1 20 per month Possession January Ist Address CL. Beek, Banbury, I'a x2 of Henry Beck estate FOR SALE«House and lot on Spring street House and Jot on High street Houses and fot on Cartin street, One lot on Allegheny strest | One lot on Spring street. Two lois on Curtin [ streel. Une bet on Beaver street, Inquire of | Fortaey & Walker, Attorneys, Bellefonte, Pa | WANTED<1 am always wanting, by tne oar load, baled hay, oats, wheat and corn. Any person whe has not enough to load & Ar ean { get his neighbors to go in with him, 1 also |e] soft coal by the car load, be lat prices F+ all the above articles to George F. Hoy, tublersburg, "a. L]