8 THE CENTRE DEMOCRAT, BELLEFONTE, PA.. MAY 18, 1899 The Racket. No. 7 9 and 11 Crider's Exchange, Bellefonte Pa LAST SATURDAY EVENING An intelligent citizen of Belle- fonte called me aside and asked me “Why I didn’t publish a price list and spread it broad- cast over Centre county.” He insisted that if the people actu- ally knew how much lower my prices were than any other store in Bellefonte that I would be forced to double the number of my clerks to wait on the crowds that would come “The Racket”. 1 knew idea is a good one and until I| get out that price li ask U to Kom and Urself. to| his | Sober. Hud, Wright, of Axemann, was the guest of Johu Eberts, Miss Amanda Smith was the guest of her grandparents on Sunday. George Rishel transacted business Bellefonte one day last week, L. P. Smith and J. Wolfe have a contract to peal a lot of bark for A. P. Zerby. Mrs. A.C. Sheesley and Miss Katie Crater, of Penn Hall, were the guests of Mrs. Malinda Smith on Tuesday. P. S. Confer is still taking out tele phone poles for the new telephone com. pany that is running a line through here. A. P. Zerby had of ark, which had y Maryls in some in an order for two ton to be baled and ship- and, where the acid will be way ata chur |! va | A cension), ree ermen, C Shes would they wou would g G. R. SPIGELMYER. |"; CORRESPONDENTS DEPARTMENT CONTINUED Pine FROM PAGE Grove Mills hur sant Crag Fernon Hig into the house White, and Milt house vacated by MARRIE! Thursday evening, of last week, Mr. ( harles Garbri k of near Nigh Bank and Miss Jessie Beck of this town, were happily married by Rev. King, of Milesburg. May happiness and prosperity go with them through the wish of ‘the writer Blanchard. HOON moved ated lsworth Lucas moved in the B. L.. Hunter, fe Geo. Pag ut on his house The measles and chickenp around, but no serious cases The different churches preparations for Children’s I. A. Quigley and A gone to try their luck mountain trout are going are Day White angling making for The lecture by Voluey B. Cushing, at this place, was very interesting, being both logical and witty We wish to ex press out thanks to the trustees of the Christian church, the pastor, the choir, organist and all others who helped make this lecture a success, Pain Unnecessary in Childberth Pain is no longer necessary in childberth Its causes, being understood, are easily over come, the labor being made short, free from danger, morning sickness, swelled | Himba, and like evils readily controlled, and all female diseases » ily cured. Cut this out; it may save your life, suffer not a an longer, but send us 2 cent AAD, and receive In sealed envel full particulars, testimonials, conf dential letter, &e, & Co, Baltimore, Md, said tha | shape think » can get an work, but » scribe hunt work if do. 5 he ything a well known fa ¢, has among hs with the m he rai four Mr. Rishel his fl it SBecp act debe beat his record. Th is a fact, and if us hear from (reo, Kishel, XK have : easy and | Address Fras 1 OHA | when Amanda Barnhart gave special work, 1a paper on "Where we got our name and badge Calvin Bath urst talked on "What has the League done for me Bessie Johnston read a paper on our “Kennedy chapter when and why organized Both Leagues took part in the discussion of the topic ‘Com ing to a Kingdom,'' after which most all members LL pi to volunteer roll call, consisting of scripture passages and rl Gates rea { hymns National Peace Jubilee the National | Washington, 1 sth, the has m all On ’ account of cace Jubilee, to be held at May 23rd, vania Rail LA Pennsyl 24th and road company arranged to sell excursion tickets fr stations to Washington at rate of the round ty ip. 220d and 211d, singic fare for d May good to return within ten of when properly validated by the agent at Washington Tickets will be s days from date sale hoights Templar at Altoona Ou account of the parade of the Knights Templar, State Grand Commandery, at , the Pennsyl | vania Railroad ( ompany will sell ! " . | Altoona, Tuesday, May 23 excur. sion tickets from points on its line in the State of Pennsylvania, to Altoona, at rate fare for of single the round trip mum rate, twenty-five cents), (mini. Tickets will be sold on May 22 and 23, [ good to return until May 24, inclusive, MOOD'S PILLS cure Liver lls, Bil- lousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 208c, A WEEK'S NEWE Thursdny 5 CONDENSED. « Mav 11, irle, first assistant general under President died in Washington last night United Hon. George Ei postmaster Grant, The commissioners from the Btates, in Samoa, drawn William N of the Dover tenced to $6,500 fine Towa or ace Boggs, (Del) IX years defaulting teller bank, was sen- imprisonment and supreme decides ount board of trade cannot be at law in that state blac 8,000 inhabl court moneys for deal involved col- and Albany to attend the An a hot abou federa ' Evan Near Harve) Robe Howard 1rd saturday, May a em