THE CENTKE DEMOURAT, "BELLEFONTE, PA, NOVEMBER 2, 1899, 7 Ci? » x ls of a 32 ~ 45 XR . oes VRC . $ \ / » on . 4 sed 8 pe 4 . “ts » pn “as Zax tN Pe Fg ~ . cae e PERE SRLS 4 h E 3 Se oe § ol SHAD INDY (R717 CRAPS ORO GROW Tyg 5, SYR BY RRR RR RRR Lh El TURE] SUT Sp Lal bog . SUNDES LOUD CS TDL ANNE LODE We received this week about Twenty New Styles of Men's Suits They are good desirable patterns. Entirely new, prices very reasonable. If you are ia the market for Clothing They Should Interest You. We will be pleased to show them to you whether you bu hoff Block, Bellefonte, Pa. M. FAUBLE & SON. NG LLOOOO0 OOOO 0 00 F POOP IP0008.000000000 y or not, yal,» Lid Pa k : : : Sa reat 5 ”~ on , wie ve ° " 3 Ps Wan , 3 *, 4 NE Wand o a oe BS ok Oo, ER ree ™ - EN een re 5 . LS % NY Yord oe 3} a na 3 3 1 a ATE A¥ MY 2 2 [x -r CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT The News Gathered From Various Sections HAPPENINGS IN CENTRE CO What Our Army of Alert and Observe Worthy {f Every shed Penn Hall. Lorresg of Note nmun mdents See The Local Happenings o ity Will be Gladly Pu { her M. Fisher, and Jno. Hosterman and families spent Sunday with Adam Heck man at Tusseyville, ust awful nesome efonte. He thinks week every week for Harry says it is since Blanche is at Bel it ought to be « a while. Rev. A. M. Doerstler, of the Evang=li. cal association, had preaching in the Evangelical church, on afternoon, Chas. W. Fisher and sister Mary, left for an extended trip to Philadelphia and other eastern cities where Mr, Fisher will purchase his stock of fall and winter goods ourt MIvVICES Sunday Percival Aumiller, of Union county, moved his saw mill on a tract which he recently bought from D. W, Zeigler, north of town, and will start operations at once. Communion servi United Evangelica morning. Rev, 8S. P lLewisburg, officiated largely attended H. F. McManaway went to Bellefonte on Saturday evening in one hour and forty minutes, on his wheel, Of course the attraction at Bellefonte accelerated the speed of his wheel, Preachers’ certificates may be the latest craze, but don’t have any weight or fufluence in politics on Gregg town. ship democrats. Cyrus Brungart will get there just the same, “dead sure.” J. C. Condo, our wide awake coach maker, made a business tiip to Sugar. valley last week and disposed of a lot of buggies and road wagons over there, Mr. Condo is taking the lead in manu. facturing up-to-date buggies, Last Monday, while helping Warren Stover to haul corn fodder, Henry Meyer had the misfortune of falling from the wagon and breaking his arm at the wrist, Dr. G. 8. Frank, of Millheim was sum. es were held in the church on Sunday Reamer, P. E., of The services were moned, shape The ticl 3 crats of Centre count mends itself to the who are anxious to r republican ring which managing county affairs. represent very fairly a ounty and are men of high character and eminently fitted for the position to which they aspire. There is utterly no occasion for any factional differen interfere with any democratic supp ket, and it is but fair t the democr minated by the Y is one that voters of the com county 1 themselves of the has The nominees 1 sections of the been mis. es lo rt ol The ch ) grand success he ladies turn their grat general for ther fronage Alf Robb and family, of Zion, spent Saturday and Sunday in ths place, visiting their many friends Mr. Doebler, of Ridgway, train at Nittany, on Saturday evening, and stopped for his supper He was on his way to Rebersburg, where his father is lying very sick wish the OO the peop and help got off the Chere is still quite a husk through here Miss Lillian McCaleb, one of our fair and accomplished young ladies, has gone to Pittsburg, where will spend the winter She will be missed very much by her host of friends bit of corn to she Both steam sawmills are running full blast at present, and lumber is being shipped daily G. E. Snavely and N. C, Shaffer were out for pheasants one day last week and came home with 7 of the choice birds. Good boys. Quite a number of our sports will take in the foot ball game at Williamsport on Saturday. Mrs Hattie Winkleman and son, of Mackeyville, visited there many friends | at this place, the past week, People in his section about candidates traveling around with preachers certificates of character, WHAT 18 SHILOM? A grand old remedy for Cough, Colds and Consumption ; used through the world for half A century, has cured innumerable eases of in eiplent consumption and relieved many in ad vaneod siages. If you are not satisfied with the results we will refund the money, Price 5 eta, and ets, For sale by Krumrine Bros, Bellefonte, Pa. : are laughing | Lemont. of lebanon Co., was uylng ug in this sect ast week The far: busking their half crop Mrs. Margaret W her daaghter, Mrs. Wi Buffalo Kuo, this week The Lemont | hold a socia early all which through corn, was about a niom C. E at the home of IL, ¢§ LOmMOrTow evening, Nos them a Ca Loyd H Furnace, but he | COMmpany hardly take care will help seems to be at Centre as he goes there 148 ¢ vs he can who ten, RCs Boys, him out Axemann seems to be tra as often For Charley not get home the heralding in the new day The following Bear-meadows to Martz, Ed john Hoy, tion the boys stop there quite W., did were insiance, unt tinstiers the (rCorge sports started for hunt Armstrong, Samuel Weaver, Edward Williams, Williams Lather Cambell, Markle