wewyIe AN ( Centre fe CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. TRIFLING LITIGATION What is Being Done in August Session of Court. CASES TRIED AND VERDICTS Complete Proceedings Reported in Detanl for by S. D. Getug, Esq Up Many Trill. Our Readers Until Wedneseay Evening ing Lases Heard August sessions of Centre County Quarter Sessions of the Peace convened 8. on Monday morning, with Hon.'John G. Love, President Judge, on the bench, and all the court officers in at nine o'clock, their respective places. The major portion of the forenoon ses. sion was taken up in hearing motions aad by the several petitions, as presented by members of the bar, and the gra ting iting of rules, etc. « M. Ed. nd Blanchard, brother of John Blanch. On motion of ( Jower, Esq., al bar, was admitted ‘ntees noted Court handed ase of Goodman vs Conde the inger hous the ana n such cases wa 1 ORE ni H. Auman This case Shires vs. | Auman the judgment of a justice peace by Emm Auman and the name of E. M. Auman was stri from record, and grows out of an insurance ken the E. H. Auman taking out a of his transaction policy of life insurance m favor wife in the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance company, of Newark, N. J., and giving his note to the plaintiff for the first pre. mium. Verdict in favor of the defenant, Emma I. Auman indicted first Com. vs, Subey, indecent John second count, rape ; assault intent count, assault with commit a prosecutor George Panyik. This defend to ant was prosecuted for attempting a rape | on Dora Panyik, a nine-year-old daugh- ter of the prosecutor, at a picnic at Clar. ence, between nine and ten o'clock in the evening of the first day of July last, The defendant could not be sufficiently | identified by the prosecution, and at the close of the testimony the court held that | the testimony did not warrant a convic. | tion, and submitted the case to the jury on the question of costs. All the parties | concerned being foreigners, David Cham. bers, of Clarence, was sworn in as inter. pretor, Verdict not guilty, but the de fendant to pay all the costs. Com. vs. Harry BE. Korman, indicted for larceny, prosecutor George T. Bush, This defendant lives in Benner township | defendant, on the 141 and Prop. { and on the 22nd day of June last took the bicycle of the prosecutor in Bellefonte and rode home on it and afterwards trad. ed it off. Defendant plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of one dol. lar, costs of prosecution and to go to the Reformatory at Huntingdon MORNIN Com Bl for betrayal, prosecutrix Catharine Cun- TUESDAN vs. Hiram D ywers, indicted pingham. This case 1s from Rush town defendant plead ship and the } the sentence in ' usual; pica nou assumpsit H A€D, Harry of Musser, guardis now u executor of t f Bellefonte Boro., deceased cases to revive ment on riging judgments entered in n the one case in favor of ther and the FP rome George Roop, indie larceny, t William Warner defendant lives at Three Runs. in This | Clearfield ted for Com rosecutor county, and on July 24th stole the bicycle of the prosecutor in Philips. after Defendant plead guilty rode home on it and it burg and wards sold and was sentenced tothe Reformatory at Huntingdon, to pay costs of prosecution and one dollar fine Com. va. Jacob Walk, indicted for as. sault and battery; prosecutor Miles Hoover. This prosecution grows out of a fight between the prosecutor and day of August, at or near the residence of a Mr. Orwig, in | Taylor township Defendant found guilty. Sentence : #25 fine and costs and twenty days in jail a ———— A —————— Battle With an Eagle. James McGhee, seventy years old, shot a gray eagle near Beech Creek Thursday, which measured six feet from tip to tip of its wings, The bird was wounded in the wing by the bunter's shot and when it fell showed fight. The hunter had quite a battle with the eagle before he succeeded In capturing it. Mr. McGeee has been a great hunter all his life, and ic a crack shot yet. { sald in London the | BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, AUGUST gs, 184). A TALK ABOUT PROSPERITY Fail sion preceedieg it world-wide. America shares in the industrial pros. was perity or the depression of the world jut in the present revival Europe was \ head \ \ . Rap . " R ) 1 ahead of America, It commenced over Facts That Some People there two or three before it got a years to Consider fair start in America When republi SOME EXTRAVAGANT CLAIMS the wonder everyl claiming Made by if they have Facts Wondert Can Hardly be ns ar ot Justified Pp il Industrial Activity Abro Attributed to McKinle Republica Robert about them EVADED THE WAR DRAFT es peg ally ife. Noone In nv the assertion ie of Rock Used as a Point of Safety material img Between Coburn an 2 | w Ui Riad good len sone of the bh cheer into many i in that section « These