8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 9, Ini The Racket. Ke. 7 0 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa After the election is over and the country is safe once more. REMEMBER The cheapest, safest and best place to buy your winter supplies is at BELLEFONTE'S BIG . BARGAIN STORE. JUST IN Fashions Latest Idea plaids, 36 in, price 25¢C, qualities 316 to 43 inch, still better, shaw! style and better soc, and at : vd dress skirt pattern, 56 inch £1 yard 00 per ICORRESPONDENT DEPARTMENT CONTINUED FROM 7th PAGE TO OUK CORRESPONDENTS. Since the election is over we aesire to give our readers a rest on politics and devote more attention to local and gener. al news. There is a time for all things, and during a campaign it is the duty of au enterprising paper to give its readers a full and complete account of what the We believe that a change now will be appre. We to from issues are and what is transpiring. ciated, would like hear more regularly some of our correspon | most of dents during the winter season, the readers We w have time to devote nt the local hap GC. R. SPIGELMYER. | armers Attention AT LOW i 1 it LR ALR A. 10e Company ush Arcade, FENN’A. 10,000 Candle Power \ Electric Light Photos ART PICTURES nd trames. Et | A The Mallory-Taylor Studio, Bellefonte, THE PRACTICE. Of charging all that the | article will bear is not of doing [F YOU BUY IT AT GREEN'S YOU CAN DEPEND UPON iT. Our way have TOOTH BRUSHES from =¢ mast much to soc but you pot expect Loo from a 5 or 1x brush--we sell the Dest we can get to sell for that price~Our “UP TO DATE" tooth brushes at are good value are well made~do not shed their bristles and bave our name and guarantee on each brush-