7 ————————— Gi THE CENTRE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 30, 1899, od J “ Ld ’, ey " roma II RD : yo SY GROAN Ron aft vg ir v2 \d gy Br ERAS TR RR RT TT RT : % : SUT: TT Sunt SS STS LH Sn EU Y ups Cupid f vi wt TUT ny Sy HUEY i h 71 J Ny 5 EE big g or i & / A) HN Ses I 2PADNSY OU v to is |S CAND ba 4 AL. FAUBLE’S ¢ { * Lab CO000000000C 0000! FL, aT dr APT hy a, SID CRIT TTS CRW, 007 ") a , " jist i 5 RA J] “ 1 ’y 5 7% Eh i’ rt » r 7€ ) 1 ge é & 7 oe @ k “dy 0 oF Lf ‘ 7 big 2 &- g 4 4 The & Gv voll vo & & » AREY SOUND CANNES SALE TNE pes ANDES TUNES UES AE » FAS Nz FAUBLE'S le . - 8 gro PES SED : - WA £ 3 = A odo” ~ in SS a o AAR een ae te Our Immense Business this Season Tells the Tale. Be &.0.60.0. 9.8. ® ’ ANA “Fu ~ etd ¢ * We have been and are showing more Good Clothing than you will find on Ma any place in Centre county. With our big stock, varied assortment. we are ee pleasing everybody. We have every size and make from the 3-year-old boys AANA "g 14 size to largest Men's size. Special cuts of every description such as long RRR G.0 0.0 8.8. P 19.5 and slims, short and fats, and the extreme extra big sizes. and do it right. you will find others asking for the ordinary kind. We can fit you TT pe € a We are selling The Best Clothing made for Less Money than We ' We ask only a call. » -e promise to save you money. Christmas Gifts---the useful kind of every description. ”” Here is a store where you can have your Money Back for the asking. € . g00.0 0.9 s RRR RRR M. FAUBLE & SON. % tz Pe : Brockerhoff Block, Bellefonte, Pa. FR INIT TTI T EG ITTF 8 CORRESPONDENTS fomard gra DEPARTMENT | &eicey™ News Gathered From Various POOLE IT III IIIT IN Wall AiXer. «ill I mimore. Runville. Ihe Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO adents See ¢ 10 hit n dotog the driving om 1 wife, of Centre Mr. Luse 1s one of the be Hall, Tt a AS ¢ nalkmen manuel Kote has a Tan ’ » here CTE on bus rant, which ness { 2a hearty supg patent hyd ’ H. | met wirch Within tion has ded t of his eyesight When ctobe out he 1s always carried hildre . : tiv. AapDarent y night early, apparently K het of years was roused fron : ald IR . uring A ' i hin el pless the you had s A another sad aff and cut wood a while or him in the he is ab to and from church by his c every act of kindness and shows the Jove and respect which have for their father Mrs. Mattie Grandma Brown, departed on Wednes day of last week for Portege Co., Ohio 10 visit friends Mrs. Brown was vears old the 4th of last August and is a very bright and active She was down in Clinton county friehds some time ago and walked a distance of guests of John Minnick and family over | 12 miles without the least fatigue, which Sunday | is an indication of the good bealth she Don't forget the Thanksgiving offering | *PJOFS, as she is seldom ever sick. While staying in Centre county she has ber home with her granddaughter, Mrs. John Nearick, of near Jacksonville, We wish her a safe and pleasant jougny and that she may enjoy many more years of good | health Rossman ne of our hustling atter about 2 o'clock his wile making a big drive on the ol es in hearing heavy been a She at her sleep by from Mr the other family expired a few moments after of death was to have paralysis. His remains were buried on Tuesday at Aaronsburg MANY A LON Has turned th ¢ at Is nants, 1s rtholomew both better pitch in you may have to stay up with Miles, in stead of the girls BRICK HEADACHES irs of overw ekiy and fea. the great blood purifier Mr. and Mrs once were the wi parents, ’, ( Wm. Houser's, who had moved near Boalshurg two years ago, have moved back again, in the house formerly occu pied by Rollin Decker, deceased Mr. and Mrs. Charles Small, Mr. and vable gir! with Mrs. Herbert Small and Miss Hettie | Clover Hoot Tea pn Smull, all of Rebersburg, were over on fn an Saturday to help Jesse Werts to butcher rand Jot eta and yer awakened and he The cause : . - aress Meyer, of Coburn, OKs of Mrs. Meyer's Sunday atest styles Thos goods Pri mh y brother Wend typhoid fever Nelson E. Robb and family, foute, were the guests of his mother, Mrs Alice Robb on Sunday guests members of the are reach of everybody, lcome Rev. |. M. Warden w wen his ten. 1 De 2, in the M. E. church day service, meeting ; turn out and Stove : Er 's on : n whose been of Belle devotion they supposed This isa union The ¢ hed Syomank | surely red by Karl's t bear the Evangelist purifier and tissu Money refunded II not satisfa ets and Mets, For sale by Bellefonte, Pa Hosterman and wife, of Centre Hall, were in town attending to business The Dr. is widely known ; his dental work always speaks for itself, KR oto ‘ Our young people have been attending ‘ ¢ protracted meeting at Lamar, which has been in progress the past week Mrs. Charley seriously | ' or Brown, betler known as fonsive the bows t a 1 McClintick bas the past week with diptheria but is much better at this writing wr young men made the