to deny them howe, are small and rediculou Ask any ale a - N t tat) HOW we Are on the upwat nv ati . th Mary Blanche, daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Jenkins, to Mr both of Milton, The groom is a and business abroad, as well as at is experiencing an improvement lewis K Thursday, son of Wm A To show that these statements are ne Pa., let the M ger, idle assertion, us quote from dec'd, years The Jenkins, of this place Tr former Superintendent of the last Census, BO A Aaronsburg bride is a neice Wm. R a man among republicans, who is con sidered authority, and at present is hold. ing a abroad President McKinley. Hon. Rob't P. Porter, who has been studying European countries from He position under yu Burglars Secured 54.00 Sunday burglars en Early morning a business stand point has just cracked the safe urer's office, securing the $4,000 hundred dollars in an {aside pot touched. There is no clue ] - .—— - Diphtheria at Mlilheim in the county “There is more reason in thisex port than American low prices. | have visited every country in Europe except Spain and Portugal. Every where | was struck with the air of general prosperity. Work was plen. are ) y t) ing of Ettinger, August Ettin- resident of of tered the court house at Ebensburg and treas. Eight vault was | HAMILTON'S ANSWER Secretary of Agric Makes a Statement The ture THE GRANGERS NOT IGNORED He That the ales tents 1 now ar charge has members o regard 10 the tina the nated with that 4 y discrim resent Sq unfair aga he order No Pat { Husbandry in ania can truth fully say that he has been discriminated ARaiInst, in any respect, by the present head of this department. On the trary, the Secretary bas taken special pains to publicly state, and practically show, his appreciation of the value of the order As evidence of this it is only necessary to call attention to the fact | that a large majority of those appointed by the present Secretary tw lecture upon the institute force, as well as those en. aged in the local management of the ‘armers’ lostitutes, are members of the Grange, The line of reasoning which concludes that because two persons belonging to the Grange have been displaced, one of | whom beid office in the department for about 1, years, that, therefore, the whole 0 Pennsy ' " Con tiful, and there was no appearance of want in all the principle cities, such as Paris, Berlin, Viensa and Amsterdam. An immense number of bulldiugs were in course of con Milibeim has several cases of diph. | order has been ignored, is rather incon. thera, and the health authorities are clumve, when it is known that five of the | trying to check the spread of the dis. | chief officials now in the department are | members of the G ( ease by quarantining those affected, The new off Hah. al ren. Mg Po nine | | Association will VOL AO, 34 FUN AND FANCY Paragraphs — Selected and Bend Fi Fve an They were taken and held under $50 They bust hearing are alleged A Rang of A have DE catlie theives that operating in the coal miners in that heen the vicinity of Snow Shoe for past two years Farmers and ality have been missing cattle and po trace antii Constable in band. Lock could be found of them the Haven Democrat Lucas took case Bosh Meeting The annual bush meeting of the Ev, commence Sept, oth, in the beautiful grove of James Wert, Miles twp., about one mile from Verick's church, and will continue until the 13th. | six-year-old daughter of Adam Shreck- | engast died from the disease. -—— - struction. In Paris there is nothing but the exposition. In Amsterdam they are driving piles in all directions for foundations for new buildings. | Europe is not able to supply the de. | ai mand, and American orders, in the | Last Thursday as M. D. Snyder was majority of cases, are only the sur. |About to leave the Lemont railroad lus which cannot be supplied by the | Mation, his team took fright and ran uropean manufacturers.’ away. He was thrown out and seriously The truth seems to be that this pros. . injored. i ——— perity Is world wide, just as the depres. | Industry is the other name for luck. Hanaway at Lemont | Appointed by the Secretary within the | current month i DUR TO DISAPPOINTMENT. In view, therefore, of these facts, the | ground is certainly very strong for the | suspicion that the whole attack is an ii). | disguised attempt upon the part of a few | disappointed individuals to use the Grange as an instrument to strike 8 blow at a public officer, for whom they have A ————— Continued on page . | | Services will be conducted by Rev. A. H. | Doerstler, who will be assisted by Rev. Freed, from Williamstown, Pa,, and Solver, from Centre Hall, and others. All friends of Christianity are heartily in. vited to attend these meetings, A. H. Dogrsrren, “THE CENTRE DRMoOCRAT will be sent to any new address until January 1, for 20 cents, J RY 290m,