0000000000 ooo nl A) Lad A) g = FOR 15 Cl g S The Centre will be sent at campaign rate new address, fc until January 1 goo. 000000000 OOOO g ocrat = pecial any | cents al CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. SHEEP FUNDS MISAPPROPRIATED New Way of Commissioners Ac cumulating Assetts FACTS CAREFULLY COMPILED of Misappropriating Republican Board Commis sioners of Funds and Unduly Taxing the People Matters of Interest to Taxpayers, The Present is Guilty Last week mention was made in thi paper of the exorbitant tax being placed on the dog owners in this county by the present board of county commissioners. In that the funds, article » ¢l y set forth how collected for paying sheep damages, had been diverted to the pay- ing of county orders. This clearly is a violation of the intent of this act. By logs, a large sum ol overtaxing the « the hands of the com. money comes to in they have missioners and more money to handle, they can more easily ¢ there was a surpiu of about fifteen thou if anybody can tell there was for thus taxing is timely that it should be made there is urplus ‘Dear Taxpayer, you well know how it was produced, \ 1 dreds vou, as wellas b f others. ne UE could understand the necessity for tak these monies from the as was done by Messrs. Riddle ent republican boar who now are asking to —_ Po t the end of the been used Amount the board was in office lhey » During the tim former rover lurned a Jr wn 1h The first came tingle dolla f I Ie sheep fund lo th the fund year republican board into office they found a surplus in fund of $799, but they a : the same tax. Ne the sheep went on and levied year they "su yn the dog tax wped in exactly $1243 Ir and appropriated it to paying county orders They easily saw that they were levying more than was needed, but on they went to get hold of more money with the san. old tax of 75 cents on the poor dog, when fact that than it was not needed, In they had more mouey bad paid in sheep claims by § they paid out on sheep claims $1211.8; and had a balance of $1458.66, Next year they practically did the same thing, after paying all claims had a balance of $088.71, of which they appropriated $741.52, making in the first two years they were in office an increase of nearly year over they | the 75 om | $2000 in their assets from the dog tax, | . | which anyone can clearly see is a viola- | tion of the intent of the sheep law and an | | imposition on every dog owner in the | county. In the face of these faets and with almost $3000 in outstanding dog 'g7 and "gS they have levied cent dog tax again this taxes for 'g6* year to orde help them pay county not require accumulate unjust taxes nt 8 exactly what Messrs isher HE doing have 1} busine say, examine the t and see if we are not dealin facts. If you don’t have rts handy go to most the any News pointed A:850 Can the NCOLN AND HANNA Bryan ianent Ke against herankle s ’ discovered a copperhead te her. Her sto was » snake did Mrs, Kirchof ick the sn not Ak its head to a jelly . Pampkin Contest Pampkin Contest will close Saturday, October 14th. All contestants must bring their pumpkins to the o'clock on that afternoon & Co store before 3 Montgomery a Tue only places in the civilized world, outside of Turkey, where sou can still | buy and hold slaves are the Sulu Islands of the United States of America, Zhe Cen BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER s, 1500). COMMISSIONER RIDDLE’S OVERDRAWN ACCOUNT How A Republican Commissioner has Been Using County Funds for his Convenience. [reasurer $204.50 A Graceful Compliment. eystone Gazette once Said About Cyrus Br gart, who now is a Candidate. A PROMINENT FAMILY Whose Ancesters Were Mi : " ’ ’ Township Pioneers FOUGHT WITH THE INDIANS juninte i Knows 1h Brungarts les those in 8 OO! the Brangart, who came into Brush va } when nearly the entire naught but a vast and almost impenetra He and his posterity cut down a large number of the timber. erected log cabins, cleared off the land and entered permanently upon the active pursuits of agriculture. As the families multiplied, additional land was secured and in turn cleared, until to-day a goodly portion of the eastern end of the valley and township is settled with Brungarts, ey in valley was ble wilderness | nearly all owning their ows farms and present | homes or both. Some of the older generation has abandoved active farming and located in the town of Re bershurg, turning over to the sons or other members of the family the duties | to time in fature issues of the chur and were also named after them me, show thet nil Rebersburg are Joseph R At 1 ern end of the valley Alfred Cyrus and is very su cattle and butchering business (ae has cessfully about always brat characteristic feature is that they have to the « although for gene towards and voting for cratic The writer has in but one Brangart who ever asked for a county at the hands of Democrats, and thal was ( surely both competent enlitied to (hal much, bul been pushed aside There are other well known families in different sections of the county, a brief history of whom will be given from time ALETTE family Democrats ore, never seer, iuatin eo iribuling LLIN mind othee Cents yYres oJ who 1s heim, an has repeatedly Look out for them. COMMISSIONERS R .R. PASSES Have Public Officials a Right to Le b y.. A Beech Creek are laying the foundation for an engine and cngine house at the eastern end of their flouring mill. The intention drive the machinery of their mill by steam puwer, and go in the milling busi. ness on a larger scale .-— . «Read the Centre Democrat, $1 a year, i" 0 000000OVO0OO0000 FOR 15 CENTS The will Centre Democrat be sent at a special Campaign rate, 0 any new address, for 20 cents until January 1st, 1900, VOL. 21, NO. FACT, FUN AND FANCY Bright § : ATC somet hing only When dog the chickens do he neighbors keep a bad cat or pot always come bome to roost “What a rake you are,” said the coals. “Yes,” replied the poker, “but I'ma grate convenience.’ “I'm going to have a Van Dyke beard,” said the blonde young man, *if ft takes all winter to gain my poist.”’