THE CENTKE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.,, NOVEMBER 16, 1899, { HH A jd! Ay ry f fi 8 i ‘a p ns hy 137 ad gs a, LES 48 4 ‘ a oy E76 A A c A bo b b& Hh Sa oF ! Ev boi Mat t AH “1 : Uj . 4 a N uP rl 4 ¢ nn ht OY “ gv at 0 EET ANNEN TNE 3 TE EY SAUDE HY) STUNTS LAL TA Aa 4 7€ k yp 2a To oop Mh 8 NI f 3 J) A 9) =. 3 ha v ¢ | ¥ ADY $94 ONS 3 ANE TAD EL TU AWE] FAUBLE'S Ee £ 28 cLomeme A Z i“ AE sedi sede ’ 4 '6 sede “tear [xR ~~ “By ¢ al Ee Qn "6 sede” 6.5 a “an ® \ TC X % . Cede » A x & od » ot sedi nn solder sede ’ 1 od» \ Zahn an * ANN RR RR I Brockerhoff Block, Bel Did You Receive our—— OVERCOAT SAMPLES It not, drop us a card and we will mail them to you at once. 900000000000 000000000000OCFOCOIOIRRIOOROOS It you have any idea of buying an Overcoat this season FAUBLE'S they will be the means of Saving you Money. S06000000000000000000000000000000000 Every mail brings us orders for the Coats and requests for the Samples. They are Values that are appreciated by all who see them. One is a Covert Cloth, Double Faced, Strictly All-Wool Overcoat made in $7 75 First-class style, piped seams, sewed with pure silk throughout. The other is a Strictly All-Wool Kersey, in Blue or Black, made with velvet collar, raw edged, lined with best quality Italian cloth and guaranteed fast color. You would consider either of these Coats very cheap at ten dollars, and ers asking as much as $12.00 for goods no better. IT WILL PAY YOU. lefonte, Pa. Price, A postal card will CO000000R00O0GROOND0O00NONGSSOOOOORRES LET US HEAR FROM YOU M. FAUBLE & SON. bring yo $7.50 u will find oth- roan “ = A ee at & aN £8, 1-4 a » * 3 Ry we ree A) A a 00 re RY ll NES? ® eg 7.8. NA ° » 2.8.4 a A on SY AAA, . “ > - CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert Correspondents See The Local Happenings of Every Commanity Will be and Observe Worthy of Note Gladly Pablished Boalsburg. From spent Mrs last week at Tyrone an » Nannie Bailey, who, for several weeks near Pit urg, and Ans Were marries at the home of Mr Black Johnsen ast week above town, Hed Rev Adam Hosterman and daughter and other residents drove to Hunting. days at the home is empl ] of Pleasan unger by era aon and spent SEevVera son Henry, who B air p of his ayed at the ApEr works meadows during and Harry | doe has ent into the week of the season weeeded 1 the come to town this fall owning a sma that and that is only venison The republican party brought the fol low UE persons home for the election Harry Hess, Matthew Goheen, Frank Fisher and Samuel Woods, trom Phila. deipnia; and George Hunter, from La- tro'w About one rolled hundred scholars are en HBoalshurg at this time the scholars are about all in The SChonis are § TOgressing nicely | underex perienced and able tea hers, our schools cannot help n the schools, ut be successful A party from Sh ngletown and vicinity are camping at Lavrel Run and by Sat urday night they bad three of the fleet footed animals These several parties anticipate remaining in their respec ive camps Lill pext Saturday and possibly longer Hunting has so taken possession of the men of this community that even one of the women has frequently been seen shouldering a shot gun and going to the mountains for a day's han We have not heard, however, of her bringing any game home Mrs P H Meyer spent part of last week at Spring Mills, Philip, the day after election, went into his cornfield and with some assistance till Saturday night bad bis corn all in. He Is now ready wo take upon himself the responsibility of ibe office to which his friends have elect. ed him, Our vicinity is well represented this The Modocs last Mone fall in the mountains Wednesday went into camp at Creek. Several persons came from their camp ou Sunday and reported that they sighted several deer and eyen got several shots, but none effective The Rei party located Wednesday mornin Bear Meadows f the party r ed Saturday night with no MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from with a ler Tes pari weiss some « venison Spring Mills. The election 1 democrats to the front i § assed off irniture 1 mother at , the | hustier, day with his age Mills C. P. Long has purchased a tract near Madisonburg Calvin has moved his there to timber This fall about large been too high porkers Saw mi little or nothing has been said The corn has priced to make large porkers Some of the hunters have fair success in begging some game, while others come home empty and complain of it being scarce, Mrs. Ellen Hummel, ney, visited Smith Bros She had been landlady of ington hotel for twenty-nine now she lives a retired life Mrs. Mary Crawford and daughter Roxy, William Stover and Thomas San key, all left last Wednesday for Free port, Ill. Their many friends were sor ry to see them go and good wishes to you ail. J. M. Warden, bold a ten day service in church, commencing Dec. sth This is to be a union meeting : bible reading every afternoon in the different churches, night meeting in the M. KE. church W. OO. Gramley and R. D went to Mill Hall last Tuesday where they will be engaged for a couple weeks in selling their grain separator, They have one of the best machines to do that kind of work to separate small grain from large and all kinds of grass seed, of Panxsutaw for a few days the Wash. years, but YROOUSS 1" the evangelist, will the M. E WHAT Is smiLom A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half A century, has cured innumerable oases of In elpient consumption and relieved many in ad. yaneced stages, If you are not satisfied with