CHAS. R. KURTZ Ed. and Prop BELLEFONTE, PA. THURSDAY, JULY 27, 1800 VoL THE REPUBLICAN de qolof the coven reed | AMERICA LEADS =~ [fntherreviomsyens. tiwuinas (cA RNRGIE REVIEWS PACT, FUN AND 1 18 follows CONVENTION | Gowiaud" WORLD'S TRADE [Seytuee. fo: 2 tolast year the gre PRESENT AFFAIRS |? wiis: Passrashn Miller : : ; ve produ gina Held in Bellefonte on Tuesday Spin Records of Year Show Half Bil or Situation Just What Was Predicted Was a Lively Gathering he chair aunounced that “Williams an lion Dollars Ahead HASTINGS TO THE FORE (the votes cast, Were declated the choles F THE BUSINESS _ ’ We Are t niaining several! hundre hope we never will Ix : eral hund " " frequent “touches COTH, WAROUS ana agric i KTeatl standing army is necessary for for = i ah ton, nevertheless we ¢ ted } ments Nothing was saved from the eign conquest This the masses of Pound for pound,” said the peaches of Philipsburg. A ballot was orNerhd ee Te ; xported in the year raping ames. The loss to Mr. Clark is | American people, fortunately will to the pears, as they were being canned. ; PAK just ciosed only $4,000,000 less than we | considerable as the fnsurance was light. | approve “Wouldn't it jar you revailed and int inkling n > 4 hata ‘ ’ ’ roducts ) illed ay at neat, as was a seems to have litt Philipsburg delegate roared ' " out the nomination of Samuel B Miller i | i ow iat tough we ave ' i ' fF 3 ; 0 whin of Beliefoule, and Dr. J. W. Dunwiddie, 1in breadstuffs and cot.