THE CENTRE DEMOORAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. DECEMBER 1899, GIFTS FCT Things ..alSTMAS. to Make Make Them, 11 SHIELD NOVEL OR PIANO KEYS. It Is Made of Satin Lined With Wadded SIIK or Cham- ols = Pretty Wall Cabinet Yor the Cream and Is Home, As Christmas predominating thought I make that will be ent?” - 14 4 ready manufac shop, but there whom one would of our own handiw A little SWers a pract the “What tractive can an at pres out of the \ friends to to give a bit article viiich, jowever, an- } ry wh —— AP Np Pi ot a a es wy A Pr, Pn, —————————————————— gg gg gg ggg Sg A rt ¢ desired the the ckness of carpenter put r nameled or stained, but ges rivalry from bought those which are coversd ed plush, brocade, to match the be hung The goods are cut In the proper form for the different parts of the frame work and are then applied just as pa ¢ in pasted on the wall, with streteh eretonne or denlfn room where they are to on the goods. There should be a little glue In the paste, and the goods should be tacked at the edge to hold It in place until it Is quite dry. The eablhet I) lustrated Is covered with old flavored brocade, the edges being finished with gilt gimp held by ornamental nails. and How to! | Christmas gifts | pensive, E | tions, | low Is gly | the n | Ere | same one | tion of | These except that! the paste Is put on the wood Instead of | THE VERY LATEST PILLOW, A Handsome Gift For the Christmas Season, Meorry In the making of sofa pillows there Is no end, They are and are not AR New SUE very latest pil very ex ich season hb and a cut of the en herewith is a delightful effect 1 tone of gr center decors This pillow wn In a goo eon odel shown the fs a wreath white blossom n leaves These linen, oul) n a made of the tint of flowers are HOMEMADE WORK TABLE. Useful Present That May Be Made at Small Expense. nen center On and aboy If you pensive, It may JUATre edge | i J n em it Is a well defined hemstitel desire to n be trimmed prettily of rmther ake It ne with an narrow mechlin ce of the pattern on These should be and insertion Ince, with sAne put on only plain gathered the corners her clever idea Is to sew to the nen center guar riers of an id be folded A tO destroy the and produce aving had the corners st p nd a wider foot wring the edge Is an Inser sOADe Toot of ped off. Ne ing which fi tween valencliennes lace of the same Inner ph on plain, dth as the extreme two are the wider of th rathe full, =o as to form a dainty dort yg elect for the ge of the handkerchief \ There are numbers of other devices, but the following Is worthy of attention for the reason that the treat pie © although two must be gathered otter od unique ment tends to give it the appearance of | After the | ant | decision yesterday in the case of Mra having come from abroad square of linen Is hemmed an Insertion of drawn work Is put above It. For a frill of extra length there is a half neh | wide insertion of mechlin lace, then a footing of the same width, then anoth- er band of insertion and another of footing. This arrangement of the ruffle produces a very showy effect and Is not particularly expensive, always acceptable as pure OUR GARRISON AT VIGAN Repulses 3 Force of Eight Hun ] dred d Filipinos . REBELS LEFT THIRTY Our Loss Eight Killed, ed-Young Hopes to Capture naldo{BEEZER Ske MEAT MARKE A ieny St wll ’ - Alleg We oh one bh fonte, ‘a Ix st ¢ A it the nality of BEEF PORK and MUTTON All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced Ham, Pork Baus ne, ol If you want a nice Juicy Steak go to Wellington NO. 2 TYPEWRITER, | PRICE $60.00 CASH Chea VISIBLE | STRONG and ALIGNMENT ALWAYS PERFRI | We ref Satisia " trial Live (we ' : THE WILLIAMS MFG th i, P.O BOX 80 PLATTS: URGH, NEW - CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH P rire nreszeR PENNYROYAL PILLS MONEY TO LOAN On firstclass real estate securit limited amount in sums of from $1000 and any number of loans desired in larger sums. Bring deeds and a in person 10 W, GALER MORRISON. | 214 K. Buhop St, Bellefonte, Pa. 00 to