and Emanuel! Peters started on Tuesday afternoon, to have their camp in shape be home on Saturday SERIOUS ACCIDENT On Saturday evening last, while Juno. Poliock and Misses Mary, Helen and Bessie Thomsg son were returning home from Boals. burg in a carriage, the horses frighten. ed and one of the traces broke and the tongue dropped. The horses pulled Mr Pollock forward across the dash. The three girls jumped out, but in jumping Mary became tangled up in the carriage and was dragged for some distance and received several serious cuts and bruises about the head Mr, Pollock was also cut and bruised about the head. The other girls were not injared at all. deer Nelson William They in order They will not able to leave the house, Wolfs Store. G. W. Stanley and wife, of Williams. | port, spent a few days visiting friends in our vicinity. The butchering season is coming on and everybody is talking of killing the heaviest porkers, Mountain fires were raging fiercely last week and our Jrople were compelled to fight it day and night 10 save their fences and buildings, Mary just | came down from Altoona that day, and i Was going back on Monday, but she was | Aaronsburg. Democrats this comes out made a t uniata cou day last Messrs O. H. Wolf and Al both of Wolfs Store, were the guests H. H. Weaver's one day last week Robert Boob usin one Matthew Swabb spent several da last week in Philadeiphia, had gone to a adtoin Miss of State ( is spending several weeks in t guest of her sister, Mrs wm West Main whither portant business ’ iT Nora Guisewite, street tern { many Mackey a few days last week at the lence of fesse Werts it mr town if 4 80n 1 Lg! Aaron Smu mbert joe Smuii, of vilie, spent res The gentleman Mr, and Mrs Mrs. William L and of Rebersh day Jast at Ire Mrs Rp 1t severa dav, Edna Krumrine, who is teaching in our burg Ig d Limbert's, sou, a Sue Packer, of near M hours in town last TIE being the guest of her cousin, Miss sChox During the past week quite a few can didates county offices the voters in this section and gave their rea son why they should be supported at the coming election, Maj. Henry was in this vicinity visit to his many friends and for visited Forster, of Harrisburg, ASL week LAvIng a comrades, | all of whom were very glad to see him He was the guest of his sister-in-law, Mrs. F. |. Forster, on Main street RICK HEADACHES The curse of overworked womankind Are auniekly and surely cured by Karl's Clover Root ea. the great blood purifier and tissue bulider Money refunded If not satisfactory. 'riee 2 ets and Mets, For sale by Krumrine Hros Bellefonte, Pa : Boalsburg. Rover, John Sh | Ben Herring There | fA ew more Mary shipy point i her hushand, ¢ Cave rk Crawford and daaghter ed their household goods to Fr where she wi They will ast week. Crawford th Candi are pulling in licks on the round up, but it has settled for some time how they wi It should be the every voter take a couple hours off, and go to the polls and vote Ww oO about the of November lates their best been | volte duty of to B. Crape and wife moved to Johns. town last week where they expect to make their future home, and keep a boarding house, Boarders will find Mrs ! Crape a good cook, 11 soon be ready It is a fine one MANY A LOVER Has turned with disgust from vable girl with au offen Clover Root Tea parifies the on on the Rev. Brown's bouse w= 10 move into bowels, ole | Sold for years on absolute Game is reported scarce in this section Scott Bricker and son, John was a visi. tor to Bellefonte, last Saturday The Stuart farm was sold last week to Enoch Sweeney, consideration $3000 The forest fires made our little burg and vicinity very dark last week. But the rain on Saturday night and Sunday morning again cleared the atmosphere. Manager Bricker's base ball team met their first Waterloo last Saturday when they were beaten by the score of 12 to 8, their opponents were a picked team from town. The cause of their de. feat may be attributed 10 two facts vis: cts and W ets Beliefonte For sale by Krumrine Bros a | Port Matilda. Our new iron bridge is being treated to [a fresh coat of paint, adding greatly to its appearance, ] Miss Verna Jones and Annie Wilson, | of South Philipsburg, are the guests of | Mi. and Mrs, A. J. Johnson, J. T. Beckwith 1s selling at private sale his entire farm stock and implements, having given up farming to engage in teaming, 8. R. Pringle is the champion hunter 5 Who n.b i Mrs. M. L. Gill E yunty, paid a recent visit to Mrs. Marks, who is m ther h respected resident of Blanchard UTR, Were among sting the Their lischarges of their ne squirre week repon = ————— we] That Cough Hangs OR You have used all sorts of cough reme- dies but it does not yield; it is too deep seated. It may wear itself out in time, but it is morc liable to j Produce la grippe, {Deamonis or a seri- FHS — A — EL — A — — ous throat affection. You need something that will give you strength and bui'd up the body. SCOTT'S i EMULSION will do this when everything else fails. There is no deus about it. It nourish strengthens, builds up and makes the body strong and healthy, not only to throw off this hard cough, but to fortify the system against further attacks, If you are run down or emaciated you should certainly take this nourishing food medicine, sor. and By on, oll draggin, SCOTTY & BUWNL « hemints, New York TL — a — 0 w— 0 — A w— GG — 1 — 41 w— AY w— 1 J — Yh — GE — EE — 1 —