THE OENTKE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., DECEMBER 7, 1899. 7 ‘ . eT ~ pr AR Gq AL edo ~~ AR Ce ww r “i. ALE po xn tt *g " ols a La 5 on L aR et . on BY & Zahara n “le pr “Ce stds » 0) oJ fy cae g % XH oh 1 % % % i) wi ’ . a y "i 4 3. 2] i] % ” ) 3 . 04 4, 24 i <5 aL EL 4 4 5) 4 4 4 8) «0 «9 {a 7 240 7, ‘ke EN 74 7 ZA 7 SHADES SOUND THD LDS SATS AN ADS JUD TS LDC LA Hw ty LOA 1 pt ANDES THN TAT TN Fu 3 0 ROGAN ARG 00 YOU WANT T0 DRESS WELL? Do you want to Save Money? Do you want to wear clothes that an expert cannot tell from the highest grade custom tailor work. VISIT US. We are selling the Best Clothing made in America to-day. We have pleased hundreds of your friends and neighbors and Saved Them Money. Why not you. Visit Us? vantages you have in trading with us. LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT The Highest Grade Merchandise. Prices. purchase before we consider it a sale. Brockerhoff Block, Bellefonte, Pa. You will see at once the many ad- The Very Lowest Your Money Back for the Asking with us. You must be satisfied. Goods must be to your lik- ing. We insist upon you being pleased with your Try us. ST ’ ’ Cyn yp AY 3 hws ar Ay : YS FAUBLE'S oe . Nat SEES . . 2 Wt 3 vr *e L990. ee fal § A) Ya No po Wk LT Na J. Nw » M on ony Woe con ws a.g ’ M. FAUBLE & SON. 3 A A RZ A A A LR A RA A A A A ° a CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT [he News Gathered From Various HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO one bear hot for several years | tains. There are sti mountains They seemed than for many years back; it is thought there were so many on account of the burning of the Diamond valley. Hon. Thomas F. Riley, after spending several weeks in the mountains hunting, came out on Saturday Nov. 25th in ap- parent good health tospend Sunday with his family, as is his custom. On Monday | morning he was about to return again to the mountains when be was seized with a severe cramp which continued without ceasing until night, when the doctor diagnosed it as appendicitis. Mr, Riley gradually sunk lower and weaker, Dr Woods was called to consult the attend ing physician, Dr. Kidder. On Thursday there were symptoms of improvement, | He is now much improved and by care. | ful treatment and nursing may entirely | recover his usual health His friends will no doubt be glad to hear of his fav. orable condition BALL GAMER: On Thursday last (Thanksgiving) the Boalsburg High School base ball team defeated Lemont with the grand score of 17 to 7. The game was called at 2 p. m. when the boys in gray took the bat and scored five runs the first inning ; Lemont scored but one, Gingerich and Young did ex. cellent batting, each making three.-base hits. Wiecland's pitching was "out of sight.” That's what Lemont said. The players are as follows, with the number of runs: Calvin P. Young, c., 2; Scott Wieland, p., 3; Albert E. Gingerich, 1b, 2; K. N. eberger, 2b., 2; Frank O. Young, 3b, 3; 6 e J. Stuart, ss, 1; Edward J, Kup , th, 1; Thomas R. Weber, cf, 2; Charles E. B, Fisher, If, and ber YCAr | Afty years on an absolute rasantde J 1. When the Lemont boys want to play to win 1} who wear (he ATE aot st ir 1] A Fa ICE ale a with one of Bitner 51 the pig's back by the 4 ¥ Al on ' 1 1 killed iressedd Po INGE « We ers, who is teachin will eat home, or peacock whether chic pleased to see him Geo. Harm came home last week. He had been hunting with a party of five which killed three deer. Geo. killed two of them. One of the party, Mr. Blackford of Bellefonte, was severely hurt by fall. ing, striking his head on a rock. We are all glad to know that our friend H. W. Reeder has procured a good posi tion as book keeper in a wholesale beef establishment, at Pittsburg. Reeder is much missed He is a good talker and laugher. What he has to say, he says to your face He is genteel, does not use Are informed that Leonard Leath at Mt. Pleas this Christmas at home But turkey we will all be { SChx ant, near en or | profane language, tobacco, nor alcoholic beverages He has our best wishes for his health, wealth and happiness DOES THIS STRIKE YOU Muddy complexion, Nauseating breath come from ehronie constipation. Karl's Clover Root Toa isan absolute cure and has been sold tor Price 2 y Krumrine Bros, : ots. and 8 o's, For sale Bellefonte, Fa i Wolfs Store. E.G. Hosterman and family spent last Sunday visiting in Penns Valley, Frank Shultz and family, from Rebers. | burg, were guests at Cyrus Zeigler's last Sanday. We are informed that Newt, Brungart has sold his farm to A. M. Corman, from Rebering Prof. I. A. Zeigler, from Clintondale, Clinton county, Pa., Spent Thanksgiviog with his parents at this place. The butchering season is now about