THE CENTKL DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA., OCTOBE® 19 Jy 15899. HAPPENINGS IN BELLEFONTE Briefly Told 1n a Lines. Local Events Few EVENTS PERSONALS, SOCIAL Past Week What t Local Scribe Saw Worthy of Mention What Has Transpired Durning the Movements of Our People Week's Local News in a Few Words Mts. N. | two houses on Cu -‘*The Jolly Alderman the opera house next Monday evening, — There were several lively skirmishes on the diamond Saturday evening, one was hurt, Mrs. Sue Woodir phia to spend the win Mrs. Myrtle Sikes. the th ’ e DOS 4] } considered . store, where and winter method is use it is eflective, artistic conception does some original They haye a full line of winter gar that will be sure to interest the ladies One day gnecim of office from the Hecla. and pative Ct farm of J Two ears measured Snook, 4 1n¢ ] and well filled i were large left with “subbing” and the us were not considered like they do in Kansas, Mr. Shook had twelve acres out this year and he estimates the yield at 125 bushel to the acre. Who can produce anything to beat that? samples course the entire crop was not that large Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Stone, of Coates. Pa., are guests at the home of Wil. ville, Ham P. Humes, Benj, Gentzel left on Thursday with a car load of twenty-one horses, selected in this section, Mrs. 1 from Clearfield, John Noll has returped home where she spent the past few days visiting her sou Charles, St. Johu's Catholic church will hold at the residence of George Thursday evening it error, will a Sana Dale Mrs ng aw, GW umobarger In | tawney on Wednesd; afternoon team everal log crushing him to eath, He lock Haven, Another i ¥ Hall has resigned from the charge. This action was taken at the meeting of the Hunting don Presbytery at Belleville, Pa. The resignation was accepted by the Preshy- tery, to take effect about February next, Pastor Resigns Christine, pastor of the Centre Presbyterian church, ist, Modern Woodmen Banquet, Monday of this efonte Camp of the Modern On week, Bel Wood men of America gave a bangnet to the evening, State at Harrison's College Dr. and Camp, M. J alter a few Bakery. Locke acted as master, appropriate remarks introduced the following named gentiemen, who, in a witty and ¢ manner, k the bang ent pt tinuou u Carthy Hes Cha epley, Jo Maud Mct arthy Remarkable Fish Caught M1 Thomas Donachy fish Thursday strange Spring Ll week and its ts body, but shaped creck fs its morning body measured inches nont was as long as like a needle He be on a pot ntire weight ited it Was i pounds leg of a WAS A great great deal of with a chicken hool It curiosity and attracted a attention, Harry Jackson, our natura. pronounced ita “gar fish” and it was the largest of the kind ever caught in the waters of Spring creek, Grit. ist, ‘ogee ‘;wiedo 0) eve ‘exw 0) kewl ‘eyoupuey ‘uonselipu) ‘sseusno| “HE "SI IOAIT 24ND 111d S.000M | IN THE COURT HOUSE, Gathered From Various Offices Legal Intelligence MARRIAGE LICENSE Johu H. Cole Mary E. Robins John Wilson lem lock Haven Hublersburg . ngton many quail were k came in very much por, OniyY A yYery squirrels were brought home arties were fortunate enough to bring home some wiid turkeys and quite a number of pheasants were shot, Gens erally speaking Fame is very scarce - Joke on a Name Good Templar Hunting Club of Belle the and fonte, with following named mem Linn McGinley R. 8B. bers ; John Cunningham, Brouse, Ge Weaver, Fred Smith, George R. Meck J. Lun Harris, Robert | John Knowsley aud George Fast as cook, | are spending the week in Stone valley, {in quest of game. That is a congenial | party but what is there in a name ? ge Montgomery, RECENT DEATHS A. J. dent of Centre county died at | Mill Ha [the HREFFLER noon au consump! | John ( Lap, w 00000000 OC We Are Not Expansionists... Wie higher price That ghten old-time shoe We've through wars, panics and pros. Aller : these enthusiasts will YOICes is like us passed perity before awhile shut off thelr shouters and settle down, Then maybe they will adjust their prices to meet ours, MINGLE'S SHOE STORE, BROCKERMOFF BLOCK. ““ Necessity is the Mother of Invention.” It was t/ honest, {1 j ; » blood purifie J 3 4 and tonic brought in existence Hood's rilla. It is a highly concen- trated extract prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla unequalled curative power. Sarsapa- 4 naery re rd ‘ r ie Ameri sreatest M Rosy Cheeks Ca J { H A Cr { # PP RE as Floods Sariapaitl ~EET ’ 10,000 Pow 2 A Wad he (famaT™ re & Co. Be Red wheat Red wheat Rye, peor bushe Corn, ears pert Corn, shelled por Batley per bushel Oats, per hus! Cobura Markets Following are the prices paid for grain be dealers at Coburn ‘heat (oid) per bushel Wheat (new) pe bushel. Oata, nice white... ‘ Join a