THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., JANUARY 4, 1900, THE PHILIPPINEWAR] AGUINALDO'S WIFE AND SISTER CAPTURED. News and Notes From the War in the Philippine Islands, Classified and Condensed for Busy Newspaper | Readers. Col. Sytiar, three other cers, eghteen men and wife and sister and the Col. Leyba, surrendered at Talabin, province of Bontoec, Monday, Jan. 1, to Major March, of the Thirty-third | Volunteers. One American prisoner was with the party of rebels. Two battalions of the Thirty-ninth | have captured Cabunay. The Ameri cans landed under cover of the guns | of Laguna de Bay. The insurgents | occupied a very strong position Shrapnel was used and they retreated | fighting to Santa Rosa, where they were soon routed by reinforcements from Calamba. The American loss was two killed and four wounded. Th loss of the insurgents was severe, One hundred prisoners were taken detachment of American troops r Colonels Lockett rst has captur in the and was to have siasm ar draw An attempt ton to get up be held after movement is successful this tournament her colleges, w ing an ints leginte ment for the champic Jack McCormack heavyweight pug y defeated by Ja DUreE., in Aan #igh Utica, says th i OE man Finnega his stockings and fights at } John LIL. Sullivan, former cl pugilist of the worl whose in fifteen years | estimates at 000 000. has lared In a New Y court that he has nothing left of great fortune n } FIRE RECORD. The kien Win wholes cary store lurlington, lov been d¢ of $150 $95,000 A news at Sugar tion, near Ho Tuesday night sured The vine iplelmann Cago was $100 000 Blair's Money Goes to Relatives. After having been read to the gra children, the will of eo late John 1 Blair, who died at his town N J mitted to prol of Warren coun The extent of oe fort ho late millionaire Is not made public through the fling of the will. which was executed on March 6, 1878, when Mr. Blair was seventy-six years old The document Alls sixty-eight pages, has no codicils and contains 9.000 words. With the exception of a few thousand dollars, all of the fortune is hoqueathed to the near relatives of Mr. Blair and several close friends. MISCELLANEOUS NEWS. f——————— Events of the Week Told in a Few Words. have reached Tacoma from { ut a beef famine threatens Klondike Fresh supples cannot ba \ yo, ve bo J hk J ch Dawson befare March 1 . r Tad Nae LL. Secretary Root has cable tructions to open the Soutl ABOUT SMUT IN OATS hemp ports as in view of the s ul The Pian tere Deseribhed Has Heen in hemp in this country iipp L.ouls for t Found Effective in Ridding the | River is frozen over Seed of All Spores he first time in many We | AL Lima, Peru, despatch says that the press urges the immediate ap pointment of a Peruvian Minister at Washington, “especially now that the United States government is an im portant factor in all international husks of the seed or 8 When questions relating to the American wed is sown it germinates the si Continent.” yr wheat and grows smu R. Moody, eldest son of the late ind. The plan here sugg ist, Dwight LL. Moody has ve appointed adminis her's estate It is ex showing the ntrivances treatment of smut in oats, has been explained in this pub 18 O seed, spore, that wiges under request will be grant Moody left no wi iven $300.00( Oper Cooy contrit CROPS Like Other Things In This Yale « Tears They Are Not Always What They Appenr to Ne other day The Joh: Bost« bottom against him Custom House emg Cuba, arrested for con fraud the governmen on ball They will be wecuted as an example The Maine Dead "pon the windy he ghia of Cometery the Maln« dead k from Havana by the battleshi; ghads . 