CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. THE PHILIPPINE FOLLY What It Cost to Chase Imperial ldeas MILLIONS BEING EXPENDED The American People are Paving Dearly Expansion Future McKinley's Immense Accumulating That Gener How the Figures Stand Must Face Fernando, to the south twenty mile casi a to the out not a continuous ine, § break through. The mulitary States, extreme.) 3 more so in Cav of lation Manila ¢, north ¢ been entere The Amer some of the Balaba GIANT STEEL ORDERS 2's Mammoth Contract to Carnegie For Steel Rails a price wted this year safe to say that at the m “tee Arnegie pany has an order ¥1 Surpass Aggregating ooo, which has never been the history of the steel trade and Taking an So-pound rail as the st ard, it means that the Carnegie company will supply about 1300 miles of railroad, although it is doubtful if such a heavy rail will be used for this traffic, and a 6o-pound rail is usually used in building new railroads, so that the mileage repre sented will be that much greater. Struck by a Train, | Charles Heimer was struck by an | engine on the Beech Creek road at Beech Creek, Saturday morning, while return. ing from taking his cow to pasture, Mr, Heimer heard a train coming and sup. posing that it was on the main track, stepped onto the other track, and was | struck by the locomotive. His injuries | consist of several ribs being loosened | from the backbone, the half of his left | foot cut off, right leg bruised and internal | injuries. | | active, AN APPEAL TO AMERICANS Ask Us Islanders Frenchmen to Alone The almost newspaper arti daily friendly to the Philiy tendency to arra T he by Edward At : anti-expansion THI CANTEEN © In ya Fal Christ Parker, of Phoenixs who was one of the workmen who came here to assist in the erection of the large iron bridge had a serious fall last Saturday. He was on the top of one of the piers drawing a burr with a wrench. The thread slipped causing him to loose his balance and be plunged down into the creek. His face had a severe gash, his right arm broken and the other sprained. He is a man of about 75 years and very He is getting along nicely from his injuries. -—— - Altoona Glass Works, The establishment of a glass works in. dustry in Altoona is now assured, the board of trade baving received subscrip- tions for over $25,000 worth of stock, the Amount necessary to guarantee for suc. cessful venture. Work on the new plant is expected to begin in a few weeks. enire BELLEFONTE. PA SOME TIMELY ADVICE Why You Should Patronize Home Institutions TAKE CARE OF BELLEFONTE. Wanamaker adeiphia and | other cons our peo; 1 oved perated for by out Why shou when articles be Mew bh J. O8 Pittsburg These suggest the town and « Lellef frie ns are vervhody merchant wile. her The the above, which is so direct and appro. priate that further comment in that line is useless. But one fact presents itself to that deserves at. Democrat can heartily endorse us in this connection, tention, The editor of this paper has often | heatd yarious merchants of Bellefonte complain of the immense amount of mer. | chandise, purchased by local consumers, outside of town. True it is, they have cause to complain. many of our merchants are guilty of a similar practice—send out of town for those goods which they do not handle, in | preference to buying from a neighboring | merchant, We have set down and pa. THURSDAY, JUNE 29 At the same time | 1804). tiently listened to relate their tale of home patronage and u woe about lack and such a party up the back, same merchants such as ments than we were at the beginn giunigg aand defend » war. We ox oy Mar AD iTea when he settled £4 YEATS ago Loong Tohn 114) and the farmer, who is now still thinks i is the best tuber the t there were but three varieties kn me he began to raise these potate wn ER Wreck Near While No. east on the Bald Eagle Valley railroad Tuesday morning, eight loaded coal cars were piled up and strewn over the track about two miles west of The tracks were blocked from 10:30 until late | in the afternoon, Passengers on trains were transfered, julian 58 freight train was coming Julian. - -— - Thomas C. Barber Dead Thomas C. Barber, a prominent Demo | cratic politician, died at Tuesday after a lingeriog {llness. Mr, Barber was for several terms chairman | of the Union county committee, served | as county commissioner and was a dele. | gate to the Chicago convention in 18¢6, merchants plaintivels of Miflinburg | idemocy HYDROPHOBIA AMONG CATTLE Jitten and the Disease \ Number Dey eloped \ CHILD'S NARROW ESCAPE treasurer expects to by September when the payment of the appropriation wi Philadelphia, Pittsburg and other large districts will receive their share in in staliments, while the 1 get theirs in ful smaller districts wi — .—— Nicholes Buys Cannes Czar Nicholas, of Russia, has ordered $6. 000.000 of 6 and 12-poupder, quick. firing cannon of the American Ordnance company of Bridgeport, Conn; also 1,600 cassons and limbers Stone Quarries at Salona, The stone quarries at Salona started Monday on a big order for crushing stone for railroad ballasting. Fifty men will be employed and the work will continue for four months. VOL. 21 FACT, FUN AND FANCY ng Parsgraphs un has corners the out the | the wrong side is the man who hasn't §4 > Lourting at Howard A young man not many miles from this place is raising a mustache and he did not like the color of it. The other night be blackened it with stove polish und then courted his best girl, The next morning her face looked like the map of Centre county with rallroads running from ber mouth to her ears.-—~Howard Hustler, Will Never be a Success. A boy who is a success at rolling and smoking cigarettes will never be a suc. cess at anything else, and the day is not very far distant when the cigarette fiend | will be debarred from every office and | counting room in the land.