fi na ett Vo a by Reavers a . For sale Bellefonte, Pa. y anim rope Runkel | Lemont, arent 118 y ’ ian has several timber in this ms Kit to >ermany Run, were Armstrong, over Sund has begun and A { Butchering large porkers were kille takes the lead in raising hogs Harry and Oran bad qui e at the former's home on Sat i Roxie and N oe James, ann Ys hold ser Sunday evenin attend, if tl ae Every i SOR 85 waul 10 heat wy Jacob Wagner, who was runs Centre irnace mill for awhile : A awh from the mill house Thomas Houtz moved the Wagner Miss Bessie Hoople left last Friday afternoon, after a very pleas ant visit Poor Harry certainly has our sympathy, as he seems very much d hearted and says he she hack again Brace up we a have our trials A pretty wedding place last Thursday at the home of Henry Etters The wedding party, Luther Dale Austin Dale of Oak Hall, and Annie | Houser, daughter of Wm. Houser, of Bellefonte just as the clock pealed the bour of twelve, Rev. Lesher said the words that made them man and wife We wish them hapoiness High Valley. be plenty into one waned D Holderman Nr Abraham into vacated by one for her home wn wishes Harry, was look son of Pork will Election is over High Valley was out in fail force Sam Alters has the new roof on his cottage | quite an improvement The Rider boys killed two deer in what we call Pine Swamp aut week There is no panic in High Valley this | winter, as a new suit of clothes came in The trouble is now to get hoots and shoes, Henry Eisenbuth, of Ingleby, is ran ping his mill in full blast. He has a crew of No. 1 lambermen in the woods to stock the timber, Emanuel Eisenhuth sold 100 acres of land, near Coburn, to a party from Mifiin county on which the party will put a saw mill, Emanuel and J. T. Bisenhuth are ship o- rop timber to Shamokin for M. FP, agel. Prop timber sells better now than it did three years ago. «Read the Centre Democrat, fra year | thus Aaronsburg. laughter wet 1 among their Ir Miss Mazie ( after ha her cousin, at Messy Harry Be wer the oe have been no secket attendance { N Wowers, of far ther Koon john O) Are m " Lather wi the home wing toLo»uarn Commence vacated | Walker. Mrs Run, Kling Mrs. Joel K at this writing. She is asthma Mrs Ira ( visited her daughter Yearick last week Mr.and Mrs J L ingdon Co, visited at the sister, Mrs, John Hoy, Sr WebDED: On Tharsday p mm. of week, Mss Josie Hoy, of this W. R long of Howard, We our congra‘uiations Fir: On Wednesday afternoon of last week the house owned Long, below Jacksonville, and occupied hy Chas, Dolen and family, was destroy ed by fire Part of the house hold goods were saved, Mrs Dolen was sick in bed atl the time. She was carried out safely saving her life The fre was thought to have origmated from a poor Mattern, het Rebecca is visiting mother, ng is somewhat mp suffering Howard, Harry Johnson, of Mrs. J of Hunt howe of her (Gsoshorn ast ace and extend by Joseph | flue It will not be a surprise to any who are at all familar with the good qualities of | Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, 1) know that people everywhere take pleasure in relating their experience in the use of that splendid oe, th and in telling of the benefit they have received from it, of bad colds it hae cared, of threatened at. tacks of pp. .amonia it has saved from Attacks of croup and whoopin Its a grand, good medicine or sale by F. Potts Green, druggist, Bellefonte, cough. | Runville. Port M tilda. Mrs. Annie O among friends in ( two or Mr.and Mrs W. GL. Crain made a pleasant trop 10 Pitts WE, expecling Wo be a'sent two or three weeks Rev, Edmund White is holding a spit ited reviva meeting at Hickory Success is crowning his efforts Mrs. Eitie Willams, from Carin. stopped off on her retarn from visitis K friends three =» ks pa Bottom Ramey, to call on relatives in this piace, Ell Cowher met dent Monday ics h 18 J with a painful ast while fastened in stocks Kicked, knocking an irom cose which strock him mn the face. ting and smashing il badly ROC shocing a Ihe ier on horse cut What Would Yeu Give To be cured of catarth ? friends have this disease disagreeable it is If you or your you know how Its symptoms are flamed eves, throbbing temples ring Ig Do'ses in the ears, headaches, CApriCiuus appetite, and constant dis charge of mucous. Fortunately its cure IS Bot a question of what you will give, | : it you will take | Hood's Sarsapariila, the great constita: | but wha! you will take tooal remedy, which thoroughly purifies, enriches and vitalises the blood, you may expect to be completely and per manently cured. The good blood which Hood's Sarsaparilla makes, reaching the delicate passages of the mucous mem: brane, soothes and rebuilds the tissues snd wliimataly cures all symptoms of bo . made a W y 1a in busked even davs 1.921 f 175 bushels per one- ) CON - f days DOCTOR! Ask your physician this ques- tion, ““What is the one great remedy for consumption?" He will answer, *“*Cod-liver oil.” Nine out of ten will answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces- sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod- liver oil. The plain oil dis- turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite. The dis- agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable. What is to be done ? This question was ans. wered when we first made SCOTT'S ERSULSIOF of Cod-Liver Oil with Hypo- hites. Although tnal was nearly twenty-five yer yet it stands alone * day the one great remedy for 2ll affections of the throu! BE a —— — A a— lib ————— | phos : ad “ad J HILT