re. mark that his girl 5 a good musician ; she handles a beau well Tom Bowersox shot a large wild tur. | key on Monday, He does not always shoot just to hear his gun crack. Rev, Die, the Lutheran minister of | Weare mformedthat Mr. Clair Kream. Kathaus, exhorted in the M. KE. church | er has purchased the John Guisewite of this place on last Saturday night, property, some distance north of town, Mrs. Thompson, of Pine Glen, was| We certainly are having pleasant | visiting ener here last week before | Weather for this time of the year. The going to housekeeping in Jersey Shore, | fArmers should be able to do a great deal f their fall wor The young folks of our town are or | Shgle sal wat In 1866. Deople wh ganizing a singing class, The instructor bp : heen Woodward. . Ie UALS wi ie by Ni on \ Smith Bros give special bargains from now Dec. 26, chamber large mirrors, couches, large rock. | ( They have a large The funeral of Adam Stover, of near | indy was held in the Reformed church, this place, on Tuesday forenoon His pastor, Rev, F. W. Brown, conducted the services. Wm. Bower and Miss Dehm, of near town, were quietly married at the Re. formed parsonage by F. W. Brown on Sunday. May their path through life be | strewn with roses, is the wish of the Jacob McCool has taken the lead so far | Writer. for large porkers. Three hogs weighing | Rev, R. M. Sheeder, of Willlamsburg, eleven hundred pounds, one of which | Blair county, will visit the Aaronsburg weighed 3850 pounds. Smith Bros, killed Friday, Dec. 1st, ana on Une of : : Mrs, Samuel Ertel and her grandson, io visit Samuel Gobble, Georgesvalley, were suits, burn, Moshannon. ers, Morris chairs of stock lo seiect from Mrs, Back, of Jersey Shore, was visit ing friends here last week Geo. Long is paint on C. P adds greatly to the Appearance, a go-ahead fellow, eral saw mills in general store, putting a new coat of Long's swore house, which C.P. is He is operating sev. connection with his or silver collection in the United Evan gelical Sunday School on next Sunday | Dec, ard Mrs, Milton Wise and children, of Tyrone, have been spending the past few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs | Frank Robb | Chamberlain's Pain Balm Cores Others, three that dressed 1001 pounds. David Burrell killed one that dressed 155. Who will be the next best? Thanksgiving dinner and supper will be given at the parsonage of Rev, W, A, Brown, by the ladies of the United Evan. gelical Association. A chicken, waffle and turkey dinner, all you can eat, for 20 cts. Inthe evening an oyster supper will be served at the same price. The pro. ceeds will be appropriated to the par. sonage, J. B. Mayes & Son, of Houserville and pastorate on preach to the different congregations of the charge as follows ; congregation, Friday, Dec. 1st, at 7 a.m; Penns Creek, Dec. and, 7 p. m ; Aarons. burg Salem, Dec. 3rd, 10 a. m; St. Paul's at 2 p. m, and St, John's at 7 p. m, YOUNG MOTHERS, Croup Is the terrior of thousands of young mothers beeause ita outbreak Is so agonizing and frequently fatal, Shiloh's Cough and Con sumption Cure acts like magic in oases of Croup, It has never been known ta fall. The worst eases relieved Immediately, Fries 2 eta Mets, and SL, For sale by Krumrine Bros, Bellefonte, Pa. i Coburn, Trinity | of same is Miss Shelley, of York Springs. There is a great deal of sickness pre. | valling in gur town at the present writing, | Glad to learn that some are fast improv. ing. Mrs. Laird, of Huntingdon, is visiting ber sister, Mw. T. KE. Fleming, of this place, whom she has not seen for twenty three years, Miss Irene Lucas, who has been learn. ing the milliner trade in Bellefonte, has returned home for the winter, as the season is about over, watched the meteoric showers were called scientific observers. In 1899, they are alluded to as rubbernecks Messrs, Samuel Gephart and Kline tending revival services here, There must be some attraction here for them. "YOU TRY IT. If Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure, whieh is sod for the small price of 2) etn, 0 ox, and $n, does not cure take the bottle back and we will refund your money, Sold for aver fity years n this MATAR Price 3 els, etn, For sale by Krumrine Bellefonte, Pa A ba | Mall Royer, of Rebersburg, were noticed at. | How's Thin! We offer One Handred Dollars Reward for Any ease of Oatarrh that cantit ‘be cured by Sf Catarnh Care FJ. CHENEY & CO, Prop. Toledo, © the undersigned, have known F, J for the last 15 years, and believe him We Chen | perfectly honorable in all business Lransact ions { and financially able 10 carry out any obliga. tions made by thelr firm Wear a Tue ax, Wholesale Druggist, Toledo, O, WALI, aRIXEAR & ARVIN, holesale Ld oledo, s Hall's CAtarrh Care % taken internally, acting di y Piree Way Not You? My wife has been using Chamberiain‘s Pain Balm, with good results, for a lame shoulder that has pained her continually for nine years, We have tried all kinds