| i THE CENTKkE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA. NOVEMBER “ ). 1899, PPENINGS IN BELLEFONTE Briefly Told Few Lines. I Events in PERSONALS, SOCIAL Whe Has Transpired Durning the Past Week What the Local Scribe Saw Worthy of Meation—A | Movements of Our People Week's Local News in a Few Words, J'A Man of Affairs” Friday hunter region recently, hoge on evening “Tylersville 1 in he ‘Scootac A valuable m David, the H Harshberge r, 18 Monday ar subscript DuBol 15 braggin 00 new houses lace during t 1 “moonshine the m — A number of huntin appeared from Sugar owners think they met D. Scravendyke ensburg after spendir the home pleasantly at Shoemaker ~The lad will hold a the re at ing Taylor on Howard some pltoM West where amaged mers Pent defeate they d ind were Wh sided have the right ' Editor Harter other day when the was made happy the expressman landed two fine bird dogs ath office Martin, of bet that he the pres Philadel aps reciates ent of Hon, David phia the same, for he always had a weakness You can for a good hunting dog, and they say that the Hon, David keeps the best bred animals in his kennels Sheriffelect Cyrus Brumgart, wife and daughter Sallie, made a trip to Bellefonte, on Tuesday, 10 take a view of their prospective home on the hill for the next three years, They no dour are now safe to take measure of the rooms and order all the necessay carpets and farnishiugs that will be required. The result of the election seems to have little effect on the big man from Millheim, d EVENTS | at the opera { there There are 473 inmates in the Hunt. ingdon reformatory. The Centre Hall hunting party cap- tured a fine doe in the Seven Mountains last week schools of Karthaus have - The public 1 heen closed for two weeks on account of diphtheria. The A promising county If the bring better prices the wheat fields over the appearance. 1A \ Crops would oniy mers would feel more like smiling, Bruce Garbrick has accepted the position of chief mixologist at the Gar {man House, where he is | graceful with all the accompl $ killed three deer a | | | | IN THE COURT HOUSE, Gathered From Offices. Legal Intelligence MARRIAGE LICENS) Frank Christianna Wm. A. Sloat, Georgia A f Wm. Franklin TI {t Anna M. Coble, { Daniel Howard, t Agnes Kane, §f Thos. S. Mallory, t Jennie KE, Lu Shope, Mile Elizabethtown, a, M pury urg f 1 } 1 SwWyers us Coiver William ) ACT { land in iaugh from | holds a inmber ¢ pera house | al Was rendition le.Scarred Monday by the ons of the play, in himselt ord, Assist. nguished hed d, with Ar on re the e the aud cuce a formerly of CRIirn, ‘uesday ev are many hundred men working and reports that work is and plenty are booming There was a high time about the The boys began celebrating in the afternoon old Academy building on Saturday and kept it up until late in the evening. | horns were blown in for all this ex. Bells were rung, tin and bonfires illuminated the skies the evening. The cause citement was the celebration of a victory on the gridiron that day at State College. The Academy foot ball team had gone up there and defeated the Sub. Freshman team in a hotly contested game by a score of 6.0. To the Academy boys this meant much iadeed and they could not think of allowing the event to go by without due recoguition, and they did it full justice. Liement dated Nov, — A FEAST OF COMEDY H. A good pos Mrs ttn fy vO 3 McKee ton at | Mitche Ph ' ASAAC A vis en n Dr. } J]. Locke, who | flammatory rheumatism, be getting along nicely y are about gong to Ashville, N. ( ’ to spend the next two years for the benefit of Mr Whiteman's health Mr. and Mrs tained one evening last John Bauer enter. week at their home on Bishop street in honor of their | guests Miss Margaret Loneberger, of Williamsport, and Miss Carrie Smith, of Lock Haven, Mrs. Lettie Thomas and her daugh- ter; Miss Mary, closed up their Linn street home Friday and left for Philadelphia where they will spend the Mrs. Thomas' Mrs. James B. Lane. Mrs. Joux F Clearfield Wednesday morning. She was the daughter of the late Judge Reed was the mother of Mrs. Cyrus Gordon and of A. Bowman Weaver, who married a daughter of John P. Harris, last winter with daughter, Various I.. Ball, . ( carfield | { had been for four or five months, particulars have yet been received LANDING NET IS LEGAL, Judge Craig Decides That it can be Fishing for Trou A landing net can be wtchin K trout, ac ording tO an opinion handed down receutly by at Stroud FL Hott case pinion udgment of fendants are ere were ast two ouds § CleOT i anet they were not vis y anybody y ton There were alt 1 cors seen in other parts « untry that had been by the astronomers. In Eur but nothing of the like "e vs feed] t ( ' ¢ miseq pe play and It causes among the ignorant 1: who did not understand mm of fiery stars shooting through the Kr portended tat heavens at night in al numirs They imagined that it great evil and that the earth was to an end - Died While on a Visit Atelegram was received at Beech Creek Tuesday morning stating that Saul | Haagan, a wellknown farmer of Bald Eagle valley, had died while visiting kis son in one of the western states where he No He was one of the best known residents in | Beech Creek township and owned a fine | farm on the south side of the Bald Eagle, Ww I~ Di RAVER: Died at | will be brought home for interment, and i Is expected to arrive on Saturday. Interment will be made in the cemetery | | at Eagleville, cast of the P. R. R. station, The body The HOODS PILLS cure Liver His, Bi lousness, Indigestion, Meadache. Easy to take, easy to operate, 280. | wear for evey-day wear and for dress, RECENT DEATHS BENNER A ni ied last Thurday home at Grand Rapid | EY about se and two daughte dece: where he re ma) For rit NY. employed in a Character In Footwear | HE BEST THAT SKILL CAN PRODUCE OR MONEY BUY Every endeavor is made toa vance that standard shoes lead all shoedom 3 that's why Mingle No question of doubt ever enters Their wearers have learned to expect from them infinite satisfaction the greatest possible amount of wear—the smartest stylishoess the most comfort into the baying of them All these points of superiority will become known to you after you put on a pair and test them Bee the new winter styles in men's foot. An inspection uid make you a convert without hesitation, Mingle's Shoe Store. A Bit of the repan Sentiment £9 — ET ai PS r—y— ae a. mre ¢ Ma Bellefonte kets hey Shoulder per pound (GRAIN corrected weekly | & Co. Bellefonte. Pa Red wheat por bushel, old Red wheat por bushel, new Rye, per bushel Corn, ears per bushelel Corn, shelled per bushel Barley per bushel Oats, per bushel... a. Coburn Markets, Pollowing are the prices paid for grain b dealers at Coburn Heat (OM) POT BUSHEL. mmm ime ssn Wheat (new) bushel A niee wh EE .. —————. BR aa Ta =