L. FACT THURSDAY, JULY 13 BELLEFONTE, PA. 1309. VOL THE REAL AGUINALDO CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. 21. NO. 2 ANOTHER BOOM FOR BELLEFONTE / company repairs are almost completed, for, manner, dress and education with FUN ASD FANCY WILLIAM WOLF DIES SUDDENLY | Sr rvtios During the past two days coke and lake the average men of the better classes of ] { -y + , ’ 1 3 ss 4 1 i ¢ JF 14 grant i t ore have arrived and it is likely that be. other Asiatic nations, possibly including Paragraphs Selected and Original New Manufacturing Enterprise in View A MAMMOTH POTTERY PLANT john P. Harris Interested Manulact Governor Hastings, Ellis L Options Already Secured for former and Orvis, Esq ing Site in Bellefonte For a couple of that some new ex 1e em} ere have been current at last taken that we have been able, ate the same. options taken for Buffalo Run as we the borough. Hastings LrON rvis have be ce in the su ng the enterp: hen went on 10t vet assumed aghly uw A "eo > uy and one exper. ide ained that was that it has been known for lerable which option s that consi kaolin « the land 1 taken, and perhaps does exist in larger area when proper sear has been made for the same ; that the hau! from those short comparatively that the kaolin itself but chemically has large mixture of s latter defect wi prevented these deposits large erect a many hundreds of han au secure for them a suf ay at sufh ly moderate pr fy the cost of such a plant, It slief of all those concerned that a the iirements in case have been Evervthing points to there being large deposits of kaolin in Centre county If such proves to be the case, Be liefonte bas in addition its ron, sand, « lumber and limestone, another sour great natural wealth awaiting devel ment, wh future of | in the near in the very rapid building uj beautiful little town into a growing prosperous manufacturing centre conclusion Mr. Orvis assured us that all the preliminary necessary steps had been taken to secure this that the prospects of our having such a manufacturing enterprise here were as industry, and good as could be expected, before the buildings were actually begun, —— ——————— BELLEFONTE INDUSTRIES Rumors were again flylug thick and fast this week that the nail works had positively been purchased. Inquiry, however, of those in a position to know, elicited the fact that no deal has yet been consummated, though several parties are negotiating. At the plant of the Bellefonte Furnace fore the next of this paper the furnace may be put in blast. On Tuesday issue the company received from the Schenec- Locomotive works a new hfty-ton tur tie-back yard engine to do the shifting about the plant. Within the next few days the new steel 1d when 1 » . f i career of Metho- Was sale has not been f account of ation has been effected, with and The off efonte, al stock of § 00, work wi hin a month Stitzer, of Bel W. Alexander, Secretary e, Treas rer Shannon ceremony Oorgae ' wedd Married June Wednesday, It arence ne 25th, high noon, Daley, OL and la, Candy, of Johnsouburg, } marriage at the Methodist The H. Jel al : age lohnsouburg cere per Method ist weddi formed rv. J. minister The but the Mr their piace OE WAS A very quiet one, none interested parties be Mrs honeymoon ing present and Daley are the Daley's parents at Romola .o-—— now spending home of M1 at Snow Shoe Man Missing Michael! from his home at Snow Shoe Merrick has been missing last As he has been subject to severe since week attacks which either bewildered or his Wednesday a ren dered him unconscious, wife flears that he has perished. hundred men were scouring the mount. ains for Merrick's body, but at this writing found oo Mrs, Geo. Scott, of Alliadce, E. Scott, She was accompained by her son Arthur, no trace of the man has been | Ohio, | arnved in Bellefoute last Friday, being | called here by the illness of Mrs. Jas, | Barrett Writes Authenti cally on John THE WILY FILIPINO LEADER Semi-Barbarian, But a Man ished The t r ret . 