2 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE. I’A. JANUARY 4. 1900 A BRITISH VICTORY GEN. FRENCH ROUTS CAPE VADERS. IN- A Full Summe vy Transvaal War of the Con- flict From Day to Day—The British Encouraged. of the News-——Progress he ation the chief int doe not Modder main practic the north of Frend h } Britis! } FOOT po mons tional in several CRUEe De WAR I ! blows, wi Pet ren Arkansas, de House and the , causing a loss Fire at Yan BH stroved Murt's Opera MHiackle Block Dec of $100,000 id N ton, D. C., the world-famed ornitholo {st and scientist, died Dec, 26 at the ohns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore. — —— Professor Elliot Coues, of Washing i | | close CONGRESS. What Is Going On at the Capital, National The testimony in the case of Mr Roberts, of Utah, is about closed, and it is probable the report of the com mittee will be presented to the house after the reassembling of It is proposed to call as a wit Marshal Letgher, of Salt Lake and with Letcher's testimony case against Roberts is likel It is expected to prove by Marshal that the third Mr Robe y married prior to the issuance ty prociamation soon Con Bross Ness City, the | W \ 1 Dee Arps s In 1) { par berg aqeipt } He » Ain 1546 The funeral held at of Dwight 1. Moody was Northfield, Mass., De 4 A eulogy on the dead was delivered by Rev, Dr. CC. 1. Beofield, the other min Isters participating In the services be ing Reve. Dr. Plerson tnd Bishop Mal laliew, William Littrell and Sydney May fough’ a duel at Trenton, Texas, the other .ay, and both were killed THE FENIAN RUMORS REPORT OF AN INVASION CANADA, OF Subject Discussed in Washington Stare Department Awaits Official In formation—Fenian Agitation In Bos. ton—Government May Act. The alleged parts of the country for a raid into Canada have not g een drawn to the in LO organ attempts an vot i Ntate wittention of the Department in Wa nothing the Known upon ift of Millions ihe mt it the mt would be Wi rile hor biti yh mae not heen to raise the 3315.000 which cated by John 1. Rockefeller would make up that amount However, M1 Rockefeller has wired that he will ex tend the limit three months, and ir that time Dr. Harper thinks he | reasonably sure of getting the rest o th money, as he has several large do nations In prospect. It Is understood | that much of the money has come | froin. business men of that city, dupil { BUSINESS OUTLOOK, Volume of Transactions Greater Than Ever Known Before. the The ar derful year 1800 was in the history of business This has been sald many times, but it is doubtful, even now, whether even business men fully real lz¢ how enormous the tran have been As soon as the stat) for the they it most Ae won rican actions complete tien ] 1 White n LIVE B Adresse Ont N Hye Wests Heeven, city Calves, city dressed. Country dressed Rheep, per 106 1b Lambe, per 100 1b, Hoge—Live, per 100 Ib Country dressed .... Entertained the Widows Nine lone widows of Sugar Valley, all entertained last farm of The ladies Catha Yophia above 60 were day the schrack near Boonville were Matilda Sheats, Louis K rine Currin, KEhzabeth toyer Herlacher, Catharine tamm, 4 Frantz Have You YOArs, week one at john R ani, L.amiey, Barbara May checca hack ana Mary ¢ ¢ : ¢ cso d000BBSRL ESESE RE BA A A A a # ervbhody Nearly all en like it and ask for SCOTT'S EMULSION crean 4 P La f i 2 BR 3 5 3B BR B- BREA -2*L LR -R BR RR REE BB 9929900690009 095000%CGC2EOISIESCEDIPIPSIODOROSOPRSO 2999900993909 05990® LEGAL NOTICES N ’ . : : he i o nN f the a . res \ HM CRONIN? -— LIRMD 7 ou NE Whereas, Kate M_ Iishel your ) ¢ pet friend. Soott Decker has files bee . Court of Common Pleas of Centre sto N April Term, 188 swaying for a divoree aga youl, now you are hereby notified and re wesied to appear n sald Court on or before Monday the 4 day of January, 19. to answer the complaint of the said Kate MM. Nishel, and show cause If any you have, why the sald Ka'e M. Rishel should not be divoreed from the bonds of matrimony entered Inte with ys ana in default of such appearance you will be liable to have a divorcee granted In your absence Sheriff's Offee, W.M. CRONISTER, Dee. 12, ime, Sheriff, | y nisl OTICK ~ No ' INO. 'PARRISH'S f { Prot Powers Shoe Company Bush Arcade, BELLEFONTE, PENN’A. EEZER Sk MARKET MEA R Oo Lh = A Taddensnla - da dd ON ’ ~ od ) » PHIIL.IP BERZK MORTGAGES. R MeN | ) Le N OR (AND Toxic ™~ Taney Form) For ALL Diseases or THE OENERATIVE ORGANS DEveiores axe (ves Yournra Stresen To EVERY PART OF THE SYSTEM JMNEDRTE LTTE CTS RANT Ress OUARANTEED INFALLIBLE Iramey Laoanstw By F¥Wysiciinvs IY Mul $1.00 Stay Sram rou Fumrwier PANAMERICAN DRUG (10 0 vous | Sold in Bellefonte at DRUG STORE or matied to any address on receipt of price »