4 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE. PA. NOVEMBER 16, 1869, ——— The ¢ entre; @emoerat. CHAS. R. KURTZ, - - EDITOR & PROP SCRAPS OF FACT AND COMFORT, CLEAN CAMPAIGN, “SNOBS" SNUBBED, Neither party at the election on Tues It is a cantion how everybody is settling | It is a pity there are not more Ameri day accomplished what it set out to do, | down to business since the election, | can women in America, more like Mrs and there are scraps of comfort and con- | Some years in this town the streets are | O H. P. Belmont By a few words she 1" pi ave Fake, Voi Sheen ation, of this |. 1otion and the sting of defeat for both, filled with fellows who for days are cele- | has made herself the pride of all true ( 12 pas \ N ol | OVER 2300 COPIES PER WEEK, | The general results determine that | brating, but this time there was very lit American A number of former Ameri President McKinley will be the Republi- {tle of that kind of busi s going on, | can women who gave themselves and IN | 4 I " : . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPT can candidate next year and Mr, Bryan | Why, we cannot say ; but ye was less | their money for mangy FEaglish titles Regular Price - A ’ | : It Paid in ADVANCE 1.x the Democratic. We do not see how | drunkenness than usual. During the | have set about the purchase of a hospi w— this can be controverted by any fair- [campaign there was less evidence ) al ship for English soldiers fighting the minded and intelligent student of the | litical booze than ever before, Thi | Boers, the gift to be known as coming Special Club Rate Tag CENTRE DEMOCRAT Wil \ BN | yoar with any one of the below 1 wrs, | returns, The Natio conventions of | healthy condition of atian It shows | from American women, the pur hase Ht Weekly } hy rer $l both parties will be walkovers for Mc- | that the politician who resorts to that | funds to be raised by subscription in the New York 3-times-a week Wor . $e Kinley and Bryan, kina of tactics in this county is sure to | United States as well as in England, Iu two of the four States regarded as | get in public disfavor, The more the | Mrs Belmont was asked to contribute Advertising: Rate §per in h, per year vl a space, short time, spee al position, extr . nost . W tg 8 eede wonle ge . | . «t cand ag } gs RT sition. Hh hg charged exira 10st important the Democrats succeeded | people set themselves inst candidates | She refuse mates only given upon inspection of contr and in the other two the Republicans | who resort to the notorious use of booze | that any American should Local notices 10 cents per ine aying not believe show sym were successful, but only in Ohio and | and boodle, better men will fil! our pub. | pathy against a peoj le fighting for their EDITORI Al Nebraska was the question of imperial. | lic offices av the general toue of the liberty and their country, and furthe V AL. v ‘4 ssue. National issues were pot | community will be bene fitted just that | that if American women were 1, . 1 1” X . tias} discussed in Maryland, and in Kentucky | mueh t } N w there are f nrovidi a hospital ship TuekE is little use in voting in this » RM ninck mueh thereby. V Kno hie 1 of providi a hospita } 1 everything was given up to the bitterest ‘1m { | 1 as well as Re- | and si state when elections in Philadelphia are ( Soe 5 pu A 1 and sic al actional and personal fight on record lcs 10 will pot agree with us v ant \ little more than a farce. Talk about the I 5 4 own countrymen In Nebraska Bryan is sustained by a “Se ori but we do not care. W She also sugge clear majority of the people in his battle | wil cate anything that encourages | might remem be corruption in New York city, there isno comparison to that of the city of Phila | delphia. mn the Philippine policy, which he made | cle §, clean campaigns and clean | men and the wid - —-RBk— - WaeEN the size of the Republic count their normal majority for governor, | in off verybody is benefitted This is a refreshi but with this diflerence, the main issue. In Ohiothe R licans | officials. When we have g ean me other dependents of the majority in Pennsylvania is taken consideration it is hard to understand just what the Philadelphia Republi would want with repeaters, and number were arrested atthe last el in that city - THE Ie bition vole has fallen off abapt one few years. It used to be this year peculiar less many yeat fact that the Hood’s Pills MONTGOMERY & CO. \a * HE LEADING CLOTHIERS. - 3 ® OUR STOCK F ae aj for ware storeey | Sr oie ay Feind £3 Reefers, a the sebeduled Overcoats. Storm Coats and Schen ec Heavy Blizzard Garments for Men, Boy's and Children hrifty conditi y re . » . . . aa’ + are } TIE fire . : . actual re i is ve ery compiete. The thrift of trusts, in Tones BRAG Ie ; SURPRISE IN MARYLAND Fe NS : j 18 f The Clergymen have shown such an assort Th | ; ’ . | grea ailroad ; ' at ’ wr he } re are interested ment of Fancy Stiff Bosom Shirts. We are fully pre BLE COL RSE pared for the emergencies in : all Joparnmenn Do not for omy ion Storie ‘ o get the Ladies’ Department. 1 of the we wr i : } tot adn mad 4 prea ‘ IMPORTANT Our Holiday Gift Business his effort to steal the 0) field w ‘ / - hau ‘ a ; : bet ris . : : ‘ will be larger this year than ever before. We shall a weaker nation °F i is f 11 : a YT f f \ ».t the controversy and it § ’ ( . ) el! lug | re § . | do it better- start of earlier. Will have many im portant openings during November. Deliveries will be timed to exactly suit the purchaser, the closing years of the such an outrage powers, Bul a prevall in the bumas . . enes : 1 it is To tithe | 4 y \ ' i PF uy the purpose of the AA .' w} 7 he ‘ a , ‘ u fe State Chatrman ¢ : : . he S000 RRRRRRRNRERNN RRR RANNRRERIRIRES will be enacted Our ef SL the } t ) i ith their aspi iat feast § " re mie Philippine islands ay t : : ! i t et in B Cone mor at “ : ad hg : . » ! A ! 4 the people who dwt Lhe! ' them Lo our ar ity, but only to aid ‘dd . i A " ' ’ : nportance shoul . ter, for they were fighting for their Hie them in setting an independent gov . 4 ‘ soribers will receive Tus y : . al : vation al Capt Fastos % Ww remaining weeks of in i ty long before the difficulty arose between | ernment of their own choice and to pro . from 16 time of subseription, and then full year, Alty tan weeks to January | a1 us and Spain, This is a pen w] when | tect them against hostile foreign inter Tun Asti lmuenabistic League of gis fhe Couranion a , ’ ad * Low * pew Calendar for 180 - > ’ ; : i sil able ae an Orname wt fot the prettiest reowsm Allegheny Street, - - = BELLEFONTE, PA. force rules and the rights of weaker na ference, and to assist them with the mill | Washingion bas a letter from Jolin Sher Tey t : in the haw : tary and satel forces of the 1 S.80 far | man, ex Secretary of Sia t tious are trampled under foot ; that is ' Atv, saying the Hiner rated Announcement Number eontain ’ as may be required in the maintenance | Philippine War is u justifiable and he | ng a full prospeetus of the volu tor 104 000M 000000000000000000000NR0NNNNRRRRRRRI # tnt Ha ’ what McKinley calls "benevolent assim: | og oder and security until such a gov: | would take active measur: » with them | WH bese " Troe tu any déreon, YOR " 3 5 4 . Wu "ANDI ilation. | ernment shall be established against it, if bis health permite d. M1 Columbus Al Sn 7b Mans 4 S999 00% 20000