THE CENTKE DEMOURAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBER 10, 1889, ” A VAL Vn CORA | god | hd A Pig Te Wiel CU Tg’ Ug ps” Bal A A {ADT § SADE ET 3 LOUD LODE SAD EY EY E45 A Z Ni ol alr TN ali : s . Z Y 3 ERADEY DUERBES SUC LEEIDE § EERIE (CRRR (CIDE Y SERIE SAN EE Se ‘ Cdl ok 1 Wl fk Y (RW pd | od 7, VIR ) 6 » "fA rel 7? 4d va SB ERS SY MARR RED RR RR 2. N 4 for 1397 Tels Nal, py 1 yy Sele 1 A 4 al, al \ re’ ; / wv J alr yi . v $ Br , IY wel 4 oO ender ld wr eek ee (tt Ld abt Pr AW ey why NY po > 7 i & 7 8 2 AP A : ~ ‘ MN ar BJ : pe . Jet 4 3 ste x sed “te 4 & have this season. -e vol L RRR rn 6 yA SORES SO yi Lee i » ) oh ve » aa tr Ad tral Pennsylvania. “ow RR ’ . w FARRER LIVE TYE BE AT + » Ag ER, BRAY 5 Wb d FELONS : N HRB SLE WANTED. ANTED every person in Centre county to know how good a Clothing Store we E want you to know that our stock and assortment of Men's Clothing is the largest in central Pennsylvania. want you to know that our stock and assortment of Boy's Clothing is the largest in Central Pennsylvania. WE want you to know that our stock of Childrens’ Clothing is the largest in Cen- Give us a Call, we : : WANTED. E want you to know that you can be suited here. WE want you to know that we are showing the Highest Grade Clothing made. WE want you to know that our Clothing is the Best Fitting Goods made in America. E want you to know that we are selling goods for Less Money than any other con- cern in Central Pennsylvania, 00000000000 00000000 0000000000000 00000000 M. FAUBLE & SON. INI III III I PIII II PIII IOI II III OPI FGPG I Py g/ i “ 8 ~, WANTED. E want you to know that you can have 3ack for the asking. Your Money E want you to know that our Clothing superiority extends through every branch of our business. WE want you to know. that i : at 1t trade with us. is to your inter Y ill Need no Other Argument. 1 tx 1 ou Snould Know of 29% OV xr ¢St 1n ever 3 H) » eS = © san a a N ) fel % en £7. N +1 al -. 3 \ £7 EN 4 % Me 3 A] NU cea MI % I ~ ING GPF 0 0.0 CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT Haven, are the ents, Fred Limberts, in Miss Hettie Smull has burg where she ex pects months with her grandmother. town gone to Rebers to spend a few Foster Bower's new house at the east era end of town is nearing and about ready for the plasterers be held in { this place, on clock comp.etion Communion services will church orning at 1 the Reformed next Sunday t recently treated his paint, which greatly e of the sam reo KE. Stover house to a improves the appeatan ht of Harry coat ol Bell, few days last week at his grand father, H town. Quite a few of our hunters were out on Monday for squirrels, but we have not learned how many they succeeded in bagging. Miss Hattie Weber, of Rebersburg, is spending a few weeks with her brother, Stewart Weber, in thus place, principal of the grammar school, Mrs. D. H. Lenker and daugeter, after spending a week at Lemont and Boals. burg, returned home last week, They report having an enjoyable visit, Mrs. Young, of Boalsburg, and Mrs, Waite, of Renovo, visited their aged mother, Mrs. Lona Leitzel, residing a short distance east of town, for several days last week, BMrs. 8. R. Charles, of North Second | street, was at Logaunton, Union county, on Motiday to attend the funeral of ber of Huntingdon, spent a the residence H. Weaver, in ol our | will soon railroad who has been ling at the home of her s« Pennington, left on Sanday for Si town where she will relatives some Lime visit Boalsburg. The Kaup residence is under root and will soon be ready for the plasterers Misses Clara and Sallie Keller are visiting friends in Bellefonte this week. Candidate Philip Meyer is cany assing | the county and feels very sure of