Centre Democrat. (Bellefonte, Pa.) 1848-1989, August 17, 1899, Image 1

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    CHAS. R. KURTZ Ed. and Prop.
THE CURTIN | ee wey to oro FAST HORSES
MEMORIAL [vous scops br ul ess
an appropriate monument,
paid any attention to them, because they “EF R k E W ANT” a
vever harmed did Js
anything and often came
FU NNY SN \KES in handy to mend up the harness or put
fF A “a - \ a 5 11 “% 1-8 11:
on the windlass of the well, or
Let it not be said that we as a people thing. Now, a whip snake is about the
[he Project is Being Revived hy | are unmindful, ungrateful and indiffer- How a Remarkable Mare Killed | smartest snake there i guess, and | A New Feature Added to the Cen
ent of the memory of our { }
- . » rr ol
the Soldiers. Governor, Andrew G. Herself.
“Lest we forget, : time has come
MANY DIFFERENT OPINIONS | for definite action from the committee | NEW VARIETY OF SNAKES
when Billy began b
tre Democrat
As to Whether it Should be a Soldiers Mem.
orial Hall or Public Library—The Time
at Hand for Definite Acuion—Statement
Coming from Judge Beaver any in latter years and claim
oved his confidence in
EpiTorR DEMOCRAT: —Within the last | claim that he frequently sp
week we have read dispatches in the |, i 1 fs he necessity. of 1 od
Pittsburg papers which greatly wrong ies’ Monument belsy ere body is
and misstate the facts concerning the tnd
purposes of the Curtin monument, so jeliefonte and approved
far as they relate to Judge Beaver. tatue being a part of it. we vit t ! : : when all at ond p
In his life time Governor Curtin very : ng ran elaboration on McKinley | om: oi : CEM nouncemen
freely expressed the hope that instead of ; ] rxpansion re . 1 nuch nerve force pobii si ie ns : hs Ad Depa:
there being built in the public square a DECKER REUNION p ‘ to absorb. aud especial That was 1 gnai to go, i ) ’
monument to the memory of the soldiers GL yaa : . {at tis thoe these cuestions
from Centre county who fell in the war of ihe Decker famil sir annual mote ih
the rebellion, it would take the shape of | reunion on Wednesday August rsion are
a memorial building in which should be
gathered and preserved as many of the
relics of the war as could be obtained, as
well as the records of the seryice of the
enlisted men from the county. It was
also the wish of Governor Curtin
with this memorial, to the boys wi
loved and over whom he
care and for whose
ut the last years of his |
his death be connected.
coonomy in
Streak went
: AL}, . : Sle those
the home of Mr. and Mis. Fred Decker, a :
in College township,
[hen why
let this 1
provision shall be
the memory of the
r died, or served |
i miple honor
iggle was the
Al state
er hand show that
» of the most usefu
one ol : n y " . yt ting ul : \
to helg » historians to increase the | 1Ady Streak went fast than . t N John Haagen
pa mn 4 y t uj it | south of Howard was
bein £4 won nore insertions ar desired, i ] iy, Sea is City, Ava
arn Was
man of no good will an lin nthe sox
yt in be " serves . ( . . goo ".
ot think a monument formulate a history of the family. | ™ Aad ; an t at ! ) and the
. . N 4 . » dead TT n . m . A y 2 Read
ngless and inappro- |, Home Sweet Home’ and by rquest | EF OB the dead go ! together with al ts contents, abd cost a cent for every word in the ads ' Holly Beach
in harmony with “Blest be the Tie" were rendered. after wagon with i" A ] were about four ton of hay, me gra tisement, for each additional issue ut n kets, good
a good Don’t hesitate to use this department, | TERUIAT trains within
1 ’ 4 i va tar 4 . " . ad vid A ot ] t .
like, with their coat tails straight out be- | Tho fire is a total loss as Mt Haagen | We want our patrons to send in any such | S00 al very low rate
lant City will be so
the ree thet 0 dou 0 rae. but looking dim Kt bad A
he course of hers. Another thing, a which Rev. Leisher pronounced the | COurse, but looking dim and shadowy buggy, farm implements, et
monument once erected is completed. | Lo tiction M. D. SNYDER. Sec
. Sec. .
Needs little further expense. So much tha hind. Finally I said: ‘Billy, how on | had no msurance on i + origin of | advertisements they can think of the
r 1 \ " : Jive he » it 7 4
for a monument. earth did that other wagon get on this | (he fire is unknown. Loss about six | more the better, Out country readers, | River bridge Route, fhe only ali
Whips His So. Year-Old Boy
" here p " Hiei .
