va CHAS. R. KURTZ Ed. RAILROADS IN A CONTROVERSY The Pa. RR. Objects to the C.RR of Pa. Crossing. EXCITEMENT LAST SATURDAY Caused Work Train Filling up a Pier Excavation with Ballast and Heavy Cast There May be Trouble Ahead News by a ing Furnace Work is being pushed right along on the extension of the Central R. R. of Pa., of about a mile, to reach the Bellefonte Furnace at this place. On the east side of Spring Creek the embankment for the road is rapidly being filled in with the assistance of a work train. Excavations for the piers in the stream are being made and a force of stone masons are placing the foundations quite rapidly as the material for the same can easily be btained at Patton, Pa. stone quarries. | On the other side of the stream about a half mile of the road bed has been exca- vated and filled iv, and the grading will be light u the furnace property is must cut into a reached. limestone ledze and also make consider able of a fill, his will not take a great deal of time, cousidering the force men now at wo On Wednesd: the y ident the Central a 100K the ground is promoting and managing these opera- tious. [ast week n oper: have already been sh he Valentine Furnace On Wednesday Mr. pany with a { same antl w Penna. track an between the water tank an They and the lc £4) 44 ec same Company. cations of their pl wonie t b ’ yn the excavation and, this being dump their ballas the men who kept fast as it came in The train then backed to the rear of the round house where a heavy casting 1 | from a railroad turntable, was loaded weighing several thousand pounds, T they brought out and dumped down into the hole and laughingly asked the Cen. tral people to shovel that out, The Central then the work has been done at that point people from peration, and since In the meantime a work train with several cars loaded with cinder, and a derrick with of Pa. roundhouse, evidently block have been located at to crew nen ready any work on this pier Monday afternoon a train brought Division Superintendent J, F Wallis, of Altoona, 8S. S. Blair, of Tyrone, to Bellefonte, and they were in consultation with Sapt. J. W. Gephart and John Walsh, of the Central road. The Central people claim that the Pa railroad of only the amount of land covered by their roadbed, and there other title, Numerous opinions are given special and has possession is no record on file of any by parties who pretend to know, that the Pa. right of way covers 16 feet, and some say as much as 66 feet What the actual situation is in regard to title, does not pretend to know, but same will soon be settled, The action of aroused much sentiment in our commun ity among business men, who feel that the Pa. railroad has always shown a hostile disposition towards the industrial development of our town, and that in this instance their course is by no means commendable. Wm. Wilkins, of Gladstone, Mich, was on Wednesday appointed superin. in this controversy, the writer the Pa. railroad has and Prop. | tendent of the Bellefonte Furnace. He is an expert in his line and for some vears was connected with the Carnegie iron works at Pittsburg. .— ANOTHER SUICIDE Nathaniel! Schrack, who lived farm, two miles soutl 1 aC on a {1 ol loganton, com mitted suicide on Sunday. Not coming to breakfast, when it Schrack made a search lead, er hu r husband « liberately choked himself to deat which was around his neck was thrown over the rafters, and the distance between the rafters, and floor being too short to permit of the man’s body hang- ing its full length, be hada thrown himse in a half kneeling posture. His body was cut down and taken into the house. No cause can be assigned for About Mr, Schrack was subject to melancholy spells the act. three years ago caused by dyspepsia, with which disease he has since, but been afflicted more of less ever latterly he was in fair! health. His family relations were pleas. ant, and there wasa'tanvythi is known, that w man to take kis life. He was respected, for he was an honest He was about *d by his a or 1 reout wy * a good resident A 0 Mr. 13 n i 88 nD county, want to extend ATTOW gauge i three miles further and tl town held t v 1g data 0 Lhe present between entra We pr at rstand that the mary, being for a the x months Heretofore comsy carried any along the Nittany jan here. Railroad to Jacksonville A movement 1 foot iid a branch railroad from Howard to lack. sonville in order to reach the valuable that It would be about two and a half miles in length and no very difficult grades to overcome lime stone found in vicinity On Wednesday an ground for this purpose this parties in. of the Some time ago terested made inspection project was talked of and men of capital were interested in the move. A lime stone operation at that point no 1 yt 1 ¢ ~ nn! doubt would give employment and be a benefit to the laboringmen, - .