8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 4, T he Racket. Ke. 7 9 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte, Pa SPECIAL 452 pairs Mens Gloves came to me at a bargain—every pair perfect and every pair go to Racket buyers, 25 per cent. less than same quality can be found in Centre county, SIXTY DOZEN Mens Undershirts and drawers, Auckland Mills, Natural, Manufact- urers savs all wool, I say *; wool. Regular Sse val I! can have 'em ue, 1 for Fifty cents, as long as they last, INDIAN BASKETS Made St Regis tribe ern New they are es from to 75¢Cis in north worth see. by the York, ing, pri RENAISSANC CE >: he | i 1€ Al IWOrg ot e¢ exh We ha GC. R. SPIG armers ELMYER. | CORRESPONDENT DEPARTMENT FROM PAGE CONTINUED 2th Howard. Mr. Frantz moved from Scranton oun Saturday. Mrs. John Hannah is improving very | much, up to this writing. Extra select oysters at EE. E. and W. S. Crain's, cheav. We to say that Mrs. ounfer, are sorry Robert the rolli vacated Elmer Ertle moved from mill, in town, into the house Frantz Another je Moore ening his father ng by laud ewelry in welry store in town ; ( 1S O} drug st num! love of the Attention! == rs Shoe Compa pany | > x A ULSI . ONTE, 3 willy PENNA. Candle Power otric Light Photos The Mallory-Taylor Studio, Bellefonte, Pa. THE PRACTICE. I 100 BUY fom to ge buy IT AT 100TH BRUSHES fos BARN BUaxg: I are the farm Masden a mile and a juarter east of Beech was dis ns about Creek, lock anyone g the inter. and it was im about eleven o ening. Before buildin ered to beon Lire ast Tuesday ¢ burning ass of lames | possible to get any of the animals out or i GREEN'S 100 CAN DEPEND UPON IT. tooth brushes at 2tcts Bre good value are | made their bri ur we i do not ties and name on shee hav guarantee brushe«the autee goes with our AROMATIC NTISEPTIC TOOTH WASH Nothing better at any price 2 0% crown stop pered bottle at 25 seen0e GREEN'S PHARMACY, High Street. Bellefonte, - . . JOHN C. MILLER Best Companies Represented. same Pa. "1 air of sleds, 1} | | heavy | barn, a | burned they | ! | hbundre |threshin and | each | had not one cent of RUAr: | its | for fu " PELLEFONTE, PA. x42 remove anything except a wagon and a Fhere were three good a cow and calf in the of which it was supposed were Mr, Masden's including two Also a steam ator belong Mr. Masden on the barn hundred dollars estimate of his out. fit was insured horses ane In the barn was a rops for the Past season s of wheat ne and se pt Gunsal bushe EK eng og to James us insurat IFwelve ce contents would He a conservative The threashiog loss f200.00 IN GOLD GIVEN FOR SELLING The Life and Letters of Dewey, by A M Dewey, Under the Direction and Co operation of the Admiral's Family The International News & Hook Company of Baltimore, Md, offer $20.00 to ang one for sell ing 18 copies of this book in three months tireatest selling book offered to the Ameriean publie in ten years, This is the only authoriz ed, and complete Life of the Admiral published, Drop cheap and inferior books on soealled lives, The only book upon this subjset that an enterprising, wide awake, uptodate agent can afford to handle, lia title awakens pride, its context Inspires patriotism, ts suggestions arouse enthusiasm, its Hiustrations eonvey real knowledge beyond the power of words, its high urpose crests high ideals (is saie Is Immense, fs success assured, its demand as wide as the continent, Complete outfit free ; M cents must be sent for postage and packing. Freight paid | eredit given, Writs them quick ' this place to | of near this place, is very sick. | and is building up a good dental prac | Hee. On Saturday night, { for rain came and put out the forest | fires, The hunters were exceedingly glad, for the fires did vot reach their hunting ground, the long-looked i Mrs. Annie Krebs is very poorly with | paralysis. Ou Friday while sitting at | the dinner table she was attacked the first, and during the afternoon she had two more strokes, leaving her in a pre. carious condition. - re — Runville. Dietz's, | Resides is still on the si of Bell Kunes James Mrs. Lonshery, Sunday at W. T Water 18 again, Milligan Lucas, who has at Emporium, return Grove, vers Sq dry weather getting arce on account ol been working 1 home last weed | Freeze moved Luca on Tue the ( house to lacob rea have been portunity wi MaKe ’ ver offering to aid NE expenses the tation 1 pe op c nity incurred in repairs house o worshis cordia rtvices is extened the Mi Be “Actions of the Just Smell Sweet.” The fragrance of life is vigor and strength, neither of which can be found in a per- son whose blood is impure, and whose every breath speaks of internal troubles. Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalises and enriches the blood, gives a good appetite and makes the weak strong. Run Down ~** My husband qvas run down in health and all tired out, Those excellent medicines, Hood" s Pills and Sarsa- parila, boilt him up again.” Mrs. H. L. Moury, Towanda, Pa. 3 Sarsapari of lesburg, efonte and vi Hood's Pie eure ices (11s the non irritating only cathartic to take with Hood's Bareapeiin these | A WEEK'S NEWS CONDENSED Thursday, Oct, Grant Allen, the well is dead In London Michael Davitt has resigned from the British house of commons Russia has opened the Siberian gold fields to foreign exploitation Forty-three high Russian officials are to court martialed for fraud and corruption Sevastopol Hungarian miners employed Milnesville (Pa.) colliery one miner had been deposed mines to the strippings Louis World's fair comm 3 O00 000 to Ra, known author, he at at the struck be CAURe from the The St still plete ities needs nearly com the O00 000 Feiday, Oct, 27, nesday, Oot. Daniel whi in Other parboile i cleaning workmen in a Jer ‘ity factory ing closed him in unwittingly Emma Behanfield ng woman of Mand Conn. died in while, it is alleged, Christian stood by, refusing to call boiler nave A You South hester, ARONY scientists medical ald Thaddeus Durfl proposed Maud Kimion while they ing at Leaver rth. Ind him He uj boat and away. leaving drown. bue to Miss were out row. She refused swam she Was I'es ued How's This i fon i by at Hewar cannot De Cue I. CHENEY & CO We the undersigned have known § | Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hon able in al] business transactions and fnancia able to carry out any obliga tions made by thelr Arm West TRUAS, Wholesale Druggist WaLpiw Kisnax & Manviws, Drugeiste, Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally acting directly upon the blind and mucous surface of the system Price, 7% per bottle Sold by all Druggists, Testimonials free Hall's Family Fills are the best - the Prop Toledo, O Toledo © Wholesale The song of break, break.” There is no man so kindly thought of by those of his kind as the kind of kind kind, “Man wants but little here below,” does not apply to the man who has to bay covering for unusually big feet, iceman "Break, OYAL ABSOLUTELY PURE AKING POWDER Makes the food more delicious and wholesome WOYAL BAKING POWERS G0 4 NEw YO KOLL OF HONOR The fo riptious 1 this owing parties have ALY mouth of October Jan ors your ited here D. T. Mc( »e0. M. Su oskey, R er omola Aaroosh Tus Tank Ames Moyer Sev! Millhe Late (Cerits ‘TAY {rerer FREE AD COLUMN. THE GLOBE DRY GOODS, MILLINERY AND CARPETS. SAY YOU | cent. on this. $150.00 worth of Dry Goods a year. $7.50 for you--Immense trade incresed for us. LOGIC IN THIS... THINK IT OVER. DRESS GOODS CLOTHING | Do you need an Wi taking up room, we should have for our carpets No reason they should not move quick | such rediculonsly lv. when prices attached overcoat! have a few that an | OW Storm coats for $3.98 in Blue and are men. for | ross Black COALS men od ne ar y allt $4.50 S CLOAK CARPETS T he res i TOA carpet in 13 | nie n Othe r peop i appreciate the lowness of our prices, tracts out past two years given If yon need Why Blas sass anne hares carpet or matting. They start . ¥ shouldn't you! All wool Ingrain, THE GLOBE, Katz & Company, Limited, Bellefonte Penn’a.