6 HE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 26, 1809, | ts] {44 Bear! } } y ' TNT'Q QU TQ | a {| and the more beantiful its hearing the THE HUNT'S LESSONS. | with ita sharp edged hoot, shatters the | [0 TE CEL RET Ur und the ; crystal of Long lake, it is very pictur- = rain we it? Had the roe 9 esque. Dut ouly when, after miles of | b : It's easy to De Talmage Preaches Upon (he |pursuit, with heaving sides and lolling ’ haul a big y 4 * : i tongue and eyes swianming in death, the ) ne nia ; Ve vig Wie | TA TYRONE~ WESTWARD Subject of the Chase, stag leaps from the cliff into Upper Sar : re ar Ng hid 1 | Leave Bellefonte § 55am, arrive at Tyrone 3 i i ik ! Cu i i A VOI Jrease y ii av 4 “ : J i pu at Pittsburg | RAILROAD SCHED ULES ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND : | hand | P BRANCH En : uek a ra { i { " n effect on and after May 17, 187 anne can vou realize how much David the wagon “1 wheels with : ) ’ oy t Pitta . u Ave ‘ ! P y 1 1 0 : : JA oat Pittsbur much he wanted God when Le ex- | ; \ wt ! | ¥ t y Kk t in the words: “Asa | Of the U nd the : MICA Axle Greass A Tom FN. lar TTB | Louvw Bepatant P31 arrive of Tyiane t i ! Geta box : ! the y ¢ 3 Bal u ‘' E 4 al A na at’ atl Lia nner arrive at Ty had suffered from his troubles and how 4 i The Gospel as a Refreshment Graphs teally Set Forth=Ilefuge in God's Word for Those Pursued by Trinls, essed himself UK al il | t " i" I 5 cll we can sell vou nteth my soul after Th DI pr i - ' hart panteth after the water bre ks, 80 | . ! : " ns Ra pe " BTANDARD O11, CO, here set 1 Lal ¢ ! . hy : thut ‘ ‘ . ' 'y § figure which graphic by tl hunters to find Text, Psalm 42 after the water brooks.” ) . : 3 | ’ y J rh for tha BYE David, who must some time hay mes, not now, { i ' [ , t De reak thelr ne i pr iN N ] o, a deer hunt, points us here to a hunted alter the $R0Ip mw ~ ™ 1 raj { ther ‘ ¢ sth £0 b: Walk-Overs for Men $3.50. stag making if he ter ye An es \ A . eh. p \ ir a Mi 1 were a | ' { Pa cinating anin text hal p pr Caracens for Women $3.00 art, ts thé Sane anim | that in sacred r) g to nght ther on AJ | re : a w ~ p " " » and profane erature is called the stag FE UN) in een ena. | turbed, but the fact that the whole | AN IN GOREN Powers Shoe Company the roebuck, the kit tl Kaj ‘ e a Pie y hw 9 hy ! in : rv after ' ie | reindeer, In niral yria. in Dible SH then : yey ow \ : co vik | 1 y re sple { vorth | (AND Tonic iN Tapert Form) 3ush Arcade, HI ere EE RE x he | parlance, 10 get & tarner on them, Or | Ptwring. | . For Aubiseases or tie © BE] EFONTE, PENNA. Ses 20% & You have had 4 bereavement, and, fn. | Therefore sarcasm dr | GENFRATIVE ORGANS Devriovrs aso Yo TUL STRENGTY | rerun 110.000 OF | JMMEDIATE LTTE CTS LLRMANINT RESILT'S GUARANTEED INFALLIBLE Candle Power Hiauey ENporseo By Frysicians Dy MAL £100 Stevo Stary ror Jammer PANAMERICANDRUG C0 2 vere Electric Light Photos Sold in Bellefonte at ¢ 4 LOW PRICES IA TTD : WEN & dvi Vali 000 The Mallory-Taylor Studio, = ra Be PRACTICE. i | Agen | 05 4 4 6. R SPIGELMYER. IF ay of d one Bete RE we : 100 TOOTH BRUSHES +B & B4 uw see IT AT A Remarkable Line of GREEN'S ps Dress Goods 35¢ Yard UP T0 DATE YOU DEPEND bros DION = AmGuAER 1, a Se LL MR NN GREEN'S PHARMACY High Street Bellefonte, Grant Hoover, hi L§ AM W.GEFHANR] Genera) Supt RELIABLE. | ru RREERRRRRRRRR SAMPLES. Lite and : E. K. RHOADS : : = E, wy = 0000880000 Al his yard Opposite the P. R.R, | Fire Insurance | Passenger Station, Sells 1,000 | EE only the Best, Qualities MONEY TO LOAN. NTHRAC AND 0 Y ITUMINOUS 8 * dol each. ada 5 MINOUS ed, timidity | Pint, quit pitching into your pursuers. | Loy v holB.of 8c each. tment of the / Mur wih e | } Cd " a . | pathetic | , Sule ww : 1 1) s clang alll At Y 14] LJ eath, the splendid animal a complete [PF "Firm the turrets it will be seen so up SIVEY SB >{BEEZER'Si<- 1-3 Grain, Hay. I ol Ts 4 frau tha Surtets it will he seu a0 BOGGS & BUHL ood bra, (a) Straw ! hal le : Pa : 1 on Aaliat; ’ ‘di ) ant cad TA to a reindeer in the night would | ALLEGHENY, - - PA. Allegheny St. Beliefonte, Pa Superior Screenings for Lime : bowh their | anc full response ’ ain pa 1 hounds or rearing for | ast fallunder : 4 y : make an exquisitely ne riate per y b . " nali Burning Builder's and : We keep none but the best quality Plasterers’ Sand. COALS wil Al forest or turning at bay to atinck the : p : \ should be made, there would be . the buckshot of the trapper wih , Hd be twice | oration to my sermen: “Until the day d i ands lifted Ww reons It is a splendid appearance that the as many hands 1ifte 1 ag per ne present break pier 1 apy . hi i 1 ’ | \ and the shadows flee away be EE ’ i ket 1g | =} say many of you would declare: | thou Kke a roe « ( J HN Mi R y weneil falls to sketch and onl a i A roe or 8 young hart upon pioter pencil ul to sketch ed only | Ty Save sway done the Ves | te monutaon of petpersy . MILLER, | pezr poR® ana MUTTON (B® eiephone Calls: 0 ar an A could and tried to be useful, and why | SET15 re DNL exey | All kinds of Smoked Meat, Sli at the foot of St. Regis is able to picture. wher ¥1° A steamer trun a, | FIRE INSURNCE AGENCY, | , Sliced When 20 miles dram ony settlement. it | become the victims of malignment er trunk has been patented, . Ham, Pork Sansage, ste. If you . No. 1312 ] on Hed ’ " hich, bein nir tight 1 " .“ ‘ "| or invalidism or mishap is inserutable” | ™ " Ent, may be at Xa \ bia " i : i au Co ercial.... 682 comes down at eventide to the lake's | Why, do y ot mi Rg the finer a deer | 10hed 16 the waist belt fn an emer est Companies Re presented. want a nice Juicy oteak go to mmerc ’ . ” : “dge to drink among the liypods, and | .o4 the more elegant its proportions nev and need an a fe presesces x42 BELLEFONTE, PA. PH IL.IP BEEZER RERER