——— Grange Hall Dedication The new Grange Hall, at Centre Hall, will be dedicated Saturday, June 24th Prominent speakers from the State Grange will be present and take part, A supper and festival in i be held in the evening The new structure is one of the largest and finest buildings in that town, located near the park What Next? It is reported that postmasters of the United States will be required by the de, partment to wear 2 uniform hereafter, consisting of light blue trousers with red braid running down the legs, a white | blouse with gold shoulder straps and a | skull cap with a silver star in front BELLEFONTE, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 25, 18. ‘CHEAP BOOZE [S HEALTHY High Priced Rum is Filled Dangerous Germs with A REMARKABLE DISCOVERY A Cheap Bowery Booze Pronounced th Dange Costly Whisky tous by Government Exper Kills the Quicl Bums reach a Ripe 01d Ag been has leisure, or tr the Mulbe live to a green old age « drunks in vivacity to the las the other hand, 1) many of the young men wh pensive whiskey in taurants perish in t | y good aetermine fashionable ROUTER Down High to Bush House, untermarch to Spring, Spring to Lun, Linn to Allegheny, legheny to How ard, Howard to At juare end cemetery SERVICE will form »s Cemetery Comrades losing graves desig nated, with colors in the centre. Open ing ceremonies by Commander le Prayer by Chaplain, Dirge by band Decoration of four graves in honor of all Dece graves deceased soldiers and sailors. Ode oration of all soldiers’ and sailors Bug'e call, assembly Dirge by band Address by Gov, Hastings. Column will return by Howard to Allegheny street ; Allegheny to square in front of court house and dismiss SAM Jonx Nowy, SHEFFER, diutant Commander Co. B hold honor of their departed comrades in the will special services, in Union cemetery, immediately after regular Fortney, the David F. deliver the oration and the Coleville band will be present on this occasion SETVICES Aare over, Faq , will In the morning members of the company will go to Pleasant Gap and Centre Hall to decorate the graves of their comrades at those places .-—— The household furniture of Mrs Margaret Lyon will be sold at public | sale, at ber late residence on Hast Curtin Sires on Saturday, May 27th, at 2 | o'clock p.m. This furniture is in very good condition, A FISHERMAN GETS LOST. Harry Harper Wanders the Seven Mountains All Tuesday Night Last Harry, son of Hall, had an soon forget, Tuesday night, 16th simon Harper, of Centre experience whi 1e will not ompany Straub he put some nshing Wednesday, June 2 tion day, when Hon of New ig the Senior well reception Wi Harry has selected iam Thompson, of Bower, been valedi the ctori graduates and the other class orators Dan B Colle Ke . will be isworth Carpenter, State Marion Carpenter, Wells McCallum, George Jacob Yundt, Reisport, tor Milton Weaver €R*, alternm?> Francis Fairview Newton Koauvo with State Co Those who will contest for the Tunlor prize are Albert Ty: David Horace Plank, Morgantown Wilson Oakwood, rone George David En lewis George Carl Shaad, Ralston Kline Warm, Hughesville ; gene Wantzel, Bellwood, Emanuel Young, Columbia, Corbett Brady, Brookville, beth Bausman Bricker, Lititz, lin Thurston Cole, Upsonville, and with Burke Miss Eliza and Frank. as alter nates .— Going to Manila Lieutenant W. B. McCaskey, who with his bride, who was Miss Edoa McClel land, left Beech Creek a few weeks ago for Columbus, O., on waiting orders, has been assigned to the Twenty first United States Infantry, in which his brother, | Bdward McCaskey, is a captain, The | regiment arrived at Manila on Thursday | and Lieut, McCaskey will soon leave to join his command, YOUTH CAN BE RESTORED A Remarkable Discovery Comes from Chicago, NEW FOR BILLY GOATS USE All that nsure neroMua nsure perpetua be the ownership of a healt t when a share is taken from him It thought .o-——— FEARLESS ANNA ng LONG Wildcats Pa Her Trusty Winchester Shoots Three and a a the north fork of Marsh Creek lives Mrs and Anna Long, who supports herself her demented husband on a little and She farm of 20 acres, which she cleared now cultivates with her own hands is a robust, fearless woman. During the past winter she shot three wildcats which she caught molesting her chickens, and along toward spring was awakened one 1 1088, which were making a She night by her « terrible racket, investigated and found them fighting a large panther, which she with her trusty Winchester cats and that of the panther are now used dispatched The skins of the three wild as a bed for her children A Busy Place The big silk mill at Lock Haven will of OOmSs Are start a number looms this week. Fwenty two pow In position and will be put in operation. It will be the but a short time pow until silk mill will be a hive of industry several hundred hands will be at work A Live Town, Building has been begun at Middle. burg for a shoe factory which will em. They have also raised | | Costs only $1.00 a year in advance. ploy 100 hands, $25,000 for a gun factory. YOL. 21, NO. 21. FACT, FUN AND FANCY 4 ht Paragrap! Original an exchange If a girl is born January, she w a prudent housewife, given to melanc but good tempered If in February, a humane and affe tender mother March, a ch somewhat given to quarreling tionate wife and if in frivolous tterbox If} 1, inconsistent, not intelligent, ly 10 be good looking If in May, handsome and i KC.y 10 De happy If in Jane | 3 213 50 13051 10 DET t MATTY CArY at be ivolous it If in July, passably handsome but with a sulky temper if in August, and practica likely to marry rich y discreet, affable and in October, pretty 1 likely to be unbappy and coguettish in November, liberal, kind, of a mild disposition, If well proportioned fond of novelty and extravagant. in December, Grange Meeting. Centre Co. Pomono Grange will meet in the hall of Victor Grange, at Oak Hall, | Friday, May 26th, at 10 a. m. Gro. DALE, Master Don't fail to read the Centre Democrat.