1 . ihe peopie expected Aguinaldo § suc ‘| cesses 10 be imme wed ogh Aassuranc al! Dewey governm was saficient ¢ prova 1 One ' the : sprea Aguina mer revolu influences had Aguin month he n« fore agione the army of ar " be in better shape to ng f Aguinaldo at the time of n February with the ‘he army of Aguinaldo was He omparat vely s achievements seri tients of Kimenis of we . ‘ dressed es an am un. | saw many of these regiments wutin 3 talion and comps ] h a precis on that aston Certainly, as far as dress was concerned. the Comparison with the uniform of our soldiers was fa vorable to the | } They were 1 . " rt . * re cered largely, except in the higher tions, with young men who were am tious to win honors, and were not mere how fighters different towns took great pr army y every family had a father, Near son Wherever they went the Fi made upon the As Hs Or cousin in 1 they roused I he inhabitants enthusiasm for ipino Cause impression of the interior by such plays can be readily appreciated. Again aldo and his principal lieutenants also made frequent visits to the principal towns and were received with the same carnestness that we show in greeting a successful President. Along with the army there was a Red Cross association, at the head of which were Aguinaldo's mother and wife. There were quarter. commissariat departments which were well equipped, 1n view of the lack of experience of the men in chai ge, Mr. Barrett's account of the civil gov. ernment is equally laudatory. By the master and bled at Malolos “a Cougress of one hun. | dred men, who would compare in behav. | middie of October Aguinaldo had assem. | | ing of the 20th inst, for that purpose and Mr SeRs10NS the Japanese Barrett repeatedly the attended whose member has been be giver Senator ’ {f his cous " | Tu a deputy Ma others heard vy, but when a few : 3 Me 3 Haker 191 | ground nator { on the War Paper Mill For © 13 AMA i A New York syndicate has anou its intention of erecting a big paper in Williamsport. The bullding w sixteen acres of land. The plant will em ploy 300 men and will ran day and night | cost £500,000 10 equip the plant, A consummated It wi deal has been with the lo cal lumbermen whereby all the offal lum. ber turned out from the score of sawmills thereabouts will be sold to the paver mill people. This will amount to thousands of dollars annually - = . Teachers Selected Tae Milesburg School Board met Tues day evening, July 4th, to select teachers for the borough Prof. Gregg was re-elected as principal of the High school, and Miss Elizabeth J. Stroop was again selected for the Pri. mary school. The board failed to agree schools. James Expires At His Home In Hall Centre at (O'CLOCK TUESDAY MORNING t the Gephart n street, Sunday ast Nt ug the past years his bh Though in somewhat made me he was around town as usual Saturday and retired Saturday night apparently usual health, Sunday ed to arise at his usus me wk Mrs and it ar 0 Gephart sought to awaken him, was al once seen that something alarming was wrong F. Harris happened to to Mt but death had claimed his + be in the house, Hays bedside ctim, as M1 dead several that had peacefully slept from life to death. was summoned Hays had evidently been hours. LEvery indication was he Heart failure was the cause William Wallace Hays was born in Bellefonte, June 7th, 1521, and was aged 78 years, | month and 2 days at time of death. He was a son of Robert Hays one of the towns earliest settlers who upon a teacher for the Intermediate | came to Bellefonte in the year 1814. Al school and will meet again ou the even. | ter receiving his education he engaged settle upon the salaries to be paid. : for some years in the tanning business Continued on page ¢ AWAS What aboard a cat-boat The most one =» b ) SCH engagement rings No wonder our sold dat think was justice, the way their rations were meated out of them ] Uncle Sam may have no great stand ing army, but the one in the Philippines is standing a great deal Marriage may be a failure sometimes, a widow may be bat if you marry you ‘misstake. sure it is not a The girl who is considered “‘plamp’’ by ber sweetheart is generally referred to as fat’ after marriage The cigar dealer may not advertise much, but it takes a good many puffs to make his business prosperous. Men are somewhat like fish, As soon as they think they are able to get along on their own hook, they are likely to get caught on someone else's,