THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 21, 1899, HAPPENING! IN BELLEFONTE Briefly Told 1n a Lines. Events Few Local PERSONALS, SOCIAL EVENTS What Has Transpired Daring the Past Week What the A Movements of Qur People Local Scribe Saw Worthy of Mention Week's Local News in a Few Words there Save your Organ Coupons, as be quite a number i of Massillon, Hemy P James H. Mclain, er sister, Mrs. that Cat Fri led the engagement, Manager ay ¢€ attraction man had booked for cancel There will on in this town next yeat keep in operation. ‘he sl match factory and boiler are | -Miss I ; vocal t " wown, Md., arrived vacation, rmeri exchange, Wood ing. Clarence Daley, of Ron cured employment at 1 match this place and will locate here family consists of just the two ~ N15. who has been visiti Cr Orge xoung, of J hers 0} here the past home Monday eveni -Squire Samue dent of Potter twp., in town day and paid us a sh as of old Waterson same sterling democrat Henry that ty to hear this noted Remember this office next week. when you go to the offi ry ly visitor you may On Monday evenino mandery at this of m ember Miss Mary Harris We the trouble This will be sent to week debted to us scription or ad this as a pastim ba the same wi rece tion. If you hear rom rill know what it means The traveling public should fact that Penn'a. R there R. In this section there was was Lhe schedule the past month a change on some variation on the road to Snow Shoe burg. been put on different schedules and The trains on the main li to Lewis ne have I he correct time tables appear in this issue. Don't Fire Engine Company of this hold their in the Armory, on Monday evening gary ist, 1900, in charge have made all for music and an evening's enjoyment, attendance promises to be large and there will be fun galore fof all. The Logans always have good dances and this will not be an exception to the rule. forget that the Logan Ste oth annual New The committe arrangements good The anxious to get rheumatism, Teachers Institute has been a pro nounced success thus far, The Bellefoute boys who were in the 147th arrived at Manila this Regiment week, Cut out that organ cupon and | ‘ : |save it. Someoae will be anxious to have it, The Baum engagement of Miss Fannie and been announced, Ww. real G. Runkle advertises Attorney | Some located in Gregg township. valuable estate in this issue, Malcolm Reber, son of W. | |of Philadelphia, wi Harry Walkey is ill at his home with | i | | | | | Joe Wetz, of Kentucky, has | IF. Reber, | Il spend the holidays | at the home of his grandmother, Mrs. | | Mary Batts, nas slippers, leggings 18 shoes for them, 1ston had West ill unable to walk. confined hit is home from he been for in the Peun hb Masonic order | The exercises were followed with a ban- James Wagner n of our townsman to the Mateo when he Cut that organ coupon out of the aper this week, as there will be some » anxious to have it. Save all these ne on UPODS as you may want one to some trument ged to re. 1¥ » Kline has been eng the County Treasurers fice assit acquainted i of doing things tement about the Brockerhoff H ex from a gas jet, did not take long t extinguish the blaze, but it caused son | uneasiness among the guests The Christmas servi Lutheran church wi There at a.m } SCA SON will jams, the young evangel in the court house on Sun at half past three. Res aker of marked abil held rvices at Rock, Pleasant iy and during winter very suc. ft revival se CesSsit le Every. and Gap, Axe Mann and Colevil body is cordis invited on Sunday we feel sure worlli while your ~The Academy foot ball team ene joyed themselves on last Friday evening when they held their annual bat quet at There to bakery was eal and make all intimation = ys had an immen lelightful Ihomas street, 1 a Christmas Consisting of Ella M. Waite, Belle. Waite, Stevens for nily us Waite and John S§ A | H. Blair Wa te, Stormstown, J. Waite, New York City; Wilbur W. Waite, Run, Pa. Annie M. , Woodland, Pa; Laura A. Waite, East Northfield, Mass; Harry A. Waite, Pa; Charles H. Waite, Pitcairn, Edward Waite, lock Haven Pa. An enjoyable time will be afforded all at this gathering. Haven, Pa; Sara lock Kerrmoor, Buffalo "arcy [yrone Pa, Slate and Normal, Change of Firm, On the 1st of January the hardware firm of James Harris & Co., Bellefonte, will be changed to Potter & Hoy. James Harris will retire from active business and his interest in the store will be pur. chased by Edward Hov. The senior member of the firm will be James H Potter, who has been connected with the firm a At The Hosplial Miss Schank, of Howard, submitted to in operation for appendicitis at Lock Haven hospital, Tuesnay, HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver lils, Bil lousness, Indigestion, Headache, Easy to take, easy to operate, 25¢. an | toasts | | | ! | ! | we wish to say IN THE COURT HOUSE, Gathered From Variou Offices, Legal Intelligence 4 REAL ESTATE TRANSFER MARRIAGE LICENSES, Spring Mills Lewisburg { (+. A. Ripka, . t Mary M. Mitchell, §f Nicholas Lucas, { Mary LE. DeHass, §f Frank P. Hanna, 1 Susan D, Kennedy, § James IX. Maiht, t Mageie H. Davis, y Chas, ( t Alice Gs, § Wm. | { Mary E. Sortman, ' ‘ §f Daniel S. Neidigh t Annie M, Rud § Gotlieb Worner, { Augusta Smith, { Abram