eleventh lodgings 1 London 3 O DAY A week's rent Charles Steinle died In Toledo, O | re an initiation into Men's association de Framp Que Arthur lee home the allege the Cathe ton ore has South after ohn A. Gi impr vd A first ford ronment He was trial Worn 1% for Bait Most all Iw fishermea waste time a going worms for bait, day or angling in dig. A better way is to 80 fore out for Ring RO out after dark wit strong ray-throwing ha ther bicycle or lantern on a lawn or into a grass field, when by Jjarowtag the light closely down into the grass you will find lots of worms on top of the ground, and instead of having to dig for them, all that you will have to do is to pick them up and stow them away in your can. Fish worms come out of the ground at night, ~"'Prosperity cannot thrive on Credit Cash is King.” Try our new Cash System, Montgomery & Co, Great Britain and Germany are | and marines have been with- | that a | Ward Hq were | during “Mrs. | about | think it before the She { | HORSE OF THE UNDERTAKER. Cilrcumstancors in Which It on the Drisksess of the Living The horse of the undertaker, drawing the biack and sober wagon, is common- ly driven, not at a walk, but a trot, though a trot that is never fast, There times, however, when the horse an added touch of in keeping for instance, Are seems to take on briskness and ani with its surroundings, when it is seen, as sometimes it may be, withits black v mation, an, yagon, inthe bu y, qui g throng of vehicles that fl movir gtreets in the way and ’ p theater York ! 11 os THE MACHE TE S DE ADLY CUT. Lieut. Ilyng, from Havana, Tells How a Spaniard’'s Body Was Severed, DAFFODIL LAND. A New York the Artist's Deacription of of Islands ft harms the Sielly Takes | COMING TO BELLEFONTE Monday, May 29, '99 ST LENDID CHARACTER, | MAGNIFICENT p. IN ( EQUIPMENT OF $1000000 00 NELoon FAMIL 3 RING CIRCUS MILLIONAIRE rtagk RIE-MUSEUN Aang 5 GRAND SPECTACULAR BALLET. SEGAL 11 PRESENTATION THE the Rous VF £0 ¥ wf id Ne THE 7 STIRKS--Bicycle and Skating Experts, THE 10 DELLAMEADS--Statua Norada : French--Mysterious : Globe. Mile 10--Principal Male THE Leon THE SISTERS Our Street Parade .. { +74 “(rs - - ” oO NEVE R 2 DIVIDE S, Ex 1 pry Ine vel and Female als nd Singing Mules. VOR FEX--Triple ry Artists. Equestrians--10 Bar Extraordinary. Revol I) { ino tr AamMoing 1 fF bumarn } f travel N ) gamb NEVER DISAPPOINTS. THE GLOBE. DRY GOODS, MIL LINERY AND CARPETS. OUTSIDE INFLUENCE... i ut VAL UE S OF THE Ww EEK AS "FOLLOWS: ‘Dress Goods W ] ; : Wash Goods } as though it the blest.” Not Strdetly Poetlie speaking of Julla ywe's keen sense of the ridicu- Mra. Sherwood, lous, relates that once upon a time a at Newport, trying to get a fine of her, said, lady sentiment out lit e one moon- veranda: ig lovely Whe reupon every. That deli- “i ening on a vine-hung ) BAY my piazza listened for the reply. cultivated is al Howe, d somethir one cately voice responded: ully plas.” A NDinceking Nex nas a Ooflin, A poor middle-aged couple appeared yrediteh board of guard fans the other day, says a London ex- change, to show cause why they should not defray the burial expenses of their child, The woman sald the child was buried in a blacking box. Ehe had re ceived a letter from the vicar about it, and had had to get “a white coffin with white nails for the child.” One Spot Avolded hy Sparrows, In the fourth edition of Yarrell's “British Birds” Prof. Newton, F. R. 8,, gives in a footnote the curious fact that in the village of Ehepstor, a moorland village of Devon, England, the sparrow is never seen. This is the sole excep tion known to the professor to the row's universal distribution in land, lete in eve det hite and ored- ly good value i i4-in wide, per yard. Wash hiffon the new washes perfectly, 48.1 White Piq 10 Figured | Toth 1 wide fast COIOrS 12 and WEeAr, per yard 1 y new Arrivais in Mattings | this department the past week. Lower prices tells the story of onr a Hing #0 INANY of these goods : China vard ; i. 4 Is Japanese—cotton chain natural color. interwoven with a few color. ed straws, per yard. 15¢ Fine UWS China-—extra heavy welted straw, per ) yard Matting—good colors, per 8 ™ “tk n on Tu sday Hav ana | Gold. Red and We expect the price t very quick ¥ .s ..51.98 a pair Carpets We don’t claim to have the largest stock, but claim the lowest prices; Crs will do wi 1 TOWN, (rreen O move these we do buy to give “look over before pure hasi ng, 8 we an confident we can make time spent here interesting Millinery Sng attempting to describe the products of our workroom-—vyour love of the beautiful and your innate curi oeity should promp! you into giv. ing us a call whether or not yon are a prospective purchaser.— Re member all Hate Trimmed “FREE OF CHARGE.” New ldea Patterns 10¢ No good pattern as low priced. No low priced pattern as good. U8 A financially WwW ords are “nothingness, nere THE GLOBE. KATZ & CO, Ltd. BELLEFONTE, PA.