& THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., NOVEMBER 16, 1899. OUR HO HOME IN HEAY EN!? Dr. Talmage Preaches on the Glories | of Our Father's House There Are in It Many Rooms, and There Is an Place One of God's Chil for Every dren, (Copyria! In a unique way the Heave Is di this sermon unde text, John Id are n 1 1SCoursaea upop by In r the fig house Here is ¢ of the tu th fF GUurserives homestend o ent) : As we ascend the guider pleps sn Invisible guardsmin swings Gwen the front doar. and we are ushere 0 ths nin the reoept n room of 1 hat we Brat mert the welvome Fant vi homsstond ha . tau WL fo the first | of Heaven. There must be a place where the departed spirit enters, and a place in which it confronts the inhab- jtants celestial, room of the newly arrived from this world scenes it must have witnessed gince the first guest arrived, the vie tim of the first frat Abel! In that room Christ lovingly greets all He red 1t to the The reception | what cide, pious newcomers ther He eclca has the rig! first embrac ute wher the | and Davi and Mis the evn fingers the harp, Red sen banks claps I Gabriel puts his lips and the four ar AY fo the 11 i elders chan! der mate] of the old ke i my Father's hones are many v¢ twenty and Lind and Parepa ren. wet In the musie room avenly homestead! “ln Ooms " mime ean 0 Another room in our Father's house will be the family room. It may corre- spond somewhat with the fumily room on earth. At mors ing and evening, you know, that hough every have a sep is the place we now meet member of the housel ie m, in the fam room they i nua curl rehenr AWAY {ome now i" upw rd pri amid the thick hilltops the homestead 7” “In my Ps Hee Are many rooms” but cleansed feet on the way Do f on old family thers } you not see age the heavenly . WRECK OF A CRUISER. The Charleston a Total Loss, But All on Board Saved. LANDED R FOR A TIGHT. EADY But Instesd of Finding Hostiles They Founda Halfsavage People Who Hew gnrded Them With Curloxity Many Escaped In Under Clothing. GENERAL CRONJE'S PROTEST } . ! Mis Hn P mile Lat ha | } it I» said transfer to Mra Dewey the to the Dewey | ‘ 1747 Rhode Island aves which the American people pre sented to the admiral in recognition of fransfor me ARTY in title nue The matter is in the hands of the Dis triet Title company, and the papers it 1s understood, have been drawn and await the necessary signatures Dewey | and his bride returned from New York inst night, Wellington N0.2 » > Ty his brilliant naval victory al Manila L i i LT. I Bl . A | GARNER HOURE, BAILEOAD SCHEDULES J? ENNSYLVANIA RATLROAD AND BRANCHES In effect on and after May 17, 1877 A. TYROKE one WESTWARD an rive at OOna, 1» Tyrone 1, AL ALL at Pitsburg | pm Abo fi FW edd pio TYPEWRITER. PRIC BL $60.00 CASH |“ ({) CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS “af CITE MENTE thald Fake ne SS ENGLIMM Hed other, Me ne and imitations fuse dangerous subatl tatio be Particulars, Test) monials Helief for returs Mall I Ladies 000 Pp — Al 2100 Madison Square FMLA Men FA hie paper MONEY TO LOAN 500 to $1000 t » of as W. GALER MORRISON, Bellefonte, Pa +B & B4 Choice Dress Goods nd Suitings 50c¢ BOGGS & BUHL DEPARTMENT X ALLEGHENY, - - PFA S{BEEZER'S MEAT MARKET We TARY BS al and § A boot FREFARATORY DO k ) ) yoars Va BEEF PORK and MUTTON | All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sliced Ham, Pork Sausage, ete If yon want a nice Juicy Shans go to ZER/|; FARTMENT iw pent Rentember NE fF YEA Fm address ATHELTON Riale College Reguin catalogue of oLher iy Himal "wi GEO. W LL. Db. president Centre County. FM» PAGIEIRARSANG al TTT Sl PATENTS <5. rt House, : pia: oe Potente =. FREE: Heat, |} Charges moderate. No foe till 1 is secured. t ot oom i he modern improve 3 PR TA Thy Wy nt | L8 & BRAT ltl vw Meutne) ¢-4 Ty Street te the pew Now futhiture, fagts, and allt UM aU | He me.