election | next month, The typhoid fever patients of our R y S Maun pera house Alma Packer, o the home of Fred 1 Saturday and Sunday r has been Singer, of last week Miss Mabel Singer, who isiting her brother, W. ] Bellefonte, returned home Helen, the four year old child of Ella Thiel, which died at Peale on Tuesday, was brought bere for interment ou Fri. day. Misses Hattie Shamp, Beulah Edna Glosner, of Jacksonville, spent a | few days at the home of Peter Robb, last week. Mrs. Mary Glossner and Miss Effie | Wense! attended the birthday party of Mrs. M. C. Frick, of Blanchard, on Sat- vicinity are all convalescent except urday. Homer Barr who is still confined to bed, Manager John Bricker spent Saturday | and Sunday in Bellefonte. He has been arranging games for some time and you Rar of fame or defeat. THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT will be sent | to any new address until January 1, 1900, for 135 cents, Mrs. William Miller and her two sons, Edward and Bertie, are spending a few days in Lock Haven, at the home of her sou, Thos. Miller. L. 0, Packer and wile are spending a few days with Mr. Packer's parents in this place; the Calithumpians gave them a call Saturday night, "with his and Miss King, « Curtin, visited at home of Mr. and Mrs, Jerry | J. N. Kling, of Altoona, spent Sunday ady friend, Miss Emma Sayers Peck and wife and Mrs. Peck, Sr. Sunday at the home of Reon Yearick. The 1armers in this section are busy huskiug corn, which is about two-thirds of a crop John N. Wason each weighing 64 can beat this? MARRIED «On Thursday evening of last week, IraCondo and Bertha Archey, both of this place, Johu Rockey and family, of near Zion, spent Sunday at the home of our mer. chant, N. H. Yearick. Ed spent raised and 6% two turnips, Ibs. Who WHO IS Women as well as men are | made miserable by kidney | TO gd bladder trouble. Dr. Cilmer's Swamp.Root the BLAME. great kidne » remedy promptly cures. At droits in fifty cent and dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also pamph. let telling all about it. Address, t Dr. Kilmer & Co, Binghamton, N.Y United Evangelical ¢ ad that one of our ¥ refers mmer, when autumn Perhaps see has com ] clusion 10 have summer mixed with autumn to check the ch IR alr in those sweet lowly hour DEATH. Alfred rmerly of this place But of late years resided at Millball, Died at his bome on Saturdays the 14th. His remains y Zion on Wednesday forenoon leaves a wife and two sous daughter to mourn his loss Weare g adies § here to the con soln Shefler, | were brought wo He and one We are informed that a certain neigh bor had purchased a Winchester the other day. Now, Willie, you know what that means, as be has proven himself a | Do | man by word, if not as a neighbor unto others as you would have them do unto you, is the motto which should be our guide. YOUNG MOTHERS Croup is the terror of thousands of young mothers because its outbreak is so agonizing and frequently fatal, Sh 4 Cough and on sumption ire acts like maggie In Croup. It has never been known to tall “he worst cases relieved immediately. foe 2 Cia. Sots, and BLN, For sale by Krumrine Bros, Bellefonte, Pa. i THR CENTRE DEMOCRAT will be sent to any new address until January 1, 1900, for 15 cents, WwW St D Lf PUBL WNELB VL . T9900 990999900900G0000VBONIG Uw sonsumption is robbed of its terrors by the fact that the best med- ical authorities state that it I$ a eurable disease; and one of the happy things about it is, that its victims rarely ever lose hope. You know there are all sorts of secret nostrums advertised to cure consumption. Some make absurd claims, We only say that if taken in time and the laws of health are properly observed, SCOTT'S EMULSION DD 09990900000000003 CL