THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 21, 1899, CRIS Va SANTA CLAUS AT GRIMM’S RANCH. A Story for Christmas. THOUSAND par dons, but could the senor the i wired his anne » at the heavy rarded Mex with : nore by way of a change, conclude fo make his annual trip with a beard of three weeks growth, or even a smoothly-shaven face. Further than that he couldn't, under the circumstances, blame Little Hank for look ing upon all strangers with an eye of sus picion; but he the chances of pop ping his gaze on Banta Claus by daylight small arts of the world, had their eves open for years with aj 1 the | it thought extremely Several millions of were boys, in different Pp been keeping out avail, and there ar belief that the jolly traveled principally in the dar} had come to be fellow wit deers “That's way he hit this rane Christmas, and 1 reckon he left it t the last ranch on his rounds,” rema boy. ; a th : me wanted--nuthin’ but a little tin wag eave a pound of cat dy Say, mister, d've rect Santa Claus ever handles windehestors #” r Hank Grimm necessit f nt I'he appearance of the eld KWering spared We 8 the this difficult HOWL query. i JWher i Boo ; of the "Two i | blamed if torth The YoJured Tul and Praced 1m Ten derly in a chair; but he at once struggled to his feet “Turn loose the dog, gran'paw, or he will git away. It’ he didn't right slap in my face s Banta Claus, and I'm miss me with his pistol I never knowed afore that Santa Wells t approached ius was an Arkansaw man urned from ted | open window, Below £, Lhe \ ured Ww the ex ugh that v wre he fell—and 1 think 1 ze him when | gee | ng w him.” In Attie Hank had inight marauders ng an § SUrmises entry | A CHRISTMAS SURPRISE. | How a Rejected Suitor Got Even with His Successful Rival. him Promptly Reaches the Seat . of all Blood Diseases and blood remedies stinate the case, ment always pre In every test its super It: nor what or remedies have made 8, 8B canily jority over other intters not how ob- other treat- failed, 8B. 5, 8 mpliy reaches and eure ny ‘Monstrates CX Perienes Knows that thers are no mibles so obstinate ar flien yeure, Very few remedies claim as B. 8. 8. cures, and none 5 B.B. isnot merely a Gures the Worst Gases, jevacriers be bloods any way in ments or to cure sue offer such ine wertible is a cure very seat of all blood diseases, foundation of the vi Ww t cases, and routs the poisor not, like o * remed iry up the only to breq ' trace of taint tr real deep sented bilo | inonsos dence of merit Lon ang get nthe systen poison and hide olently than ever mate « was hungry came dni northeast; angry with the f : 4 vey In 1 ag Deen jorag d urdsy grat ! 4 ' ‘ 4 with blood that uleers from head to f Ph ip to die. Severs to no pury AVE me fave mn wonderful Cures mn proved from the tothe cause of t rouble bottles cured me ympletely Swi Spe S.S.S. FORT is the only nedy that is gusars sd purely vegetable. and « mercury, | hh, arseni OF RTs ; cure Car Eczema Tetter, Boils, Cari Valuable books mailed gp ny, Atlanta, Ga that I drove fr Wells regard ing gaze of LAAAAAAAARA AAA AR AAAAMA ARAMA AAA RAAARAARAAAAAARAS ARM RRA RAMA AAA AR AREA 74 Great Specials for the Holidays at SECHLER 4 mn Was a Gserman Teut ? eas of 3 COS, me Of it fart The object of Wells’ distrust t } ] leit Attle Hank seemed to look upon his share treat, and aft $ an more glibly Lt AS aD fspecCia er { his tongue 8 D BARNES fA OUTCH BOUSEWIFE | Her Convntant Dealre for Cleanliness CANNED GOODS. #¢, Peaches Wi Amounts Almost to a Crase, m (} ¢ Meat DRIED FRUITS Ine Mu ate! } SMOKED MEATS gar Cured Hams and Best Smoke ¢llefonte, Pa. SECHLER & CC ). CUM bbb Ab bb bbl bb bb bb bb Tv rv rrr vr ar rrr errr rvvrvrrvvavervrevrevvrvvrrvrververrveeeey NEWS and OPINIONS| of National Importance Y Jonger the Ever wir been tered employers, a | merchants; and to get back of had beer remitted we sO cesal tire Wi he dr back « pee tat ever, ever ing ir hour be b eak pains of al Hminary i ap} ng began divesting his Li ness, As he unhooked the t a towheaded urchin of eight same strolling up from ihe nea crept into the buggy sect and dr blankets over his head unt! or face and sparkling eyes were vinihle “What's your name, mister’ he asked, with childlike directness, “Jack Wells, What's yours? “Hank Grimm. I'm only Little Old Hank is my gran’paw, and he « ranch. The Mexicans call this ‘Dos Botas * ‘cause gran'paw gives the ‘two boot’ brand. Bay, mister, do you know who 1 thought you mought be when you dmv’ up?” “Couldn’t guess.” “1 thought mebby it was Banta Claus, but then I allow he's got more whiskers'n you have Bill, he mought have shaved.” .. Wells admitted that Santa Claus might, one ran ne ie. ew 5 f boyish Man] Yhns i - "I'VE GOT YOU THIS TIME SANTA CLAUS.