I'here can be no objection to a mem Monroe Hedges, aged 106 years, of
track ? Billy just laughed a little and then | hundred dollars farmers especially, who want to sell a | oF Via Market Street Wharf,
orial hall or public library. It is ap- he said : ‘Why, that isn’t another wagon .—— cow, or live stock, ctop of apples, pota. | Pia.
proprate and commendable. To our
mind the great obstacle to such a pro-
ject would be the great expense involv. |
ed in establishing and fitting up such a
building in an appropriate manner,
That then is only the beginning, it
would require a perpetual endowment of
many thousand dollars to maintain same
in good order. A memorial building
and its endowment fund would cost five
or even ten times as much as a monu-
ment, Where will such a fund come
from? We could heartily endorse a Cur
tin Memorial Hall, as suggested, but the
money 0 carry it out is the obstacle
How such a scheme can succeed we
do not understand, yet we hope it could.
A few words to the committee are
more appropriate. You have been in
existence for several years, and what
have you accomplished in this direc.
tion? Is there not indifference and leth.
argy somewhere? If you can see your
way clear for the erection of a Curtin
Anderson, - Ind., who whipped his So.
| year-old son Hiram at Indianapolis and
placed him in the hands of surgeons,
who sewed his scalp together, and are
trying to bring him to, lives in a little
house in Irondale addition. He claims
the distinction of being the man who
drove the first spike on the first railway
ever comstructed in Indiana. His
gg-yearold wife died recently. His
strength and mental activity are some.
thing marvelous. Hiram was one of the
babies of the family, and he is So years
old.~Cincinnati Enquirer,
A Decision on the Bird Book
Attorney General Elkins bas given a
verbal opinion to Senate Librarian
Miller on the distribution of the new
“Bird Book,” and holds that they must
be given to the members of the house of
1897 and the members of the senate of
1599 #0 that members of the senate of
1597 who were not in the 189g senate wil!
not get any ‘Birdies.’
it's the back of the one
enough it was. Lady Streak had simply
Fed her that
way every day. That's how fast she was,
When she was at ber full speed it wasn’t
safe to talk, so Billy got up a set of whip
crack signals One crack to go, two to
slow up, three to stop, and so on
will regret that to his dying day.
see, he lost the nigger one afternoon,
The little coon opened his mouth to sing
one day while he was driviug the mare
full speed around the mile track, and the
choked him
him to death before he could get his
mouth shut or snap the whip three times,
Wasn't any way to bring him to, so Billy
had to go back Kast to find another one,
He was only gone two days, but when he
got back poor Lady Streak had trotted
It was all the infernal
whip snakes. You see, this was on Billy's
training ranch out West, and the place
"was full of whip snakes
herself to death.
Barn Near Hecla Destroyed
During the storm Thursday evening,
10th, lightning struck the large barn of
Samuel Neff, near Hecla Park The
building with the year's crops, two
horses and several cattle were burned,
loss $4,000, No insurance.
-— 8
Barn Burned at Egghill
On Tuesday the barn on John Bible's
farm, in Gregg township, at Egghill,
was destroyed by fire. A colt and some
live stock was lost. Origin of fire un.
- .-— .
Accident at Clearfield,
Alexander Reed, a well known resi.
dent of Clearfield, fell from his haymow,
Thursday and was killed, He was
years old,
- a
Paper Mills in This State.
In Pennsylvania fifty-nine firms are
engaged in the manufacture of paper,
operating sixty five mills, The capital
fuvested amounts to £12.000,000, annual |
value of the product is $6 800,000,
toes or such like, or persons who want
to hire help, are invited to make use of
these columns free of charge
Water Fight in Tyrone
At the July meeting of the borough
council the Tyrone Gas and Water com
pany notified the council that $750 per
year would be the amount of water rent
for the borough fire plugs, instead of
$16 the permanent rent agreed upon
The chairman of the light and water
committee for the council tendered the
water company $160 cash for a year's
water rental. This was refused and the
water was shut off from five plugs. Ata
special meeting of the council Saturday
evening that body ordered the water
{turned oun, and the police force was in.
| structed to watch the plugs. The water
| company attempted again to turn off the |
| Snook, of Green township, and a sister
| water, but was prevented by the police,
who will guard the plujes uoti! some
legal process determines the matter,
For information in regard to specific
rates and time of trains consult hand
bills, or apply to agents, or KE. 8. Harrar,
Division Ticket Agent, Williamsport, Pa
Stop over can be haa at Philadelphia,
either gomg or returning, within limit of
ticket, provided ticket is deposited with
agent at Broad Street Station immedi.
ately on arrival.
Killed in Kansas,
Miss Carolina Snook on August 3, in
company with another Miss Snook, was
driving to the railroad station, Severance,
Kans, to get a ticket to come to Sugar
Valley. The horse they were driving
frightened at some object along the road
and ran away, throwing Miss Suook
violently to the earth and breaking her
peck, She died instantly. Deceased
was a daughter of the late Joseph
to Mrs. M, Fetterhoof, of Loganton.
| She was aged about 40 years.