uemIyoye AA MA cr ———————————————— CHAS. R. KURTZ, Ed. and Prop. BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1800. VOL MEMORIAL DAY ones ti smigane ves spon ove wi he | DEMOCRATIC {png Fromss Rie Xion. | DROWNED IN st CEREMONIES [Suhre of tne cout of te war or PRIMARIES | ins 5 ii 5 Wig, SPRING CREEK |" preservation of ] ni [ he vit! J 3 Adami Glowing Tribute Paid to the Na- |Spain, he said : Li peti ay And County Convention to be Held $44, oi siyllinger, Har tzel. | Untimely Death of Samuel Rice on wis ippall n : J K. tion's Departed Heroes. { Napoleon did not eo ough to pay all June toth and 13th : ay ; Tuesday Evening the Interest fn ul inl | } } 1 wit ADDRESS OF GOV. HASTINGS |eutal the total expenditure of asingle year | ELECTION OFFICERS CHOSEN ix Wn. Farner, 8. K BODY WAS FOUND FLOATING The Exercises in Bellefonte were Largely At | o1, i a , n donhi am ) By County tended-—Special Services at the Grave of | t ) ne { i 0 ot Consist of the late Members of Co. B-—Imposing Street | 50 I nut re ) niot | Assistants Off Parade—At Gov. Curtin’s Tom! Memorial Day in Bellefonte ob- " had tewand — The Democratic voters of Centre in -— served with appropriate ies une ving le he pri . a . ill mee t the ! ! { f {ERTON SUCCEEDING der the direction of Gregg t 1 hen forenoon members of the Post and Com. founy y : LAKIDE, and was e« pany B visited nearby cemeteries. At | ot lwavs money Centre Hall the grave of John Thomas, | for the m member of Company B, who died at surviving Lexington, was decorated and an appro- priate address was made by Clarence Daley. Next they proceeded to Pleasant Gap where similar exercises were held at the resting places of Sergeant Charles Garis, of same company, wbo died hickamauga, and Jan A. Stine, addresses grave ral f 14+) mie and At the comete stands veds, all her climes ed into the happiness. W der, and | ith the eagle at his » » shadow 1 nal childhood rned forward ion of the highes the loftiest of the Revo he American so r is mods ther known mil ry standard ; | oor nd » wmder shad . : ot " A : Ll SautMoms force ! . ’ and ’ or nation to Baker's run on a tr ishing exped ’" tement ton or ah Jf HE ait \ ! ' tion machin i] ! no My £1, y . Ww ¢ ire under not | gain ! ’ ' he represent and phraC fh or gpl | Ea dd ! : I ae ! : { been FORCE» fives he " fan attiele he stroggles fora uo y } SL ieres I hos } aired ia ‘ lever. he pried the nr { and An by patriotisn : " \ y y n } : Bittner from under | he 1 It is thot nor hireling tr home and ) : " he is an integ: {ft} : 1 ¥ Arragut in the A ) : : ton, Mr. Bittner und of his rit he has a voles in . sot 1s ' he aw the horse and the estimated to wel gh ] than half it master broken and he helps to make his country’s " ! lefent Into Ory ' : : ’ town red swneht of those « officiain 1 to mon ’ . al ) 1 Lhe i 8 policy ! ! who Withesses } ng W \ gly are connected ibe last war demonstrated t) when Gi irned . ) ; i te After Gold 4 ’ i of money army cannot he gathered from the walk : . : Perry County Democrat N y Cg of peace, placed in the field and expected b He's a paperhange a to wecomplish the work of trained soldiers |} win to-day th moners « } . { y } : ' without the additional quality of experi. | perpetaate he meme our fallen con KAnard M ple place, in Perry Valley, Greenwood gers are still at work on the A Novel Tryp ence. They may have all the elements of | des. To-day nion and Confederate " Iacob A, Deitriek Jaco *. township. They operate at night and Laraegie Gives Altoona An Organ 1.8. Latshaw, a school teacher at How. the successful soldier, but that training is | Veterans with their loved ones unite to Ch. Thomas M, Huey ’ ) od F l indispensable has been proved on every | spread leaves of healing upon the future Assis, Wesley Biddle, Renner Meek are in search of a copper kettle full of Andrew Cargegie has given a pipe or. | ard, started Friday on a novel tour of the battlefield Let no one hallowed voice be raised in cold tt J : L y es y K money and valuables plat ed somewhere Ran to the First Presbyterian church of South for the benefit of his health. He is a 1 hes Is A man, John rumrine 1 : oy 3 i “We must not forget that America is | disparaging comparison of valor or of love wtter 8 PCH. 0. 1. Goodhart by an old Baker ancestor, This man of Altoona It will be one of the finest or. | traveling by himself in a complete house constantly absorbing an active and ambi Fhese Veterans of the old war, thes pan'ts, John I, Fortney, Jos, M, Carson | reputed wealth lived in a house a story gans in the State and will be built in a | Wagon It is a home on wheels including ‘ you sid ie ni 5 vO t N : {ious popelation, fig _— La J fot Wh adh iT te David Katona Moore and a half high, The kettle sought is | new church that has just been erected, {a kitchen, dining room, sitting room centres of population, and is finally lost in | grave which marks the sacrifice of a grand wh N P=Ch., WE Frank sald to have been covered with a flat | Mr. Carnegie in his boyhood was em. and bed room. He expects to spend the great current sweeping to the far West —————— — yh 1, J : nt James Dumbleton stone and buried for safe keeping some. | ployed in Altoona as a messenger by the | several mouths traveling in this way and The experiences of the last war have Continued on page 4 : eo Shion Kenedy Patrick Hefteron. | where near his dwelling house Pennsylvania railroad, | believes that it will help him greatly.