* hard dirt floor lay a (reshly discharged pi tol and a Mexican sombrero “It is robbers that have been here,” ex claimed the ranchman. “It is Mosican rob bern, and they have suot my boy!” Wells dived beneath the table, Drought i ] nd helpfully employed IN HER NIGHTGOWN. A Blight Lingual Mistake Made by the Gaatemnalan Minister at Washington, It Is undeniable that forelen dinlo- mats in Washington frequently find themselves at a loss, owing to the nov. elties presented to them by American customs. Even the language offers dif- fleuition, Only the other day the Guatemalan minister was sp ington ladies of what he regarded ns an remarkable social experience met with | here at a reception at the capital. He had been invited to an afternoon recep- tion, “And do you know,” he sald, “the hostess received the guests in a night. gown!" “(iood heavens!” replied the ladies to whom this information was addressed. “Surely you ave joking, Mr. Minister.” “Not at all, T assure you,” reiterated the diplomat. “It was in her night dress that we were received—low neck and bare arms!” "Oh, you mean evening dress, do yon not, Mr, Minister?" suggested one of the ladies, “Yeu, that is what I mean,” admitted Benor Arriaga; “low neck nnd bare arms, just like the costume for the op era or ball" Asn mony be imagined, the laugh was at the ministér's expense. In Wash. Ington Indies quite commonly wear evening dress when giving afternoon receptions. ~Noston Herald, aking to some Wash- | Hetween the Lines Mies | Ensily Anawered, 1 often ristmas »! are Lhe ( we Chansty Ym ne) fudge i A Query. The question mom To Interrupt mer "How ean the blowing of a hore Assist in bringing peace to | «Washington Star comes on ceacn ‘®gentier mi ear All Et Would Hela, Dog Faced Boy—Iid yer get yer stockin’ full 0’ good things Christmas? Living Skeleton Yes, indeed Dog Faced Boy—What'd yer get? Living Skeleton—A cigarette. = Town Topies. Ax Good a Theory as Any, Tommy What are all the men trying to get to the north pole for? Willie (scornfully)=What, don"t you know, goosey?! Why, Banta Claus lives there.~ Brooklyn Life. First Short Dresses, The materials used for a baby's fires short dresses are nainsook, French lawn and dimity. If it is desired to use colored dresses after the ohild is one year old pereale in fancy stripes, pink, blue or a delicate green, may be chosen, or the same material in a plain color trimmed with rules of Hamburg edging ~Lat'es' Home Journal FEY Ww LL Go Ll 3 ALONE CONTAINS BOTH. 00008 #0000 d Sunday ) TH B Any Sunday Sun i rE BY New York THE PENNA, STATE COLLEGE OCATED In one of the most beautiful ane healthiul spots in the A llegheny Region Undenominational ; Open to both sexes Ay Tuition free ; Board and other expenses very | low LEADING DEPARTMENTS of STUDY IL. AGRICULTURE and AGRICULTUNY CHEMISTRY 2. BIOLOGY 4. BOTANY and HORTICULTURE 8. CHEMISTRY IVIL ENGINEERING LECTRICAL ENGINEERING ECHANIUCAL ENGINEERING INING ENGINEERING HISTORY and POLITICAL SCIENCR NDUSTRIAL ART AND DESIGN ANGUAGE and LITERATURE: Latin Spanish and ltalian, (optional) Frened German and English, (required. ) MATHEMATION and ASTRONOMY. MECHANICAL ARTS: combining hoy work with study IH. MENTAL and MORAL SCIENOR 12. MILITARY SCULENCK theoretioal and prae * tleal IL PREPARATORY DePARTMENT: tw Joan Fall term opens Segember 12, 189%. Regulm courses four years or eatalogue or other In formation, address GRO. W, ATHELTON, LL. D., president State Ooliege, Centre County, Ps Ld 10 MONEY TO LOAN On first-class real estate secu A ~ from Welling {0 NO. 2 J —— TYPEWRITER PRICE $6000 CAS : } . y § VISIBLE WRI STRONG a ALIGNMENT We ret satisfact trial tive {One of © Ihe CAD De sev A : (THE WILLIAMS MFG (1 x12 P.O BOX 680 PLATTSBURGH NEW YORK | CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS Te use at hm, mod Torougerint for ns RL and « Hefwee dangeron . ne athe Ee Str ol yuu 8 moniais ani © Belied Ratt, do ieier, 3 [etuce Hast. 10.008 Toatimoninie Fol by CHICHESTER ONEMIOAL OO rare a. PA ——————————— Mentton (hie paper. Nn sR REreet pam 1 New Furnitn BiaWE