Hartell, t Pha Bogus Spring Mills Patton llaveys Smith, « (srove Mills Mattern, LajJose, Pa. Wolf, state College Twp I or " Col cRe 1 iy, t ) { i ished daughter of leceased, who was a lead After the cere. the yhysician of the city presence they tie 4 fsont belr weddin take usekeeping in DuBois, where they w many friends - at home to their To Our Correspondents there will be no paper issued ro : ft ; ' theref vond e that Ir res hoy there wi ents writing th ’ i st ir the fit Il be each of our issue wi a good wrilers muoection that the news sent in by our correspondents constitutes the lead of this paper and is highly the We ations to all who have favored With the close of the we wish one and all a Mert ing feature appreciated by readers are hig 14) under oblig us in this manner year 1899 Christmas and a Happy New Year - No Paper Next Week Next week no paper will be issued it about from this office as is the custom to the establish. ment the benefit of a holiday vacation, allow one and all During the week the office will be open to receive subscriptions and to attend to any urgent job printing that may be de. sired. We hope our patrons will not find fanit with the printer for this bit of a vacation, Will Quit Farming. On Tuesday Issac Frain, of Abdera, was in town and called around to tell us that he would want sale bills printed lat. er in the season as he has concluded to quit farming this spring, He has some choice live stock and farm implements, The date of his sale will be selected later, Mr, Frain is an active man and certain. ly will be found hustling at something else, if he quits the farm. TWO WOMEN KILLED, A Frightul Accident at Philipsburg on Last Saturday Evening A frightful accident happened at Phil- ipsbarg, on Saturday evening, resulting in women two and of being mangled the shifting engine, at the Beech Creek ground to death under wheels a road crossing, on Pre quisie street following is from the Journal, of that f 0 Mrs cond Mrs, Wharton Cal , and ahan, Chester Lill her tern law, Mary Bauder, who lives that Ia both on Ht borougl Beech killed a crossing the Creek tracks | by en were instantly gle Beech ( There | accide reck shifter, known witness of the nt, | A ess, »n empl Mi | Andrews | {han was ng a ) had be ‘ The cure as onduct- Thon t Howard that time Mr ing a small store a am. for . ~ the prove a ne severe hart, eo sore am ubmit to another the leg on rely separated int from BE as above was Lhe nventor of a forge hat has for many years been us€ in forges throughout the ard, as do the the country The wife of deceased survives and lives at How following named children also: Harry, Minnie, M Mary, | Three brothers, all of whom are forge the they are attie, Frank and John men also, and are at Iron employed Tyrone works, survive ; john, whose home is at Nealmont, and Thomas and Hunter whose homes are at Howard. Two sisters, Mrs. Jones and Miss Corilia Thomas, also survive and reside at Howard, Deceased was about fifty years old, remains interred at How. ard at 10:30 o'clock Sunday morning. Miss Lorrie Roms and Mrs. John W. Robb, of Beech Creek, died Sanday noon, after an illoess of one week of typhoid fever, was about nineteen years of age. The family has been sorely afllicted. Thelr son Harry has just recovered from an attack of tyhoid fever, daughter Sadie, and son Leonard, are all down with the disease, condition is extremely critical. M. E. church at Duncansville, died at his residence at that place on Sunday after. noon, of pneumonia, after an lines of ten days. Mr, Guyer was in his 68th year and was born in Warriors Mark Daughter of Mr, | The young lady | The father, | Mr. Robb's | Rev, Assury W, Guyer, pastor of the | | | Valley, who Methodist He was one of « brother entered the ministry church, Mus. Joun Wes j died a her bome in that on Sund even of mg from catarrh the stomach, aged a 11 Hitie over 53 yeas ne was a daughter of Henry Lytle, of Stormstown, at which place she was born ber husband and fis AUL HAAGENR ay in the home near which he gazed u homes of the oul section of country Longfellow in the Pe arts of the poen he ha : é ¢ ¢ " ¢ é ¢ One Dose Hood’ s Pills SLVVVAVIVVAVAN 29990909 %09°00%% - saad dreeorarsescaree | —— JR FGISTER 8 NOTICH he following accounts have been examined passed and fied of record In the Register's of fiee for the mapection of heirs and legates, creditors and all others in anywise interested and will be presented to the Orphans’ Court of Centre county for confirmation on Wednesday, the 24th day of January, A. DD. 1x0 1. The second and final account of Ralston, Executor, of &¢., of John 4 late of Ferguson township, deceased 2. The frst and Anal account of Ne Wasson, administrator of &¢.. of Cyt son, late of College township, deceased 5 The first and final account of BF fer, Executor of &¢., of Rebeooa Tolbert Walker township, deceased fd. The final acoount of J. Albert Walton administrator of Ke. of W, E. Burchfield, late of Phtiioaburg borough, deceased OTICE. Notice Is hereby given that a Pe tition for Transler of Continental Hotel i License 2nd Ward of Philipsburg from RB. New ton Shaw, to Kilas CO. MeOallister, was this day | Bled in Proth'y offiee M.L Ganoxen, Ir we Samuel « Ruder, hert 1 1s Was. Shat ate of oth'y, an, IRS, FOR Ba LE