0000000000000000 FOR 20 CENTS The Centre Democrat will be sent at a special campaign rate, to any new address, for 20 cents until January 1st, 1900. 0000000000000 CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. SWALLOW’S SHARP WORDS [he Divine Delivers Some Severe Criticism AFTER STONE AND McKINLE} 10t Sent Direc jon's Mistake tire ¢ “an Monroe doctr : NY l HIrse) lis BR, d wor d of the interfere with the affairs “Mr. McKinley, in bosses who opposed him, till new the hands of the hey found they could use him, will go down into history with the unenviable distinction of having ‘sown to the wind that poster ity may reap of the whirlwind.’ of pro moting Algerism, another name for em balmed beef and starved soldiers: of establishing, by permitting i, the army saloon for the degradation and destruc. tion of tens of thousands of young men, who, 10 years from now, will swell the ranks of the tramping tramps, and be known as the rear guard of McKinley's will remembered as Army. He be man who revolutionized the policy of country at the di tation of it grabbers, and MAJOR HASTINGS the City Pas and the Altoona gas works to FALIwWAY, raliway Produce Trust ¢ The « was of the Beall, president of the trust company the upany of New York The president A and agent for the Standard Oil people. The light plant the city was not included in the deal, and it of sideration was $1,00x by concerns, on ut deal made John Lloyd, and Turner Fdison elect in is thought this transfer the establishment property means of a new electric light plant and therefore cheap- | er light for the mountain city people - .-———— A few temptations beset the indus. trious, but all temptations assail the idle BELLEFONTE, PA. THE CURTIN MEMORIAL Veterans Should Consider It On Saturday resources in prospect now what the town an act of assembly, 597, the borough ppropriations maintenance Suppose that in Let Undet May 2% have power to make ¢ [the establishment and free public libraries the exercise of this authority the town council should determine that they would simply devote one half of a mill of tax each year to the erection of and maintenance of a library, to be called the "Curtin and Centre County Soldier Memorial Library,” add the sum thus raised to the fund on hands leaving out that which is in prospect, and it would be but a little while until the Judge | Irvin Jot on High street would be pur. | chased and a fine memorial and library building be erected thereon, To do this, however, we must agree. 1S Ne Appr authorities for of THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER Subordinate preconceived 1 100 t 18G10), preference the ge od of the public \ urtin's frien 1 not ol hould ct to tl 0 I'he Mor purchased by the The comy been NACE company session Monday They w day, for | ship ten car loads of sone indefinite time, to the fur Ballast will an nace at Bellefonte Also Le shipped to different points .-——— Freight Wreck A freight wreck occurred on the Cen. tral railroad of Pennsylvania at Clinton. dale, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. Brown's siding was torn ont and traffic was not resumed until this morning Catload of sweet potatoes, at Sour. becks COOOL FOR 20 CEN. . K wera | PASSING OF THE i GRAND ARMY The Peunsyl that ine the vania into the business section of Cily The Eleventh Avenue Opera House. it is said, has been purchased by the same company for $51,000, and the building is to be transformed into a central station This road makes connections with the Beech Creek railway, and it is believed the entrance will be bought by that cous pany, O0000COOOOOOOO00 YOL. 2 FACT, FUN AND FANCY 2rickt S rig always knew the day he he kept track of Friday A woman, you week, for Know, Can take a tmuin to Washington by putting it in her trunk When you buy a book to read you ex pect the worth of your money with inter est When he wanis a woman the photographer has taking MArTIes who also ways. “The success of my work,” said the roof painter, *‘is proclaimed from the bousetops.’ A dose of quinine and whisky is what some men would call taking the bitter with the sweet,