THE CENTRE USEFUL SOFA PILLOWS | Christmas Presents That Will Please All Women, TWO VERY ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS. Burnt Leather Gifts That Are as Sultable For Men an For Women, Good Fora Man's Den the grrr AaAAaa AAAARAARRRARARAAAALAALAAL AAR ANAS AARARARRARRRAARAL BAL ER ERA Rand C.A.SNOW& CO. LJ Ors Parent Or Wanwiw ’ Paras raven i a f » AK APA rr Ale Darts 1! is 4 . 4 vat iH Ks C E VLC ETS en bre disease is be S. S. S. FOR THE BLOOD an entirely different f the system and gets » ot} or remedies or constantly undermining the e ment places ac viene, free of charge Write for full informat ire within the reach state ft Si way from pe y shu natity 4 "eo forces the the rever, ne treats and rely tash f it ent neon mercury-—it Henoe it where it lurks hur system of private bh We give all necessary medical ad. res ’ and ’ ¢ patient the embarrassment of publicity. fle ( tlanta, Ga. YEry 1 ever conferre n their sex | THe pamisTs kevene. | And Real Estate Bureau. Turned the Tables ow Do von wa y Irnseible Scoffer Whe Ane noyed Him, Reliable Insurance | Mow Lasks | an ] adept In palmistry to ex New York Inn ye ung a, who is said to have in certain cultured ele interesting wter, nkt nin New Or oerat, He stayed several weeks In this elty a few | Years ago, and gave 1 1 | exhil ns of his sl al incident oce res oh a1 cement by every. body who witnessed it Am ise present ) was who regarded palmistry 1 look neo His come r proceeded It was at Laska was having 41M. FUR] N nper hI : : Times Den erous private at one of which rred which Is ) \ : enlle H : n the oeer n referee —— - PROFESSIONAL CARDS fortably ean and ) hee | leash, on he ma eno se of ed that he the ¢ i led and we pped f ktretched hand. Las) pen paim reward with ont. Attorney atdaw un MN DRS and mpliy satis nw s glanced at the | ® a RTTI4 expression of | busine gled ) al iY overspread his mobile face Fe the first time be seemed to lose his self-control, and in agitation he stam- | “I would rather read this band la private Crider's Exchange The effect which the announcement *h to surveving and engineering produced may be imagined, and the |W © NEINLE, Attorney at iaw party broke up amid much embarrass ment. The skeptical gentleman was extremely Indignant, but Laska de ried smiling quietly to himself. He bad his revenge, Chor man and an ded . PI | WILLIAM 6G. RUNKLE law Crider's Exchange Englis Legal business promptly attended io N. BL SPANGLER com hivise H. WETZIEL, Attorney at law Altorney atl law spparently deep District atiorney OMew mered out: Mee man and English, jee of the 'eace in opposite Court house, “pute {3 Leading Fire Insurance Co's I have up-to-date | | vgn fn and German n in Epecial attention giv In buliding | Opposite sourt house, Consultation in Ger JON M.KKICHLINE, Attorney atlaw acd baie i Sh LR eh RE NE Lh hb Tb pm. OUR A SECHLER & CO. GROCERY SUPREMACY... ! STRAT TTSTata asa aaas ————— WE WANT YOUR TRADE. 1 RN : | } / / / / / 4 / i / / / ’ / ¢ / r / / ’ a Li Sh Sh TN ENE ~¢ We Buy The Best, 5 ] Cl wi n and retain your ¢ patronage. -- SECHLER & CO. BELLEFONTE, PA, ‘ / / ¢ / ‘ ¢ f : ¢ ’ ¢ ‘ ’ / / ‘ ¢ ’ ¢ / ‘ M / / ¢ ’ ’ / / ¢ :