over in this section and our e are now feasting on good things. Next will be Xman Milesburg. a Wilson Charles Tyrone, spent Su parents in Centra Henry Kohlb ROME LO SC how on Sun home ny cyYyening Oliver B. Kem, of Landisburg, Pa. spent Thanksgiving Day with his friend, Miss Elizabeth J of this place I. Miles Green his + birthday anniversary Friday giving a dinner to a number of hs int mate friends Stroon »} celebrated th ast by Moshannon. Levi Maves, of Jersey Shore, was visit ing friends here last week James Murphy, formerly of Philips burg, moved Wo town last week John Borger, formerly of this place, who has been living in Clearfield for | to town last | some Lime, week, moved back Last Thursday was a hard day om [small game, as the woods were full of busters, and the most of them were suc: cessful in bringing home a bird or a | rabbit, | We bad a great excitement in town {on last Friday morning. When Mrs, | Boston ViehJorfer went to feed her horse she discovered that the horse and buggy bad been stolen. The constable was put on the track as soon as possible and Pe. fore the next day found the stolen prop. erty, ON EVERY BOTTLE Of Shiloh's antes: “All we of tim contents oan Port Matilda. un be taught sepa fis a in one in will be instruct heat cow the basement contains a large ing furnace with other convenier rt it is a building of wi Port Matilda and the 3 . . "Ne orth should be pr ch the townshij Madisonburg. Mrs. Mary Dred this writing visiting iu our town, hier, of Shamokin, is at Prosperity has struck us in the form of a saw mill above town, operated by C. P long Mrs, Rover and daughter, of Altoona visited friends and relatives in this com munity, Edwin Noll, who spent the past sum. mer at Chalmers, lod, returned home last Friday Rev. Dubs, pastor of the United Evan gelical church, commenced a series of revival meei ings on Sunday evening, After an absence of about ten weeks, | visiting her many friends at Vicksburg, Pa., Miss Bertha Fiedler has made her apearance, While Mr. Rover's and Mr. Herbh's turkeys were in their fields along the | mountain, two fellows from Rockville | ushered them across the fence in the woods, and shot t woof them as game. This occurred Thursday, Nov, 23, and as the party who saw them do it had to leave the next day no action was taken upon the matter ; action will be taken as soon as the informer returns. It is also claim. ed that some of our home parties made a raid on Mr. Deitrick’s turkeys. ah she Joat hie LAR no, thestination y are ne wea. Kai's Clover Toa has cured those . a 1 rah ar od gp] 0 ots, orale by paki ba ve Bellefonte, 3 i yrone Aren't once again Mrs. Lizzie Walk visit to friends at Hannah Mrs. Newman, of Hannah, Sundaved with her niece, Mrs. (5, BE. Eller Mrs Tohn Beezer visited her Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Murray, piace (0 at iefl Mond parents, at this of Cala Parsons Parsons, wife and sons, visited Postmaster J hin the past week Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Irvin, of Bel spent Thanksgiving at the home father at this place { Our genial young merchant, Alfred Irvin, who has been assisting us brothers at Bellefonte, is back at his post Yehind | the counter at Tulian again, wisan, efonte, of Ed's ited at the home of T. A. Ardell recently The party included Messrs Swyers and | Kennedy and Mrs. Henderson and sister, | They returned home last week. Sugar Valley. Counterfeit dimes and quarters are afloat in Loganton and vicinity Samuel Mader reports that he shot and killed two large deer before break. fast Monday morning, near the Deep Springs. : Ren Stover was hit m the face with severa: shot, one day last week, fired by A careless hynter in the woods chasing wit game, long expected has at last happen. ed. Samuel Condo, of township, and Mary C, Schrack, of town. ship, have joined the army of benedicts for better or worse, A party of Penn Van, N. Y., folks vis. | need thei their cheeks and restore health Cail blood. ge and strengin . that reject fat w th CETECE RUE RT Cra ETe sale to say they nearly FITIFIDIVIFIVIITVVIVIIINTIIDVDRININIIIN all La Cake a CO io EMUL COD LIVER OIL WITH WYPOPKOSPIITES or | INE & SUiA is exactly what they require; it not only gives them the im. portant element (cod-liver oil in a palatable and casily di gested form, but also the hypo- phosphites which are so valua- ble in nervous disorders that usually accompany anemia. SCOTT'S EMULSION is a fatty food that is more easily digested than any other form of fat. A certain amount of flesh is necessary for health, You can get it in this way. We have known per- sons to gain a pound a day while taking it. so. and Buon, #11 druggists, SCOTT & DOWNE, Chemists, New York ¢ "~ | SEECECEREPCE PCRS d= -