4 last Friday. were lald away ir y “ha final desting plac ith atmple relig wom betweer months afte : I8 BOTYICOR Ale n : : : : y such ors of war, In the pre dent, members of the the army and navy entative of the officer Young Nye for Pasturage ' Liweeeded i ETAVE of the herole 4 ery : be kept Do if ago. to the left the stat 1 y 1] ' : he rye when mansion of lee. and to the res through the vistas of snow laden dines | and cedars, the silent army of the pa triotie dead of the civil war, sleeping | P rank upon rank in their last bivouas ' Freire © BN they may do damag Fy t § t otherwise the rye © tard grazing of REMARKAELE WOMAN. Ms Fannie W, Tunison Sews, Paints nnd Embrolders with Her Teeth nnd Tongue. There are dozens of rems S. 3 S. Is the Only Serofula, some of them afford temporary relief, but 5. B "| Remedy Equal to this fhe only remedy whic comics Berofula isone of the most obstinate, blood diseases, and is beyond the -| Obstinate Disease, many so-called purifiers and thing more than a mere tone Is eq ial to any blood trouble and never fails goes down to the seat of the disease, thus trace of the taint The serious consequences to which Serof should impress upon those afflicted with it portance of wasting no time uy treatment v perm not possibly effect a cure y cases where treatment has been relied pon, complicated swellings have resulted, for which the doete a dangerous surgical operation is necessary Mr. H.E. Thompson, of M vill bad CARS ( > ofula br ne remedies were mended S fe BUTTER, CHEESE AND SMOKED MEATS Kar : 5] i | i : | SECHLER & CO. COMMA AAA bd hh bbb bb hh bbb bb bbb bbb bi NEWS and OPINIONS | : of National Importance Wellington NO. 2 WY = HW a: © ALONE ('ONTAINS BOTH 0000880000 iN CH 3) TED —- Sunday Sun TYPEWRITER, PRICE $60. 00 CASH Ap ’ F WRI VISIBI ni : "n ony. Dy mail, &s Cal STRONG and THE SUN, New York. | ALIGNMENT We red THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE, +" trial p _—-— tive OCATED in one of the most beautiful ane | healthful spotain the A) egheny Region Undenominational Open to both sexes Tultion free Board and other expenses very low Chapa DipuRTAENTSo STUDY, | THE WILLIAMS MF C0, LTO, on BIOLOGY P.O from BOTANY and HORTICULTURR id 0. BOX 60, det up | § cHEMisTY. PLATTSBURGH NEW YORK | ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING { MECHANICAL ENGINEERING WINTORY and POLITICAL BOTENCR CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH INDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN LANGUAGE and LITERATURE: latin Spanish and 1tallan, (optional) Freneh German and English, (required) MATHEMATICS and ASTRONOMY MECHANICAL ARTS; combining shoy work with study MENTAL and MORAL SCIENCE MILITARY SCIENCE theoretionl and prae tioal PREPARATORY DI FPARTMENT twee YEAS Pall term opens Septen ber 12. 180 Regular | courses four years Yor catalogue or other in A . a formation, address “Ladies ark Tapptn foe | CERT ins ENuLtng Hed GRO. W, ATHELTON president 1 Smid ow bh Blue ny state College ) ounty. Is | Take ne other Re Mave danacran Boer | tmtbans nnd imitations. 1» { vont vagina, or snd be for Fartion ins, Tenth maonials Relief for Banden,” In intter % Ie ’ 1 1) | By voters Mall, 10,000 Tom imoniais wld ny iss 43 . vid into in al rage via do oh y pas «F RPRTER ONEMIOAL OO ‘ 100 Madison Square, PHILA, FA, ¥, the petre 1 uid be passed On first-class teal estate security Menton this paper. Into another ves ntalning slaked | limited amount in sums of from $500 (SARMAN HOUSE ——- Hime, which will absorb the free chlor | $1000 and any number of loans desired High Bireel opposite the Court Ratha, ine and leave the oll sufficiently deodors in larger sums, Bring deeds and a ly Breer ers. ny antute, Flath B Ized and purified. ~Ladies' Home Jour in person to MORRI meni ght, oe BH GARMA mak f , 24 KB. Buhop St, Bellefonte, Pa. Ee . WR ENE AE Me ‘ve x . Marking Household Linen One « stant ee 38 fhe Centre | vy w here it can be see a Haw to Deadarizse Petrolenm f